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The Book of Loviatäk the Kyrie Warrior


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Loviatäk the Kyrie Warrior
Age of Annihilation - Master Set

Basic Side Army Card
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No PDF download for printing at this time.

Biography: Loviatäk is a shocking sight to behold. Anyone worthy of the Spined Armor is someone best avoided by those who value their lives. All questions about her gleaming golden axe or its procurement are met with an introduction to its edge. Her father Taelord taught her well; but his name was not what raised her in the army’s esteem. Ranks in Utgar’s army are earned with displays of savagery, and Loviatäk rises higher among his champions each day.

Yes, savagery is vaunted among Utgar’s forces. Strength is the only trait that matters to him, leaving cleverness a distant and forgotten relative. With so little care given to his minions’ minds, would anyone notice if a warrior were of uncommon cunning? Will anyone see the pattern in Loviatäk’s killings, before the end arrives?

Power Text:
When a Squad figure you control within 4 clear sight spaces of Loviatäk the Kyrie Warrior attacks an adjacent figure with a normal attack, before defense dice are rolled, you may re-roll all attack dice that did not show skulls. Brutality Aura can only be used once per turn.

When attacking with Loviatäk, all skulls rolled count for one additional hit.

If you control Loviatäk and another Unique Kyrie Hero who follows Utgar, figures you control who follow Utgar increase their Move Value by 1.


- Rulings and Clarifications -
  • TBA

- Combinations and Synergies -

Synergy Benefits Offered:
  • SQUAD FIGURES: Brutality Aura
    Once per turn, a Squad figure you control may re-roll all attack dice that did not show skulls if it attacks an adjacent figure and is within 4 clear sight spaces of Loviatäk.

  • UTGAR UNITS: Dynastic Leadership
    If you control Loviatäk and another Unique Kyrie Hero who follows Utgar, figures you control who follow Utgar increase their Move Value by 1.

Synergy Benefits Received
    If you control Loviatäk and one of the following Unique Kyrie Heroes who follow Utgar, figures you control who follow Utgar increase their Move value by 1.
  • MINIONS OF UTGAR: Utgar’s Orders
    As a Kyrie warrior that follows Utgar, Loviatäk the Kyrie Warrior may benefit from the Minions of Utgar's UTGAR’S ORDERS activation synergy.

  • KHOSUMET THE DARKLORD: Relentless Assault
    Having a Relentless personality, Loviatäk the Kyrie Warrior may benefit from Khosumet the Darklord’s RELENTLESS ASSAULT attack bonus.

  • ORNAK: Red Flag of Fury
    As a unique hero that follows Utgar, Loviatäk the Kyrie Warrior may benefit from Ornak’s RED FLAG OF FURY activation synergy.

    As a Medium hero with a Relentless personality, Loviatäk the Kyrie Warrior may benefit from the Death Knights of Valkrill's UNHOLY BONDING activation synergy.

  • ATLAGA THE KYRIE WARRIOR: Kyrie Leadership
    As a Kyrie, Loviatäk the Kyrie Warrior adds 1 to her Move due to Kyrie Leadership.

  • TORIN: Evil Eye Protection
    As a Medium figure that follows Utgar, Loviatäk may benefit from Torin's EVIL EYE PROTECTION defensive ability.

C3V and SoV Custom Synergies

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-Heroscapers Community Contributions-

Power Rankings

(Subject to change)

Matthaias Maccabeus (Melee Perspective):
(Subject to change)

Dok (VC Inclusive):
(Subject to change)

Master Index

Unit Strategy Review


AoA Concept Art
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This is by far the figure I'm most excited about from AoA wave 1.

She is obviously a good choice in a Death Knights of Valkrill build and with her Deadly Strike gives Taelord a little more value in that army. However, I'm more interested in utilizing her Dynastic Leadership power. Evil Raelin is the best figure to pair her with in most builds.

Evil Raelin
Zombies x5
480 pts. Zombies get extra benefit from the move boost since you're moving so many figures per turn.

