• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Ulysses' Maps

Re: Ulysses' Maps (Six New Maps 2023!)

I've been loving seeing Sir Heroscape, Bigga, and others rework their old maps recently and needed to get in on the action. Here's a much more balanced version of Twisted Cistern. I've also added it to my online maps folder for Google Docs play.


Spoiler Alert!
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Re: Ulysses' Maps (Six New Maps 2023!)

I built Sniper at the Gates of Dawn recently for a family tournament and really enjoyed it!

Is the name a play off of "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" from The Wind in the Willows (the chapter where Mole and Rat basically meet God)?
Re: Ulysses' Maps (Six New Maps 2023!)

I built Sniper at the Gates of Dawn recently for a family tournament and really enjoyed it!

Is the name a play off of "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" from The Wind in the Willows (the chapter where Mole and Rat basically meet God)?

I'm so glad it treated you well! The name is indeed a play off Piper at the Gates of Dawn, but by way of Pink Floyd's first album, which is very likely a reference to the book chapter. I had no idea! There's actually the PF album cover art in the background of the map image, but it's nearly impossible to make out :) Thanks for giving it a play!
I've made a long overdue update to No Aloha. After its ARV inclusion I've received some great feedback, some of which I addressed with a quick update I named New Aloha as a place holder, always intending to make some more concrete decisions before applying final changes to the original. That was probably about 2 years ago and by now I've nearly lost count of the iterations I've generated in that span, including some fairly deep edits, like completely removing the center outcrops. After seeing so many games on the original version recently thanks to Sir Heroscape's awesome CCL events, I feel I'm ready to publish an update, which sticks pretty close to its roots, but opens up smoother pathing around the ruins and stretches the inter-start zone distance among a few other subtle improvements. All links and locations should show the updates including the Online Maps folder. Thanks to everyone who's shared their thoughts and helped shape this map over the years and thanks to @ryguy266 for giving the update its inaugural tournament showing here soon!

No Aloha
Requires: 2 MtCB, 1 BftU, and 1 TJ
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Hey! Not sure if this is just me, but it looks like all your map images are down. If you still have all the images I'd recommend you store them onto a discord server, does the trick for me at least.
Hey! Not sure if this is just me, but it looks like all your map images are down. If you still have all the images I'd recommend you store them onto a discord server, does the trick for me at least.

Thanks for the heads up!

I changed over the image hosting (which meant manually updating a bunch of links) and most images should be working now. It will take me a bit to get to some of the old maps and scenarios, but their build instructions should at least still be active.
Subduction updated ahead of Hexicon. Thanks for the feedback from those who played on the original version!
My Age of Annihilation Map Contest entries:

Requires: 1 AoA and 1 JaLE

Requires: 1 AoA and 2 JaLE

NOTE: I renamed 'Verdant Vigil' to simply 'Vigil' after being reminded about Dignan's lovely map 'Verdant,' seeing it in a tourney pool recently. I must stop subconsciously sniping map names! :oops:
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Made some much needed improvements to Sniper at the Gates of Dawn. It should be up to date in all the usual places.
Updates made to Vigil and Fen Hydro. It'll take me a bit to update the OHS boards.

Would you be able to add your AoA maps to the AoA tournament map thread as well?

I need to go and update Vigil over there.