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WA North - 2025 February Tournament


Well-known member
Site Supporter
WA North - 2025 February Tournament

Dates/Times: Saturday, February 22, 2025. Games start at 12PM. Discussions and army talk start at 11AM. Please bring a snack to share. We will play four rounds (or five rounds if more than than 16 show up) for the tournament and then open play after. Dinner will be provided. A duplicate event will occur in the south of Washington state later in the spring in Battle Ground, WA.

Location: Nomad's abode in Everett/Mill Creek (about 25 minutes north of Seattle, 200 miles north of Portland). PM me for address if needed.

Format: Competitive tournament structure where players with similar records will be paired in each round. Each round will be one hour of game time. There will be 10 maps. Maximum of 20 people. There will be a number of newer players - please be patient and be helpful.

Prizes: Bring something to place on the prize table if you want to participate. Selection order of the prizes will be drawn randomly.

  1. Point limit: 450. We are using Delta points. Please go to heroscape.org to help build your army using Delta points: https://heroscape.org/events/tournament/?Tournament=489 . I will also have a number of pre-built armies on hand if you want to grab and play.
  2. Rule of 9 - no more than 9 figures of any single common squad are allowed.
  3. Starting Spaces: 24 Hexes. Airborne Elite and Rechets count toward the limit.
  4. Classic, C3V, SoV, and officially released AoA units are allowed. No NWHC, Marvel, or other customs are allowed.
If you want to reserve figures from my collection for your army, let me know. I have multiples of everything. I will also have pre-built armies for those who want to grab and play, see below.

Here is a link to previous Everett tournaments over the last 9 years: https://www.heroscapers.com/threads/everett-wa-tournaments.53616/
And a link to the last tournament in October: https://www.heroscapers.com/threads/everett-wa-wa-north-2024-nhsd-tournament.64380/

Pre-Built Armies
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1. Nomad
2. Huskies16
3. Joseph
4. Francis
5. crowchant
6. KingGlizzy
7. Em
8. Gable68
9. Sigmar1
10. GinjaNinga
11. DandySolace
12. Nolan
13. noxy
14. Paden
15. White Q Knight
16. Master of Disaster (?)
17. Christian
18. Zachary
19. Robert
20. Riley

Maps and Glyphs:
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Update - attendees is up to 14 players. Even though the cap is 16, I am going to allow 20 to sign-up. Past experience tells me a handful won't be able to come day of ... and I will have a couple of extra maps set up. Should be fun!
We are up to our cap of 20 players. Additional players will go on a waiting list. There are always a few that can't make it for one reason or another and some on the list are "hoping, should, maybe, etc."

I have posted in the OP the armies that I will have on hand ready to go. Let me know if you would like one reserved, or even if you just want some figures to supplement your army.
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Build directions for the maps have been linked in the Maps spoiler in the OP. Let me know if you have any questions. Also, for those who were tentative about attending, please confirm when you can.