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The Book of Knight Primus Adelbern

The Book of Knight Primus Adelbern
Age of Annihilation - Rising Tide - "Knight Primus Adelbern and Ordo Borealis"


Basic Side Army Card
Spoiler Alert!

Character Bio: When Adelbern first arrived on Valhalla, he remained silent. His eyes were distant, and he stayed in Jandar’s keep, avoiding action and instead staring darkly into the treeline. He remained this way until Sgt. Drake Alexander, a former soldier of Earth and beloved agent of Jandar, returned from a mission leading the retreat.

Drake has a unique understanding of how war changes men. His gentle coaxing finally broke the great bear’s silence, and Adelbern spoke of his crushing defeat. Failure and death had followed him to Valhalla, where endless war seemed to be the only reward for his life as a warrior.

Drake shared with Adelbern Jandar’s promise: those who survive the battle for all time will be returned home through the Wellsprings, to live their lives again on their own worlds. And though there’s something amiss about the way Drake holds his face while he says it, the promise is enough for Adelbern. His ferocity reignited, the Knight Primus of the Frostclaw Clan will cut down any foe to secure a second chance at his true enemies on Noxdorma.

After moving and before attacking, you may inflict one wound on an adjacent small or medium Squad figure or one small or medium Common hero adjacent to Knight Primus Adelbern.


-Rulings and Clarifications-

- Knight Primus Adelbern is a single-spaced figure.​

-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received

  • DEATH CHASERS OF THESK: Taskmaster Bonding
    As a Large Hero with a Wild personality, Knight Primus Adelbern may be activated by Death Chasers of Thesk's TASKMASTER BONDING.

  • FROSTCLAW PALADINS: Jandar Champion Bonding
    As a Champion that follows Jandar, Knight Primus Adelbern may be activated by Frostclaw Paladins' JANDAR CHAMPION BONDING.

Synergy Benefits Offered

- N/A​

-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
Power Rankings
- TBD​

Unit Strategy Review
- TBD​


AoA Concept Art
Spoiler Alert!
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Thanks for putting this together! The ridiculous amount of life on this guy is quite Braxas-level.

A few things I noticed (apologies if you are still working on this):

  • The Death Chasers synergy description still mentions the Frostclaw Paladins' Noble Champion Bonding
  • The special power description has a minor error:
    After moving and before attacking, you may inflict one wound on an adjacent small or medium Squad figure or one adjacent small or medium Common hero adjacent to Knight Primus Adelbern.
Good eye! The errors you noted have been corrected.

Yes, though; Adelbern has quite the formidable kit. He's like a faster Ogre Warhulk that trades a chance at Flail Hurricane to squash squaddies as easily as Grimnak. I suspect he could be better with the DC's than with the Frostclaws, as the latter seem to love Gilbert as their bonding target for his free movement and Attack enhancement.
Looks like they drastically reduced Adelbern's height from 10 in the pre-release to 6 for AoA release. Makes more sense, I think. Do we know why Adelbern was height 10 previously? Just an error, or was that intentional?
10 sounds tall, maybe that was measured to the tip of the hammer?
Irene is 8, Frostclaws are 6. I only have Gencon 2024 pics for reference, but Adelbern looks to me like he's at least a 7.
The Haslab campaign showed him at 57mm (2-1/4" for my American friends), only a little taller than "Medium 6" Raakchott. 10 does sound like an error.

🎶 Adelbern, Adelbern
Every battle you greet me
Large and white, strong and bright
You look wild to meet me

Strength of the snow, may you crushing blow
Crushing blow forever

Adelbern, Adelbern
Fight for Jandar forever 🎶

(to the tune of Edelweiss, Sound of Music :mrgreen: )