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The Book of Oathbound Phalanx


New member
The Book of Oathbound Phalanx
Age of Annihilation

Character Bio:
Oathbinding is a simple process. A Skordyre Queen collects any hatchlings not showing enough promise for a higher station and prepares for them the Oath Vat: a steaming bath of neurotoxins, carefully proportioned. As she works, her most trusted guards teach the young chosen the mantra they will repeat all the rest of their lives. This mantra varies from hive to hive, each unique, but the substance is always the same: Loyalty, service, love. Nothing else.

The Oath Vat washes away all that is not the mantra-oath. Those chosen feel no pain; simply the dissolving of their will and the gentle cleansing of all that is not useful to their Queen. A clarity of purpose, the embrace of a simple life. Easy. Loving. Painless.

But when thousands and thousands pass through the Vat, sometimes one falls victim to an imperfect process. These unfortunates are driven mad; feral in their devotion, agonized in their love. Crazed, violent, devoted, and flawed.

For Maladrix, this unusual outcome happens with unfortunate frequency. She often wonders if her devoured rival haunts her still. But no matter; a clever Queen throws nothing away. Maladrix has collected her defective Oathbound into a Phalanx. A living ball of frenzied maws and frothing loyalty. A beautiful weapon, growing ever-stronger as the strange world of Valhalla grates against her hive.

Revna / Arboreas / Skordyre / Unique Hero / Devourer / Terrifying / Huge 9
Life 3 / Move 5 / Range 1 / Attack 3 / Defense 3 / Points 80

Before taking a turn with the Oathbound Phalanx, you may place any Oathbound Legionnaire figures you control from this Army Card onto any empty spaces adjacent to the Oathbound Phalanx. After revealing an Order Marker on the Oathbound Phalanx and after taking a turn with it, you may take a turn with any Oathbound Legionnaires you control.

When the Oathbound Phalanx would receive one or more wounds, you may remove an Oathbound Legionnaire figure from this Army Card and destroy it. If you do, ignore all wounds the Oathbound Phalanx would have received.

Range 1. Attack 3.
You may attack once for each Oathbound Legionnaire figure on this Army Card. When attacking a Small or Medium figure with All As One Special Attack, if you roll a skull on every die, the defending figure cannot roll any defense dice and is immediately destroyed.

-Rulings and Clarifications-

  • - N/A
-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
    As Oathbound Phalanx, this figure can gain Oathbound Legionnaires on its army card through Oathbound Legionnaires' BECOME ONE.

    As a Devourer, Oathbound Phalanx may benefit from Dumutef Guard's DEVOURER ATTACK ENHANCEMENT.

Synergy Benefits Offered

  • BREAK THE LINK : Oathbound Legionnaires

C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
Spoiler Alert!

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-


-Heroscapers Community Contributions-

Power Ranking

Master Index

Unit Strategy Review
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The lack of synergy with Maladrix and Thyraxis Dragoon confuses me.

With four Legionnaires in the Phalanx, move the Phalanx, swing four times with All As One (and expect to get the instakill ~half of the time) (in actuality, 41% of the time you'd get at least one autokill, but the expectation value is exactly 1/2).

Edit: Now thet I think about it, this guy is kind of a Fen Hydra with extra steps.
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Rules question:
The way I read the cards, you could have 0 legionnaires on the phalanx the whole game and just play them as separate bonding units. However, by doing that you'd sacrifice the potential for the special attack ability. Is that correct?
This thing is pretty neat and versatile beyond just chomping 4 times with its special attack.

Keep in mind that when you sac one of the figures comprising the Phalanx to ignore wounds, it ignores all the wounds for that attack, so this thing can survive an epic 6 - 7 skull roll with just one Soldier lost.

Also, with Break the Link you can cover a lot of ground suddenly by dropping 2 Legionaires on key spaces before taking its turn, then having the Phalanx go and bite someone with the special attack, and afterwards get to immediately take a turn with the 2 Legionnaires you dropped, who get to move from that point and make attacks of 3. Good way to suddenly engage people even when they are spread out a bit.
This model looks the most intimidating to paint. Although now that I am staring at it, I am bothered that the legs are black on the phalanx but blue on the legionnaires. This can be fixed if I paint it myself, but the artwork has the discrepancy as well!

Regardless, this looks like a fun unit. Having multiple, 3-dice attacks as opposed to one large attack fits nicely with the swarm being depicted.