1. Once again, next month we will offer
two game dates instead of just one; these will be held on
Sat. Feb. 8 and Wed. Feb. 12 here at Noon. We'll be playing
Renegade Monthly Free Scenario #4, which you can find on the Renegade site: click on Heroscape/Play/Free Scenarios (or see link on previous page), with a maximum of four players per session including me.

2. Our recent guest who got back into contact with us says he knows a number of other old pals who recently noted that they also want to come visit me again to play games here, possibly Heroscape or the many others we play. That was great news, as its been much harder to assemble game groups here since Covid--although I'm somehow usually still playing board games here at least once a week, and often more, but as many 2 Players as multiplayers these days. And of course we may also hear from any of the four newer Scape contacts we've made more recently.

3. In February also I expect to take delivery on two new AOA boxes:
Sonlen and Halushia and
Knight Adjuctor Adelbern plus the
Ordo Borealis. NYCG4 Member
Thrasher Darkrai may be getting some of the others becoming available next month as well. Of course, we do have proxies and cards for all of the AOA characters which we've been playing here as they've come out, starting with the original failed Haslab offering two years ago.

4. Also in February the next
Online Renegade Con going over their newest offerings and perhaps later product as well will be happening on
youtube, starting on
Feb. 21 at 10 AM.

5. As well, in only a few days from now,
Renegade Online Scenario #6 should be out. It will be interesting to see if it will be set for 2 Players as all but one have been so far or more. If for more than two, it may become another candidate for a group game later on. And I'll continue to play and cover all of these scenarios on my thread in
General Discussion on
"Playing the Renegade Free Online Scenarios." All have been played so far and are here in hard copy, available for replay.
Stay tuned for February fun!