Evil Raelin
Marro Drones x6
480 pts. Loviatak and Evil Raelin together are only 20 pts. more than Su-Bak-Na. Nice to get a second option to boost a Drone army. Much like the Zombies, you will be getting extra benefit from the +1 move when you're moving 6 or 9 figures in a turn. Often with a Drone army, when you hit that 9 Drone roll it is so crowded that some of the Drones get clogged up and can't reach anyone to attack. Boosting their move to 7 will help them swarm more effectively.

Evil Raelin
Nagrubs x3
490 pts. Tor-Kul-Na gets extra benefit from the increased move by nature of his Stomp. The Nagrubs with 7 move will help stragglers catch up to Tor-Kul-Na in time for his dinner.

Evil Raelin
Blade Gruts x4
500 pts. I think Ornak's Red Flag of Fury power may have its best use case in a Loviatak/Evil Raelin build. You'll be able to bring Brutality Aura and Terrifying Aura to the front lines at the same time.

Evil Raelin
Minions of Utgar x2
490 pts. Utgar's Orders is suddenly a very useful power. Dropping Atlaga for another squad of Minions is obviously an option, but I have to try out the super speed build.

Isamu, Marcu Esenwein, or Marro Warriors will fit in nicely to any of these builds if points allow.

I like that her and evil Raelin are not just there to give the army +1 move, but also offer support auras that will make you want to move them into the thick of battle at some point. It will add interesting play decisions for activation timing, order marker management, and board positioning.

She adds so many options for army builds, gives a new way to experience old units, may enhance the usefulness of some of those units, appears to be very balanced, and is extremely thematic. It is going to look awesome having Loviatak and Evil Raelin on the board alongside a horde of Utgar forces.

For 80 pts. I may even add Loviatak to random armies by herself just for Brutality Aura.

With having seen so many units over the years, it has become harder for me to be excited about a new figure, but I'm really blown away by Loviatak.
Taelord's daughter?
75% chance of benefiting the Minions just as much as her dad?
80 points?
Is this just errata'd Taelord?
Also, who is the mother?
Neat piece to go with minions honestly, a rerolled die might be lower 'power ceiling' but the consistency it can bring will go a lot way with things like minions I'd think. Wish she had that 1 extra life point but not a bad figure overall.
:twisted: If the only second Unique Utgar Kyrie in the army is eliminated, does that cancel Dynastic Leadership?
:twisted: If the only second Unique Utgar Kyrie in the army is eliminated, does that cancel Dynastic Leadership?

I don't believe you control destoryed figures, so I think you loose the bonus.
Is the intention that Brutality Aura be once per attack as opposed to once per turn? Because as written a squad of 4 figures all attacking in melee while within 4" would only be able to reroll the non-skulls for one attack and the others don't get to. Perhaps that's strong enough for her point cost, but if so it definitely isn't approaching Taelord statistics. Still, she'll get used more than Taelord just because she fits into an army easier.
Her and Evil Raelin with minions, now that's a lot of damage. 1 less defense enemies and reroll attack dice. Throw in marrow warriors for a 7 move squad and you got a fun army.
Her Brutality Aura could give the Deathstalkers a nice boost since they prefer rerolls over added dice to activate Maul.
8 Move Brutality Maul is definitely something I want to try. Possibly with Death Knights too since they bond with both Loviatak and Raelin3.
Is the intention that Brutality Aura be once per attack as opposed to once per turn? Because as written a squad of 4 figures all attacking in melee while within 4" would only be able to reroll the non-skulls for one attack and the others don't get to. Perhaps that's strong enough for her point cost, but if so it definitely isn't approaching Taelord statistics. Still, she'll get used more than Taelord just because she fits into an army easier.
Yes, once per turn is the intent.
Is the intention that Brutality Aura be once per attack as opposed to once per turn? Because as written a squad of 4 figures all attacking in melee while within 4" would only be able to reroll the non-skulls for one attack and the others don't get to. Perhaps that's strong enough for her point cost, but if so it definitely isn't approaching Taelord statistics. Still, she'll get used more than Taelord just because she fits into an army easier.

Once per attack would be too powerful. Once per turn seems right. Helps a whiff or allows you to go for all skulls. Choose wisely!