The Book of Sgt. Drake Alexander (AoA)
Age of Annihilation - Promotional Figure 2024
Basic Side Army Card
Age of Annihilation - Promotional Figure 2024
Basic Side Army Card
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Character Bio:
Drake Alexander has always been a man of principle. On Earth, he fought to defend the rights and liberties of his fellow humans from the encroaching Reich. During a fateful battle, moments before his certain death, the Valkyrie Jandar intervened. Drake’s noble heart now beats in the strange and distant land of Valhalla.
Jandar promised Drake that if he fought against the vile Utgar, he would one day be returned to his homeland. As have so many before him, Drake agreed; and though time and countless battles have since passed, Drake is no closer to seeing Jandar’s promise fulfilled. Through it all, one of his closest friends remains the Kyrie Raelin. She may appear now to have joined the enemy, but Drake knows better, and he remains at the ready to aid her however he can.
_________________________________________________________________THORIAN SPEED
Opponents' figures must be adjacent to Sgt. Drake Alexander to attack him with a normal attack.
After moving and before attacking with Drake, you may choose one enemy Small or Medium figure within 4 clear sight spaces whose level is no more than 6 levels above or below Drake's level. Roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 8 or higher, place the chosen figure on an empty same-level space adjacent to Drake. If the chosen figure is engaged when it is moved by Grapple Grab, it will not take any leaving engagement attacks
-Rulings and Clarifications-
- THORIAN SPEED: Applicable Attack Types
Q: Can Sgt. Drake Alexander be hit by any ranged attacks?
A: Sgt. Drake Alexander can be hit by any ranged special attacks only. He cannot be hit by normal attacks unless they are from an engaged opponent. (Hasbro FAQ)
-Combinations and Synergies-
Synergy Benefits Received
- MARCUS DECIMUS GALLUS: Soldier Leadership
As a soldier, Sgt. Drake Alexander may benefit from Marcus Decimus Gallus’ SOLDIER LEADERSHIP movement bonus.
- MARCUS DECIMUS GALLUS: Soldier Attack Enhancement
As a soldier, Sgt. Drake Alexander may benefit from Marcus Decimus Gallus’ SOLDIER ATTACK ENHANCEMENT.
Synergy Benefits Offered
- 4TH MASSACHUSETTS LINE: Valiant Army Defense Bonus
Having a Valiant personality, Sgt. Drake Alexander may aid the 4th Massachusetts Line with their VALIANT ARMY DEFENSE BONUS.
C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
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Synergy Benefits Offered
As a Unique Soldier Hero that follows Jandar, Order Markers revealed on Sgt. Drake Alexander trigger the 8th Infantry Pathfinder's MARCHING ORDERS ability, and he can be used as the end-of-movement adjacent figure for the 8th Infantry Pathfinder's MARCHING ORDERS ability.
- SIR ORRICK: A Brother's Call
As a Human who follows Jandar, Sgt. Drake Alexander may aid Sir Orrick with his A BROTHER'S CALL movement bonus.
- CAPT. JOHN VARAN: Purple Heart
As a Human who follows Jandar, Sgt. Drake Alexander may benefit from Capt. John Varan's PURPLE HEART wound reassignment.
- EBON ARMOR: Animated Material & Eternal War
As a Unique Human, a destroyed Ebon Armor you control may be placed on Sgt. Drake Alexander's Army Card to replace the figure upon his own destruction.
- MYRDDIN: Mystic Sacrifice
As a Medium Unique Hero, Sgt. Drake Alexander may benefit from Myrddin's 20-sided die enhancement.
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
Power Rankings
Matthaias Maccabeus (Melee Perspective): C+
Dok (VC Inclusive): B-
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AoA Concept Art
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