Delta force 1 maps:
Dance of the Dryads: by
I think this is an excellent map for some well thought preset draft or some janky formats like RDL, but I think the map doesn't hold up to the balance modern maps provide unfortunately. The level 2 plateau on the left is super easy to pod on and super hard to attack into and the molten lava right outside the startzones can create big snowballs effect for ranged figures.
Vixen by
Great game on Vixen, all the map was used, very interesting micro-positionnning choices. Good hexmap.
OHS58 maps:
Tenebris Mount by
It was a great map for Treasure Quest, not much more to say sorry haha.
Nightblood by
Played on it in an HoB game, so not sure how my review is useful, but the shadow/lava interactions lead to very interesting tactical choice. I liked it.
Arboterum by
Decent map but the level 4 doubles still bother me. They are superb perches for dragos and act as a useful wall for range podding on level 3 behind it.
Dry Season by Killometer
I played it in a game where fog of war was on and the game lasted for like 2 and half rounds so no useful analysis on here.
RDL1 map
The Crypt: by
I feel this was an excellent excellent map for RDL, I really like the multiples ways, and multiples LoS blockers the map provided, the center is quite clunky to cross and often a trap as it's not super good spot, but the map is still very very good I think.
OST8 maps
Are you afraid of the Underdark? by
Honestly very original and quite balanced map, I loved it. It feels like the map really forces you to play both sides.
Dark Fulcrum by
The game didn't last long, but enough to show that fly or simili fly is very good on this map my earth elementals were able to easily catch Moltenclaw and assassinate him.
Underwood by
One of my most exciting games of the year on this map! Small and quite "to the point" map, but still quite interesting, the custom glyphs weren't used in our game as our only ranged were special attacks (Moltenclaw mirror).
Gencon maps
Ceremony by
@Shurrig (6 games, 4 in training, 2 at gencon 2-0)
Really loved this map, fast paced and very interesting for that few sets, always provided quality games.
My second favorite at Gencon!
Ritual by
@Vydar_XLIII (6 games 4-2)
Very cool map, different from what we are used to see, the center is very flat, it was very good for the BEARS. The glyph rock side provided interesting choices. Tactical choices were very interesting in the areas between startzone and plateau (pillars, jungle), but also in the startzones too when the BEARS rushed them down. My gencon games vs Muskie and Chris were both amazing games!!
My favorite at Gencon!
Embroiled by [MENTION]Ulysses
Only 1 game on it (win), felt like a very good map, I liked a lot of the features (level 2 dot in the startzone and the startzone shape in general), it lead to interesting choices. Need to play more to have a stronger opinion.
Verdant gencon edit by
Same only 1 game on it (loss), and I got rushed into my startzones by the BEARS using the Qullivon move glyph, all game took place in my startzone so can't really judge the map.
Invested by
@Flash_19 (4 games 3-1)
3 of those games were BEARS + Alastair mirrors, the sand glyph (non wellspring side) at a huge impact in two games (1 time Qullivon, 1 time dagmar) and basically scealed all those 2 games in my favor. 3rd mirror I didn't had the chance for the init switch but my opponnent had a terrible om 3 (understand that om was not on the BEARS) and I was able to take advantage of that to also sceal this game very fast.
So those 3 games were basically 2 rounds games, so not useful to analyse there.
4th game was a 2v2 game that lasted a bit longer, game was interesting. The glyphs felt very far, and hard to hold in this one.
Overall I feel this is a well balanced map but I didn't find it super interesting, the wellspring was also never used.
Common Ground by Gamebear (1 game, win)
Common ground with Qullivon glyph on the island was something!! I thought it played very fine in this BEARS format, balancing very well with other more modern maps, usually more melee friendy. I liked my game on it even tho I didn't play superwell and my luck saved me.
Wool by
@Dunedain (2 games, 1-1)
The only gencon map I wasn't happy with, it felt like melee HAS to go through the middle, the other paths are just too "zigzagy" and bumpy to get any decent work done with footed melee.
In the BEARS format it would have been fine, but I played it in the 2vs2 format where the melee pieces really struggled I think.
Also infamous krav triangle which I'm not a big fan of (also people complained framework and wool had the same Krav triangle) and glyphs felt quite far from the action and hard to get.
Scapecon (and delta force2) maps
Alta by
@Flash_19 (3 games 2-1)
Fine map, played it in 3 range vs melee machups (where obvisouly I was the ranged player hehe, 4th vs dividers, M43s vs Blackgaards, stingers vs AoA pirates) and I played it differently each time, so big sign of a great map there.
Turmoil by [MENTION]superfrog [/MENTION] (6 games 3-3)
Great map that stands the test of time, great games on Turmoil the only thing I didn't like was Raelin AoA getting to the level 3 double spot in one move, damn that's a strong spot for her. But that will teach me never to take a full melee army anymore lol.
Crumbling castle by
@Shurrig (4 games 3-1)
The range vs range machup felt great, this Q9 rat mirror game vs Earthling was one of the best of the con, which was far from a given when you look at the machup lol and I think the map was a big part of that. Great map as long as a dragon wasn't involved, those definitely had a very snowbally effect on the map.
Dredgewood Forest by
@Sir Heroscape (5 games 4-1)
My favorite map off the con, all 3 ways (left, middle, right) felt interesting to devellop. Center was super interesting and easy to navigate great startegic and tactical choices. When I looked at the map I thought those level 4 rock double hexers would draw way too much attention but actually not to the point it is problematic.
Really an outstanding map I really loved it.
Frostmire by
@Flash_19 (2 games 1-1)
One game was a 4th mirror so not super interesting lol, other game the whole map was used, interesting tactical choices, Frostmire really delivered. Tho I didn't see many difference with the version I played at scapecon East and at VCheese #4 lol.
Flaxxen Shard by
@Ulysses (5 games 3-2)
I loved this map so much I am considering changing my WoS vote, Valda and Wannok where excellent choice of glyphs for it, and I feel like in my testing maybe I put it too much in machups where it would play bad, but in none of my scapecon games or the games I watched the problem I noticed in woS judging came out so yeah I'm considering changing my vote.
Subduction by
@Ulysses (4 games 3-1)
The only scapecon map I wasn't super happy with, even tho it played fine in my games, the map feels too restrictive, too fin, almost no non-lava spots where you opponnent cannot get height on you, tons of LoS blockers, doesn't let you with a lot of choices. Also the map definitely pulled right, left was hard to devellop to because it forces you to go around the wall and through a 1-hex wide way. Also you don't feel rewarded enough when you manage to move accross this map, due to LoS blockers and lava.
Song of the Walrus by
@Typhon2222 (2-1 games)
This map often feels very one dimensionnal, pinnacle of that was when Johnny's and I Q9s both went on the double level 4 and shot at each other until one exploded lol.
I think the map plays super well when there is a good mix of some melee, some range and some flyers (my rtw game vs Ealr of sandwich), but if it's only melee vs melee it plays a bit meh, same goes for only range vs range or flyers vs flyers, or one dimensionnal range vs melee machups like 4th vs knights.
But yeah I think it's a fine map but not like top top level interest wise, I completely agree with my own WoS review there.
Ticalla Sunrise by Gamebear (5 games 4-1)
I won't deny that the map is quite rough for melee footers (completely fine for melee flyers) and sometimes it feels like the sand area takes all the attention (when there's a good wannok absorber for example). But despite its problems I feel the map is quite interesting strategy wise, forces you to make good choices early on and to have precise positionning, this map really rewards skillful players in my opinion, moreso than more modern and more fats paced maps.