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The Book of Misaerx the Kyrie Warrior


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The Book of Misaerx the Kyrie Warrior
Age of Annihilation - Master Set

Basic Side Army Card
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No PDF download for printing at this time.

Biography: Misaerx remembers dying.

She remembers the hot pain of an arrow tearing through her wings, and the last floating moments of tumbling through the air before her body hit the ground.

She remembers Revna’s voice calling her back, at once rough and kind. Abandoned, forsaken, and dead, she remembers Revna’s first words to her, and the mission they now share.

Misaerx will succeed. How can she not? Even death has failed to claim her. Revna is all that matters.

Power Text:
Each time this figure destroys a figure, you may remove a Wound Marker from this Army Card. This figure cannot Life Drain destructible objects.

When Misaerx the Kyrie Warrior is destroyed, place this figure on the Army Card of a Unique Warrior Hero that follows Revna. That Hero now has Life Drain


- Rulings and Clarifications -
  • In spite of this unit's name, Misaerx the Kyrie Warrior is Undead and does not count as a Kyrie. Only keywords in a card's left-side attributes box count for gameplay.

- Combinations and Synergies -

Synergy Benefits Offered
    As Unique Warrior Heroes that follow Revna, the following are legal targets for Misaerx'sLIFE DRAIN SPIRIT Special Ability.

Synergy Benefits Received


  • ANA KARITHON: Turn Undead
    Since Misarex is Undead, Anna Karithon can use TURN UNDEAD SPECIAL ATTACK on her.

  • ZOMBIES OF MORINDAN: Zombies Rise Again
    Since Misaerx is Undead, the Zombies of Morindan cannot use their ZOMBIES RISE AGAIN Special Ability against her.

C3V and SoV Custom Synergies

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-Heroscapers Community Contributions-

Power Rankings

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Matthaias Maccabeus (Melee Perspective):
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Dok (VC Inclusive):
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Master Index

Unit Strategy Review


AoA Concept Art
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Thanks for all the work you're putting into these @Strack9! FYI, "the book of" is missing from the subject.
I don't think Atlaga's buff works on her, she counts as 'Undead', not 'Kyrie'.
Could be a really good figure if we get the right support for it. Or a really sad figure if it just becomes a dead end without synergy. Interested to see how it goes.
I think D is way too low for a rating. She's certainly a useful figure even without a current hero to benefit from life drain. I'd rank her a B- for competitive. 50 points for what's basically Iskra's stats. Looking forward to testing her out.
I think D is way too low for a rating. She's certainly a useful figure even without a current hero to benefit from life drain. I'd rank her a B- for competitive. 50 points for what's basically Iskra's stats. Looking forward to testing her out.

Iskra is also a D. Melee units have no fear of this figure, henceforth the D ranking.

However you are more than welcome to disagree. That's why there's like 6 sets of power rankings on this site. People have lots of different perspectives and that's ok.
I think D is way too low for a rating. She's certainly a useful figure even without a current hero to benefit from life drain. I'd rank her a B- for competitive. 50 points for what's basically Iskra's stats. Looking forward to testing her out.

Iskra is also a D. Melee units have no fear of this figure, henceforth the D ranking.

However you are more than welcome to disagree. That's why there's like 6 sets of power rankings on this site. People have lots of different perspectives and that's ok.

Yea, I disagree with Iskra too incidentally lol. Certainly not A or even B/B+ material, but D implies almost Hatamoto Taro vibes. Cheaper is always better than not, i'm sure she'll be more valuable when Wave 2 releases.
What synergies would she pick up if she had:
Even in Death
Misaerx species counts as a Kyrie for all special abilities in addition to her normal species.
Abilities like this would be kind of neat, as they would partially mitigate lycanthropy from Werewolf Lord.
I know she'd get Atlaga's movement bonus.
There's one synergy you missed on the list: Misaerx's Spirit can go on... another player's Misaerx... who already has Life Drain even without it.
There's one synergy you missed on the list: Misaerx's Spirit can go on... another player's Misaerx... who already has Life Drain even without it.
Maybe you and your teammate could both bring Misaerx in case your opponent negates one of you with Morsbane. :)

(it feels kind of silly to add her to her own synergies for such an edge case of usefulness, but I guess she is the only legal target, currently)
There's one synergy you missed on the list: Misaerx's Spirit can go on... another player's Misaerx... who already has Life Drain even without it.
Maybe you and your teammate could both bring Misaerx in case your opponent negates one of you with Morsbane. :)

(it feels kind of silly to add her to her own synergies for such an edge case of usefulness, but I guess she is the only legal target, currently)
That wouldn't help; a negated Misaerx is negated all game, which would apply to powers added later as well.
I would not put a meme synergy in the OP- it will simply confuse people in the future and cause them to re-ask the question of whether Life Drain stacks.
Just noticed that Life Drain for Misaerx says 'this figure' as opposed to the her name.

Each time this figure destroys a figure, you may remove a Wound Marker from this Army Card. This figure cannot Life Drain destructible objects.

As opposed to:

Each time Misaerx the Kyrie Warrior destroys a figure, you may remove a Wound Marker from this Army Card. Misaerx the Kyrie Warrior cannot Life Drain destructible objects.

I thought maybe it was because other units with life drain are written that way, but, at least in Cyprien's case, it's not. His name is in there.

Each time Cyprien Esenwein destroys a figure, you may remove a wound marker from this Army Card. Cyprien Esenwein cannot Life Drain destructible objects.

Wondering if there was a particular reason for this?
Wondering if there was a particular reason for this?

Because she can give Life Drain to another figure with her spirit.

Interesting. I would think it would be understood by giving the Life Drain power to another unit, it would no longer read 'When Misaerx...,' instead . That said, it removes any rules lawyery arguments, smart.
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Yeah, many wargames where a special power can be temporarily or permanently gifted to another will write that rule with neutral self-reference like "this figure" or "this model" so that it can just transfer as a template without us having to do name changes in our heads.
So that it always makes sense when you put her spirit on another unit's army card.
edit: Ninja'd several hours ago because I didn't refresh the page lol