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Upcoming Renegade Releases


Not just a rat but a rat with a gun!
Site Supporter
This thread is for posting news about upcoming Renegade Heroscape releases. I will keep the OP updated.

Currently available
Age of Annihilation master set (premium painted edition) $225
Age of Annihilation master set (unpainted) $125
Battle for the Wellspring battle box (premium painted edition) $65
Battle for the Wellspring battle box (unpainted edition) $45
The Grove at Laur's Edge terrain expansion $50
Sgt. Drake Alexander Miniature Promo $20
(Wave 2)
Revna's Rebuke: Iron Lich Viscerot and Necrotech Wraithriders army expansion (premium painted edition) $65
Revna's Rebuke: Iron Lich Viscerot and Necrotech Wraithriders army expansion (unpainted) $45
Revna's Rebuke: Kyrie Warriors army expansion (premium painted edition) $65
Revna's Rebuke: Kyrie Warriors army expansion (unpainted) $45
Lands of Valhalla terrain expansion $70
Waters of Valhalla terrain expansion $30

February 2025 (Wave 3)
Rising Tide – Hellforge Mandukor Army Expansion (premium painted edition) $35
Rising Tide – Hellforge Mandukor Army Expansion (unpainted) $25
Rising Tide – Knight Primus Adelbern & Ordo Borealis Army Expansion (premium painted edition) $65
Rising Tide – Knight Primus Adelbern & Ordo Borealis Army Expansion (unpainted) $45
Rising Tide – Sonlen & Halulshia, Scion of the Wild Army Expansion (premium painted edition) $65
Rising Tide – Sonlen & Halulshia, Scion of the Wild Army Expansion (unpainted) $45
The Swamps of Valhalla Terrain Expansion $60
The Snow Fields of Valhalla Terrain Expansion $60
Age of Annihilation Paint Set $90

April 2025 (Wave 3, part 2)
Rising Tide – Queen Maladrix & Festering Honor Guard Army Expansion (premium painted edition) $65
Rising Tide – Queen Maladrix & Festering Honor Guard Army Expansion (unpainted) $45
Rising Tide – Oathbound Phalanx & Oathbound Legionnaires Army Expansion (premium painted edition) $65
Rising Tide – Oathbound Phalanx & Oathbound Legionnaires Army Expansion (unpainted) $45
Rising Tide – Wing Commander Tuck Harrigan & Vorid Glidestrikers Army Expansion (premium painted edition) $65
Rising Tide – Wing Commander Tuck Harrigan & Vorid Glidestrikers Army Expansion (unpainted) $45

Even more coming:
I needed to type up Sir HeroScape's account of the GenCon SuperSecret HeroScape 2025 release schedule to understand the enormity of what's coming at us next year....

Ruins at Laur's Edge wall terrain box

Thyraxis Dragoon, Derek Burrowbreaker promo figures

Wave 4: Boiling Tension (Summer 2025?)
Scavorith cyber-centipede box
Zed Nesbitt blimp box
Imperator Kayne AT-ST box

Common packs:
Molten Crustaceans (2) / Tanuki Tricksters (3?)
Acolytes of Revna (3) / "foxwolf" hero

Lavafields of Valhalla terrain box
30-Glyph pack (O.G. glyphs not in AoA, including Bolt of the Witherwood)

Q11 and (GenCon) Raelin 4.0 promo figures

Wave 5: Embers of War (Fall 2025?)
Heroes of Arboreas 5 Dryan Wizards unit box
Crimson Hero Widow / Dreadnauts pirates box

Common packs:
Gelrie Vanguard "Deep Ones" (3) / Krakenling hero
Greatbow Archers (3) / Hennawyrms (3?) "wyrmlings"

Roads of Valhalla terrain pack (no trees)
fold-up Valhalla map dice tray

Deflecticon (NHSD) promo figure

That's a total of 15 different unit boxes. Assuming +$20 each for painted versions, premium customers are paying $300 extra for pretty figures.
AND 5 different terrain expansions. My poor wallet...

Maybe G.I. Joe?
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All of the Rising Tide character bios and cards are now on Renegade's website; just select the "Story Arc: Rising Tide" tab:

Awesome thanks. I completely forgot to check. It does indeed seem like these critters are based on Redwall like suggested by Sir Heroscape in his 2025 preview video.

Also, given that the prices are consistent and common boxes aren't less, It seems like the entire total now to get 1 of each unique box, 2 of each common boxes, 1 of each promos, and my personal idea of what I think I may buy for terrain, it seems like the total is just below $1950 pre painted and terrain. (2 snows, 2 lava, 1 road, 1 swamp, and 1 wall terrain sets) (This also counts already released sets)
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Continuation of Minor Renegade Programs?

1. Promo Figures

Since I'm not on social media including Discord, I'm wondering if anyone knows what the next promo figure will be. I have Drake, Shiori, and someone is holding a Breech for me so far. I was hoping to get Major Q11, but since he's being offered free if you buy an April box and I don't plan to do that, I'm wondering--will he will be available as an event promo as well? It seemed like the SOTM Heroes were being offered that way, but due to this and Sonlen being offered in a regular February box--which I've preordered--they are making it somewhat difficult to get the SOTM band back together!

I recall at some point they said promos will only be available unpainted in the future. Is this the case?

2. Free Online Scenarios

Does Renegade plan to continue this program? I've played the first three. You can see my comments on them here:

The fourth should be out in a couple of weeks in early December.
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Sonlen's a February release, and thus ineligible for the bonus Q11.
Yes, thanks. I've known that and preordered Sonlen for Feb.; I just make a mistake typing it up (I changed it). That's why I'm asking about alternate ways to get Q11--since I'm not ordering any April boxes. With the post promos, it seems you have to wait three months to order it from Renegade (and I want it painted as well)!
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does anyone have any coupon codes that will work on these pre-orders?

