• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Utah Monthlies 2019


Usurper of Shenanigans (but only 10 points under)
Site Supporter
Welcome to
Utah Monthlies: 2019


Thanks for joining us in our third year of Monthlies!​

Next Up:

Coming Soon to a Utah near you​

Location: Game Haven Sandy (9860 S. 700 E. Sandy, UT 84070)

PLEASE BE SURE TO RSVP so we can be sure to accommodate maps, prizes, pizza!!, etc. for all attendees.


Utah Monthly Stats
Utah Monthly Maps

2019 Monthlies Archive:
January - Standard 500
February - Teams 650
March - General Wars 555
April - Scraps 350
May - Capture the Flag 455
June - Multiplayer Free-For-All 340
July - Hordes 550
August - Half Heroes 600
September - Random Teams 300
October - NSHD - Reverse-the-Whip 410
November - Assassination 525
December - Jingle Bell Bash - Bring 2 350

2018 Monthlies Thread
2017 Monthlies Thread

Gotta Catch ‘Em All List:
Spoiler Alert!
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Location: Game Haven Sandy (9860 S. 700 E. Sandy, UT 84070)

When: January 26th, 11 AM (Please arrive 10 minutes early to register)

Cost: $5 (100% of entree fees go to prize support!!)

Format: Standard 500
We're kicking things off like we usually do: with a nice and easy 500 point, 24 figure format!
  • 500 Point Armies
  • 24 Figure Limit
  • C3V & SoV allowed, Official Marvel allowed
  • Power Glyphs: Unique Attack +1, Move +2, Initiative +8, D20 +1, Wound, Healer
  • Treasure Glyphs: Elixir of Speed, Belt of Giant Strength, Giant Hunter Stone, Ring of Protection, Scarab of Invulnerability, Brooch of Shielding
  • Four 50-minute Rounds

Raffle Prizes: If you have at least one unit from the Gotta Catch ‘em All List in your army, you'll be entered into a raffle for extra prizes!
Gotta Catch ‘em All List
Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!

PLEASE BE SURE TO RSVP so we can be sure to accommodate maps, prizes, etc. for all attendees.
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I’m there! Good ol back to the basics, I like it.

EDIT: on the played list I’ve played Sacred Band with Parmenio in last years assassination format.
EDIT: on the played list I’ve played Sacred Band with Parmenio in last years assassination format.

Hmmm, I know you did at GenCon, but for our Monthly you're listed with Death Chasers & Co. Inc. Was that just recorded incorrectly? I missed that month so I can't say either way.
if you have more than one of those figures featured, Will you have more than one entry in the special raffle??

Oh and I should be there for the January tourney!
Also, I am curious as to which tourney in the past The Varja was played? I didn’t see him on the list.
if you have more than one of those figures featured, Will you have more than one entry in the special raffle??
I thought about this one, and decided on no -- you can have maximum one entry in the raffle (though I'll be providing a lot of prizes for it!). That way those who want to play a figure that doesn't work with others on the list won't be upstaged by those who pick an army that works with several.
Oh and I should be there for the January tourney!
Also, I am curious as to which tourney in the past The Varja was played? I didn’t see him on the list.
The Varja has been played twice, once in March 2017 and then in January 2018. I believe both times were by @The Dewk , as the Varja is one of his favorite units.
I understand some of you crushed my niece last monthly. When news of this reached me, I jumped on the first available plane to Utah. I will be attending January's monthly and she will be avenged.
@Leaf_It and @TREX, you will be spared.
I understand some of you crushed my niece last monthly. When news of this reached me, I jumped on the first available plane to Utah. I will be attending January's monthly and she will be avenged.
@Leaf_It and @TREX, you will be spared.

My loss to her was worth the smile it put on her face. At that point I didn't care so much about winning anything. Reminded me of playing with my little girl and I just couldn't win. Its cool that you will be back in town to play some scape.
I understand some of you crushed my niece last monthly. When news of this reached me, I jumped on the first available plane to Utah. I will be attending January's monthly and she will be avenged.
@Leaf_It and @TREX, you will be spared.

Dewk! You're coming back! Did you convert the Marshall islands to Heroscape??
I understand some of you crushed my niece last monthly. When news of this reached me, I jumped on the first available plane to Utah. I will be attending January's monthly and she will be avenged.
@Leaf_It and @TREX, you will be spared.

Our resident champion returns!! It's going to be great to have you around! We've got a lot of new blood I've talked you up to so you've got a name to live up to!
I understand some of you crushed my niece last monthly. When news of this reached me, I jumped on the first available plane to Utah. I will be attending January's monthly and she will be avenged.
@Leaf_It and @TREX, you will be spared.

Dewk! You're coming back! Did you convert the Marshall islands to Heroscape??

He has already beaten them all so bad over there that they all refuse to play with him. This is why he returns to kick some butt, because he knows we can take losing horribly to him. I'm going to hide his airborne elite from him though.:)
I understand some of you crushed my niece last monthly. When news of this reached me, I jumped on the first available plane to Utah. I will be attending January's monthly and she will be avenged.
@Leaf_It and @TREX , you will be spared.
At first I was thinking I would go easy, but then I realized I didn't need to, because my dice were doing it for me.
It's looking like I won't be able to make this one. Hopefully I'll be able to make February though!
It's looking like I won't be able to make this one. Hopefully I'll be able to make February though!

We won't be able to make it this month either. Maybe next month ...


That's too bad, we'll miss you both. Hopefully you can make it to our team madness next month!


As a general announcement, I know that some of the people who check this thread don't always check the rest of the site, so I thought it would be worth announcing that C3V recently released a new group of heroes (Azazel, Boreos, Talingul, Arthur, and Kozil), and the SoV also had two heroes pass recently as well -- both of which are from our local Monthlies! (Bol by The Dewk and Tetraites by Sir Heroscape) If you haven't had the chance to, check them out! And you can bet that they'll be available as prizes this month! (Well, almost all of them. I can't find a Talingul to save my life; hopefully one will show up before the 26th!)
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