• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

The New York City Gang Of Four

Well met!

Had a great time today playing The Magnificent Seven Sail! An old friend of chas, Evan, was the third player in the first game, fielding
160 Morgoloth
130 Motley Max
130 Skull Demon x 2
120 Laglor
110 M.A.R.S.
100 Agent Skahen

:duh: I forget exactly what chas played. His army was completely eliminated a Round or two before the end. I played

The Magnificent Seven
135 Mogrimm Forgehammer - Yul Brynner
135 Kaemon Awa - James Coburn
110 Bahadur - Charles Bronson
110 Viceron the Blood Knight - Robert Vaughn
100 Master of the Hunt - Steve McQueen
95 Heirloom - Brad Dexter
55 Prince Al'Kahora - Horst Buchholz

Evan had never played 'Scape before. He had quite a lot of luck with Laglor's Autoload Special Attack. Laglor ended up being his last figure. He was destroyed by Prince Al'Kahora (carrying Bahadur's Warrior's Melee Attack Spirit), the first time this pairing (in numerous games) has worked as planned.

chas' contributions to this scenario were huge, and he deserves the lion's share of credit for its success.
My Armies For The Final Two Games In the Series of The Magnificent Seven Sail

Game Three: (Three Player) Chas Army #4 "Moriko's Marauders"
Spartacus 210
Crixus 100
Priscus 100
Jarek Guy 90
Uzog 85
Moriko 70
Chen Tang 65
Total: 720

I think this was a pretty good army, but knowing that Ethan would have to leave after Game One, I held my even stronger army out for K.'s enjoyment! I spent the entire morning building and pulling these two armies, but I was glad I did. And once again I managed to not duplicate anything others were using. This was not easy to do, since there were already nine armies for this restrictive scenario, which disallowed any Commons (Squads or Heroes), Two Space figures, or Cards with any type of alternate movement powers!

K. picked out the army for Evan, who as a first time player with a time limit didn't need to bother, since all of the armies he was choosing from were built for this scenario by K. (the one used) or me. I was eliminated first, but it was toward the end and I'd had a good run with the Treasure.

Game Four: (Two Player) Chas Army #3 "Emiroon's Elves"
The Varja 160
Asterios 130
Sonlen 125
Morsbane 90
Shawin Wildborn 80
Major X17 75
Emirroon 50
Total: 710

We both made mistakes, but I held onto the Treasure for almost the entire game, and only lost one figure (Morsbane). Things did not go as I planned in general, but I made some cool moves, and won fairly easily. Asterios got the Treasure out of the Castle almost by himself and ran it to the bridge. He passed it to Sonlen, who got it across the bridge. He passed it to Sharwin Wildborn as the final ball carrier, who spent the earlier game sitting on a boat on the beach, which was vacant of any enemies.

On the bridge, the most figures met together, making the choice of using order markers the most complex and unexpected I'd ever seen, with a few other characters on the beach on or near the three boats involved as well. Motley Max had chain grabbed Major X17, and we determined that Max could move him, although the Major himself locked down adjacent enemy figures. However, this sort of backfired on K. , since then Max and another adjacent figure were then trapped themselves and could not move to affect the endgame!

So K. won the first three games (and the initial extra playtest session which he doesn't count, since we were changing the rules as we went) and I took the fourth and last. Whew! In playing an entire day long Playtest Session on two game days for the same scenario for a total of five games, we got more out of this scenario than any others I've played, except for solitaire play. I hate to take a carefully built Heroscape map down without using it in a worthwhile fashion; we usually build a big multiplayer map and use it for two games per game day!

Although he'd initially wanted to repeat playing the army he liked from Game 3, I asked him to play the only one of his four he hadn't played yet for variety for Game 4, and he graciously complied. Since he'd created the army, I thought he should try it out; Evan had almost won with it in the previous game.

So I nominate Kolakoski for the Magnificent Seven Sail Sportsmanship Award.

I also got to play all four of the armies I'd created; and on an earlier date Sherman Davies got to play his two armies. With Taeblewalker down with the flu and Thrasher Darkrai unavailable, that made 10 different armies that were used for this battlefield; which is probably a record for one of our group scenarios!
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🎆 1. Once again, next month we will offer two game dates instead of just one; these will be held on Sat. Feb. 8 and Wed. Feb. 12 here at Noon. We'll be playing Renegade Monthly Free Scenario #4, which you can find on the Renegade site: click on Heroscape/Play/Free Scenarios (or see link on previous page), with a maximum of four players per session including me.

