I wanted to start a thread to allow mapmakers a place to ask for and receive feedback on their tournament-style maps. Feel free to solicit feedback on your maps post-tournament use here, or give unsolicited feedback on maps you just played tournament games on.
Ideally, feedback will be given by those who have played tournament games on maps, but at-home games in tournament formats are equally relevant. Some theorymapping is allowed as well. Please do not solicit feedback on maps that you made but have not yet playtested.
This thread is not affiliated with WoS or BoV. Anyone is free to give feedback on maps, including but in no way limited to WoS judges. Feedback is welcome on any map, including WoS or BoV maps, but the goal is to give feedback on maps that creators are willing and especially looking to make improvements.
Ideally, feedback will be given by those who have played tournament games on maps, but at-home games in tournament formats are equally relevant. Some theorymapping is allowed as well. Please do not solicit feedback on maps that you made but have not yet playtested.
This thread is not affiliated with WoS or BoV. Anyone is free to give feedback on maps, including but in no way limited to WoS judges. Feedback is welcome on any map, including WoS or BoV maps, but the goal is to give feedback on maps that creators are willing and especially looking to make improvements.