Brief thoughts after playing 5 maps today at our monthly event:
Dralli: This map really choked up in my game. There's very little room to develop forwards out of the starting zones, and it led to an incredibly grindy game with little decision making. It really needs to be opened up some. The key issue seems to be how unsafe the level 3 is- if your opponent has the level 4, you basically can't go on level 3, and the game reduces down to just a couple engagements at a time. And there's not that much safe level 2 moving forwards either.
New Aloha: This version is definitely an improvement. I'm still not in love with the central rock outcrop (something I didn't love about Dralli either). Lateral movement is much improved, but it still feels really difficult to traverse towards the other side when playing melee into range, and the jungle just doesn't seem to help enough.
Thermal Shock: Not bad, but it could really use some smoothing out. The sides saw almost no play in my game or the games I saw. It's also a little snowball-y, as one-hill maps can get.
Vulcan Ridge: I was pleasantly surprised by this one. I really like the center, and I've already made some suggestions for improvement to Chris.
Water Treatment Facility: I'm still unsure on this one. It played well in my range v range game, and I know it played well in a melee v melee, but I'll need to try melee v range on it.
Also, some brief thoughts on the 5 Mad Wookiee maps I played last month:
Blindgate: Really cool concept, but PKs are very strong here. I think this map can really punish newer players in a not-so-great way. But I really enjoyed the experience.
Daedalus: I really like this map. I'm always scared by engaged SZs like this, but everyone seemed to really like it.
Grendel: It was hard to tell in my game, but the map might still be a little too snowball-y and bumpy. It's a large map, but it plays pretty well.
Kaltengeist: This map is the opposite of Grendel. Melee v melee would be brutal, but with lower figure counts, the map actually plays extremely well.
Mayberry: I had never tried this one, and I've heard some negative opinions of it. It was substantially better than I thought it would be, and I don't think it's nearly as boring as people make it out to be. Yes the hills are pretty strong, but there are some nice things going on near the sides as well. I wouldn't be upset to play this one again.