:grouphug: 2. Our recent guest who got back into contact with us says he knows a number of other old pals who recently noted that they also want to come visit me again to play games here, possibly Heroscape or the many others we play. That was great news, as its been much harder to assemble game groups here since Covid--although I'm somehow usually still playing board games here at least once a week, and often more, but as many 2 Players as multiplayers these days. And of course we may also hear from any of the four newer Scape contacts we've made more recently.

📦📦 3. In February also I expect to take delivery on two new AOA boxes: Sonlen and Halushia and Knight Adjuctor Adelbern plus the Ordo Borealis. NYCG4 Member Thrasher Darkrai may be getting some of the others becoming available next month as well. Of course, we do have proxies and cards for all of the AOA characters which we've been playing here as they've come out, starting with the original failed Haslab offering two years ago.

🖥️ 4. Also in February the next Online Renegade Con going over their newest offerings and perhaps later product as well will be happening on youtube, starting on Feb. 21 at 10 AM.

📜 5. As well, in only a few days from now, Renegade Online Scenario #6 should be out. It will be interesting to see if it will be set for 2 Players as all but one have been so far or more. If for more than two, it may become another candidate for a group game later on. And I'll continue to play and cover all of these scenarios on my thread in General Discussion on "Playing the Renegade Free Online Scenarios." All have been played so far and are here in hard copy, available for replay.


🪅 Stay tuned for February fun!
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:coffee: All four player slots for Wed. Feb. 12 are now taken. We have 3 slots remaining for Sat. Feb. 8. RSVP--First Come, First Served!
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Lord Hierarch,

Welcome, Lurker! Our tentative game dates for next month are coming up soon: Sat. Feb. 8 and Wed. Feb. 12 at Noon. We can only take four players on each day, so sign up for one if you can--we'll be playing Online Scenario #4! Don't feel too bad; we have three other people who said they wanted to play 3 months ago and haven't shown up yet. That's why we may be going back to just one 'official' group game per month in March.

Ah, sort of tragic timing, to hope to join from twice a month to once! Ah well. Sometimes that's how the die rolls :p And my luck continues - Payroll date and a birthday XD. Well, life gives and takes.

Lord Hierarch,

Also, you can sign up for a 2 Player Game Date with me almost any date or time--I'm retired.
:coffee: It looks like our experiment to offer two games per month to attract more players has mostly failed. The first time it was just three of us on both days. Now no one has signed up for next Saturday, but Wednesday is full with us old members. (We occasionally limit the number of players due to a scenario, and in this case I'm hosting Renegade Online Free Scenario #4--the only one so far, including the new #6, that is for more than 2 Players).

So we'll go back to offering our one game per month, with new contacts welcome to join us on that date when there is room. Being retired, I can set up 2 Player dates almost anytime, and I have all of the online scenarios printed out here and ready to go; my favorites being #1 and #4 so far.

We do have one other player who has joined me for 2 Player games twice now, and is interested in group games as well, so that's good. Others are always welcome, as usual. Our fifth member joined us a while ago, he was a veteran site poster and plays and runs good games with us! And as a group we're usually able to swing between a Wednesday or a Saturday to accomodate guests who can't make one or the other.

I've started a new, more coherant welcome thread for our group in the Heroscape Community area of the site, so we may draw folks from that in the future. In the meantime, our gang provides a comfortable place to Scape, as it always has been for about 20 years now!
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Thanks to those who made alternate armies for the 3 Player game (noted herer as 'B.') Despite the snow, we're expecting four players. Taeblewalker will drive down from upstate and stay overnight to avoid driving home in a storm! This will be the first time I play this scenario with multiple live opponents, after two 2 Player games and a 3 Player solitaire! You can see my previous adventures with the battle and the other Renegade Online Scenarios here:

Kolakoski Army 1
Phantom Knights x2 140
Glinerva 90
Prince Al Kahora 80
Concan 80
Isamu 10
Total: 400 10 Sp

Kolakoski Army 1A
Knights of Weston x2 140
Sir Gilbert 105
Sir Denrick 100
Glinerva 90
Prince Al Kahora 80
Concan 80
Total: 595 13 Sp