I tried using Wecomeback10 again and Regade's site would not accept it and I tried the RGS10TH code but that was rejected for requiring the items to be in stock - can't be used for pre orders
WELCOMEBACK10 can only be used once, but you could try WELCOME10 if you haven't used it yet (it also can only be used once).
It looks like Renegade uses your email address to track your use of the WELCOMEBACK10 coupon (not sure about WELCOME10). I was being told WELCOMEBACK10 had expired when I used the email address I made my previous pre-orders with, but was able to use it when using one of my other email addresses.
A pal who is running local Store Events here in NYC tells me that future promos will be either all painted or all unpainted. Major Q11 (who I've just proxied for the first time with the new official card on my table) will therefore always come painted, however you get him. But the Thyraxis Dragoon will always be unpainted. Go figure!

Thanks for maintaining the OP Product List. I don't see the Shiori or Cornelius Breech promo figures on it after Drake (who is there); maybe I missed them. But I do have the painted figures myself now, so I know they are real.


Speaking of painting, I was moved to get the AOA Master Set at a store event, the only painted set they had, because I enjoyed playing with pal Thrasher Darkrai's newly and nicely painted originally unpainted set, which he'd brought to the event and shared for it. Later on I augmented my new painted figure of Raakchott just a bit by painting his ribcage as it is in the giant painting of him on the inside back of the rules book cover (also on his card). I've finally replaced an old paint bottle and just painted Admiral EJ-1M's four pistols silver. He looks much better now, and was just in his first game with this extra augment. (We call him "Admiral Jim," since he's named for our old pal who has now passed on). My middle name is James, too. ☠️ Aar, matey!
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Thanks for maintaining the OP Product List. I don't see the Shiori or Cornelius Breech promo figures on it after Drake (who is there); maybe I missed them.

I do not know when they will be available for purchase. If someone knows, please post here and I will add the dates to the OP.
I do not know when they will be available for purchase. If someone knows, please post here and I will add the dates to the OP.
There is no dates currently. It was just said that they would be released into 2025 and possibly at the same time. We don't have much to go on, but my guess is RenegadeCon in February. Which I don't think we currently have the date of. I originally thought, at the end of last RenegadeCon, they said it would be on February 21st, but I don't know where I heard it on the stream. So I cannot confirm that. Given we haven't seen that date anymore, it is very likely I just misheard because the sound was pretty bad.
Renegade posted on their Discord the below information, here transcribed as simple text for those of us old farts who don't regularly check the Discord but do like good ol' message boards. Thanks to @MegaSilver for compiling this for me:
Quotes are direct from renegade, everything else is my commentary.
The Launch Party kit with Shiori and the Heroscape Day kit with Cornelius Breech will be available until January 31, 2025.
If you're an FLGS owner/event organizer, you should strongly consider ordering one last kit of each of these to distribute at future events to entice new players down the road, as you'll never be able to beat the ~$35 cost ever again.
Look for Shiori and Cornelius Breech to go on sale at the February 2025 Renegade Con.
Probably $20/mini like Drake is currently listed.
The first 2025 prize kit, featuring an unpainted Thyraxis Dragoon, is available for preorder now and will be ready for events starting February 12.
I don't have Tournament Organizer privileges, but @boromir96 reports the same 9 figures/$35 rate of the prior two OP kits, understandable as the mini is larger, but unpainted. It is unclear what Renegade intends to do regarding a release on their storefront with this figure in the future, specifically whether a painted version will be available for purchase at a later date alongside the grey option.
Store Championship Events:
Exclusive prizes only found at these premier level events.
Store Championships will kick off in May 2025. More details to come during the February 2025 Renegade Con, including an iniitial calendar of stores you can compete at and a preview of prizes.
Store applications coming January 13 - check back soon for details.
Discord users confirm that the 'prizes' will not be figures. There was speculation on the Discord as to whether it may be things like dice or order markers.
Valkyrie Trial Events:
Exclusive prizes only found at these premier level events
Personally, I'm hoping for Raelin's Manticore as a plushy.
Valkyrie Trial events will kick off June 2025. More details to come during the February 2025 Renegade Con, including a full calendar of 2025 Valkyrie Trial events and a preview of prizes.
2025 World Championship
At Gen Con 2025, we'll host the first official World Championship for Heroscape.
Over 10 unique prizes for various tiers of placement, which will all be revealed during the February Renegade Con.
And that covers the latest news dump.
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While it isn't confirmed, it is implied that Thyraxis Dragoon will become buyable in the future. Whether unpainted and painted is unknown. During RenegadeCon it was said 'If you want to be one of the first to own it'. Which implies it will be buyable in the future, possibly in June at the next RenegadeCon after the February one.
While it isn't confirmed, it is implied that Thyraxis Dragoon will become buyable in the future. Whether unpainted and painted is unknown. During RenegadeCon it was said 'If you want to be one of the first to own it'. Which implies it will be buyable in the future, possibly in June at the next RenegadeCon after the February one.

I never thought he wouldn't be, as I'd think he would fall under the general pattern of prize figures becoming available to buy some months down the line. I think the main thing that was going to start changing with him was the painted options of the sale figure.
Well that was just posted today so I think it will take time for stores to apply and get figured out.

I can imagine that the Northern California group may get the Redwood City store to do it, and maybe another store like in Sacramento on a different day, but that will still take some organizing.
Well that was just posted today so I think it will take time for stores to apply and get figured out.

I can imagine that the Northern California group may get the Redwood City store to do it, and maybe another store like in Sacramento on a different day, but that will still take some organizing.
I was putting the question out there so people will talk to their gaming store and post their response here for others to find out.