Sir Heroscape
Sir Formerly Known As adoney
Re: Ulysses' Maps (Six New Maps 2023!)
Really liking the updates! Solid set of maps here.
Really liking the updates! Solid set of maps here.
I built Sniper at the Gates of Dawn recently for a family tournament and really enjoyed it!
Is the name a play off of "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" from The Wind in the Willows (the chapter where Mole and Rat basically meet God)?
My better entry (in my opinion) from the second Scapecon map contest. Enjoy!
Broken Top Pass
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 TT, and 1 FotA (ladders and battlements only)
Hey! Not sure if this is just me, but it looks like all your map images are down. If you still have all the images I'd recommend you store them onto a discord server, does the trick for me at least.
Updates made to Vigil and Fen Hydro. It'll take me a bit to update the OHS boards.
I like your updates to Fen Hydro. I will give it try.Updates made to Vigil and Fen Hydro. It'll take me a bit to update the OHS boards. (Edit: updates published)