Kolakoski Army 2
Bahadur 120
Quickblades 100
Glinerva 90
Swiftfangs 80
Isamu 10
Total: 400 11 Sp

Kolakoski Army 2B
Bahadur 120
Quickblades 100
Glinerva 90
Swiftfangs 80
Greyspears 110
Arktos 95
Total: 595 12 Sp

Chas Army #1 "Tagawa Terror"
Kaemon Awa 120
Tagawa Samurai 120
Toemoe Gozen 110
Beakface Rogue x2 50
Total: 400 9 Sp

Chas Army #1B "Tagawa Titans"
Kaemon Awa 120
Tagawa Samuirai 120
Tomoe Gozen 110
Beakface Rogue x2 50

Chas Army #2 "Demon Fight Club"
Morgoloth 120
Skull Demons x2 130
Acolytes of Vorganund x2 100
Dumutef Guard 25
Total: 395 10 SP

Chas Army #2B "Demon Hellfire Club"
Morgoloth 140
Skull Demons x2 130
Acolytes of Vorganund x2 100
Dumutef Guard 25
Kita The Springrunner 30
Halushia 120 (Just released and received)
Father Caylus 55
Total: 600 17 Sp

Taeblewalker Army #1
Omnicron Snipers x3 300
Zetacron 60
Omnicron Repulsors 40
Total: 400

Taeblewalker Army #2
Marro Drones x4 200
Su-Bak-Na 160
Marrden Nagrubs 30
Otonoshi 10
Total: 400

Sherman Davies Armies

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Well met!

Cut off the first line. Also, the following format is clearer.

Kolakoski Army 1
140 Phantom Knights x 2
90 Glinerva
80 Prince Al'Kahora
80 Concan
10 Isamu
400 points, 10 spaces

Still torn about my Vark army.

Kolakoski Army 2
120 Bahadur
100 Quickblades
90 Glinerva
80 Swiftfangs
10 Isamu
400 points, 10 spaces

isn't as strong as

120 Bahadur
110 Greyspears
90 Glinerva
80 Swiftfangs
400 points, 10 spaces

but I chose to eschew range.
Well met!

I suppose I should name them . . .

Kolakoski Army 1 - The Dark Knights
140 Phantom Knights x 2
90 Glinerva
80 Prince Al'Kahora
80 Concan
10 Isamu
400 points, 10 spaces

Kolakoski Army 2 - The Night Slashers
120 Bahadur
100 Quickblades
90 Glinerva
80 Swiftfangs
10 Isamu
400 points, 10 spaces

P.S.: It would appear that there will not be a great deal of range ranged against me . . .
Since the major central feature of the map is a raised plateau, it isn't easy to get off a shot from height once up on it against anyone else up on it, except from the central one space "lectern" with its glyph of Brandar, which is usually heavily fought over.
My two armies:

#1: 395 points, 5 spaces
Sgt. Drake (AoA) - 135
Mielki the Kyrie Warrior - 100
Major Q10 - 150
Isamu - 10

#2: 400 points, 15 spaces
Axegrinders x 3 - 210
Mogrimm Forgehammer - 120
Darrak Ambershard - 60
Isamu - 10
My two armies:

#1: 395 points, 5 spaces
Sgt. Drake (AoA) - 135
Mielki the Kyrie Warrior - 100
Major Q10 - 150
Isamu - 10

#2: 400 points, 15 spaces
Axegrinders x 3 - 210
Mogrimm Forgehammer - 120
Darrak Ambershard - 60
Isamu - 10
Well met!

I'm sure Sherman did not intentionally counter-draft me, so he won't mind if I play the Night Slashers against his Major Q10, and the Dark Knights against the Dwarves.

P.S.: Or we'll flip a coin . . .
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GM Note: there will be two random rolls made at game start, based on my prior experience playing this scenario:

1. Order of choosing Start Zones--basically by choosing which Glyphs you want to be close to on either side, since they all start revealed face up. Two start zones are 24 hexes and two are only 23. Single hex adjustments will be made if necessary for 24 hex armies.

2. Order of setting up armies--this can effect how you set your figures up. Most armies are small enough that they will not cover an entire start zone, so there will be choices to make here.
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