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The Book of Raakchott, Steward of Death


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The Book of Raakchott, Steward of Death
Age of Annihilation - Master Set


Basic Side Army Card
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No PDF download for printing at this time.

Biography: In a world of blooming life, death brings balance to the cycle. Yet many Dryan choose to ignore what feeds the soil in which they plant their seeds. Raakchott is shunned and feared by their own people for daring to study the path of death from which new life springs. Their studies were considered unsavory, and Raakchott was alone. They have never forgiven their people for this injustice.

Revna’s summons was for Raakchott as it is for all of Revna’s people: a blessing. None serve Revna, The Outcast General, unwillingly. Where once they were shunned by their own people, Raakchott now enjoys the freedom to explore their analytical interest and has become a central figure in their Valkyrie’s ambitions.

Power Text:

After revealing an order marker on Raakchott, Steward of Death, before taking Raakchott's turn, you may take a turn with a Small or Medium Beast you control.


Start the game with 3 red Consume Markers. When a figure within 3 clear sight spaces of Raakchott is destroyed, place a Consume Marker on this Army Card. You cannot place more than one Consume Marker on this card each turn.


Range 1. Attack 2 + Special.

All figures adjacent to Raakchott are affected by Soul Fury Special Attack. Add 1 to Raakchott's attack dice for each Consume Marker on this Army Card. Roll attack dice once for all affected figures. Each figure rolls defense dice separately. Do not place Consume Markers on this Army Card while using Soul Fury Special Attack. After using Soul Fury Special Attack, remove one Consume Marker from this Army Card for each figure you attacked this turn.


- Rulings and Clarifications -

  • TBA


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C3V and SoV Custom Synergies

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I choose to believe that Raakchott is a fungal colony, meaning 'they' in the bio is referring to its many millions of consituent parts.
But dang, that bio is garbage. The Mushroom colony is just sad because no one likes them?
I wish there was an upcoming fungal familiar (small/medium beast) to pair a bit better than Kita/Onshu, but any bonding target at all is always welcome.
The design space might even allow for a fungal familiar or squad to respawn themselves by spending consume tokens (costing at least 2 tokens so that it can't just keep dying and replacing itself instantly) from a unit with Consume the Dead. Then you'd have the dynamic of "Do I spend these tokens on a 5-dice multi-hit special attack, or get my terrifying cordyceps-infected-giant-bug familiar back?"
Super bonus points if it is an infected Fyorlag spider.

The unpainted mini looks awesome. The prepainted one for some reason didn't use a good bone color on the exposed ribcage, only emphasizing the skull and spine, the rest being a mostly flat and boring brown.
Those cute red mushrooms in the card art are barely emphasized in the prepainted mini.
I'm looking forward to painting mine.
Again, my complements to the modeler/sculptor.
So far, if you want to use a Dryan, Ewashia is a bit more compelling, but powering up Raakchott even when their own nearby familiar dies is quite thematic.
It seems rare that you'll be able to get Soul Fury up to 5 attack and ever hit multiple enemies at once, and it also feels like not gaining tokens from the special attack is an unnecessary restriction, especially since you could only gain one back in that turn.
But it is probably a non-issue.
Ewashia is fun, and has other synergies with water-affinity units beyond the 2 available Beasts. I hope we get some more Beasts to bolster this guy. Consume markers seem a bit challenging to make good use of.
I plan to run this guy with a familiar and around 4x Dividers so the heroes can approach behind a wave of Dividers. A Divider that dies around him will give him a corpse token, but then later another Divider that gets wounded might respawn that Divider. Then as enemies bunch up to try to take open spaces away from a Divider, you'll have good landing spots for him to get multiple figures with Soul Fury.
I plan to run this guy with a familiar and around 4x Dividers so the heroes can approach behind a wave of Dividers. A Divider that dies around him will give him a corpse token, but then later another Divider that gets wounded might respawn that Divider. Then as enemies bunch up to try to take open spaces away from a Divider, you'll have good landing spots for him to get multiple figures with Soul Fury.
Not a bad tactic using the Dividers. My only concern would be using Racs Fury special near friendly units. Another con for me is spending one cosume market for "each" figure attack with Racs Fury special. Still a phenomenal unit for 100 points
Not a bad tactic using the Dividers. My only concern would be using Racs Fury special near friendly units. Another con for me is spending one cosume market for "each" figure attack with Racs Fury special. Still a phenomenal unit for 100 points

I have tried it once so far and it worked pretty well, didn't have to attack my own Dividers at any point. In future tests I would probably spend more early turns on just the Dividers so that Raakchott and his familiar come in under a more solid and threatening wall of Dividers. By sending him in behind the first wave he collected some early corpses but also started taking shots from pirates early. Fortunately he rolled defense like a boss. 4 defense can be pretty solid sometimes.

There were a few times my opponent made sure I would not be able to get multiple figures, but in those cases at least you can make a big 5 attack roll and only have to discard one corpse after.
I'm guessing it's OK to attack 2 figures with Soul Fury even if you have only 1 consume marker. Correct?
So far, if you want to use a Dryan, Ewashia is a bit more compelling, but powering up Raakchott even when their own nearby familiar dies is quite thematic.

What exactly is a Dryan? I don't see how Raakchott and Ewashia could be the same species.
The lore that Encarmine was writing for Avalon Hill made it seem like they were a species that got altered by the magic they used. So Ewashia's water magic morphed her into the tentacle creature she has become, and Raakchott's use of death magic turned him into this boney/mushroom hybrid.
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Love this guys aesthetic and vibe but was not overly impressed by him when playing him, though perhaps as more familiars come out he could improve. They are a bit feast or famine- Since they only really shine if you get an attack against multiple units off, you really better hit hard on that first attack since you lose counters regardless and are then just left with a sub par unit until you re-stock counts.
Raakshott Plan B

When I had him powered to the max, he whiffed the roll against multiple adjacent enemies, and blew all the markers. However, reading that last sentence again, I realize now that there is another way to use him. Which is to just attack one target at a time, and get several powered up attacks (going down in strength by one each time). That's my new plan with him.
Can Raakchott regain tokens after use? After spending all three tokens on a 5 dice soul fury SA, can I then start collecting tokens again?
Yes. You can keep killing to gain tokens again.
They're either in your pool or on Raakchott, the only limit is 3 tokens on the army card max at any time.

Dryan's are basically nature wizards trying to preserve the ecology, first of their own planet and now of Valhalla. So I put them in the "Good Guy" category. Raackschott seems creepy and follows Revna (who herself may seem Evil), but death is part of the cycle of life, and perhaps can be looked at as another aspect to be 'stewarded' for Good. 'Steward' is not after all an adjective you'd use for an Evil character.

I note his descriptor was changed from 'Desecrator of Death,' which does sounds Evil!
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