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The BEST build 💪

Unhinged Manchild

Active member
I think I've found the best 600 point army for general "kill the enemy" gameplay:

Jace Beleren
340 + 150 + 55 + 30 = 575 pts

Yep, we're playing 25 points short. We have two offensive army cards (Jace, Ruiner) and two support army cards (Scions, Geists.) Lots of implicit and explicit synergy within the army cards. Geists and Scions can be used as meat to protect Jace, Geists further enhance Jace turns with EERIE OBSERVATION. Upon Ruiner turn, scions can be fed to him unconditionally (as long as they are on the battlefield; there is no other condition such as LOS or adjacency, etc) to buff his move and/or power. Ruiner can then respawn a scion adjacent to his new position after he moves and attacks, putting strong heroes or the enemy walker in 2 engagements very easily.

Psychic Rebuttal
Project Self
Jace's Erasure
Roilmage's Trick
Essence Flux
Ghostly Wings
Selective Memory
Pore over the Pages
Welcome to the Fold
15 + 20 + 5 + 5 + 35 + 25 + 10 + 5 + 10 + 5 + 25 + 40 = 200 pts

Aetherspouts and Unsummon generally for delaying squads and destroying their enchantments. If you kill the enemy walker fast enough, these cards erase squads from existence far too efficiently for the spell cost. Psychic Rebuttal is both to bluff Aetherspouts and to attempt to counter powerful sorceries such as Overrun, Titanic Growth, Bone Splinters, Killing Wave, Chaplain's Blessing, Fell the Mighty, and the ever-powerful Twinflame. Misdirection is more enchantment control; generally to bump black's Despise off of Jace, steal green's Leaf Arrow and Predatory Strike, or steal red's Chandra's Fury. Can be used to grab powerful red and white enchantments such as Firebreathing, Stubborn Resilience, Blessing, and Divine Favor. Although using your squads for offensive output isn't a massive part of this army's wincon, I have definitely won endgames on the back of Stubborn Resilience Geists (although FLICKER was not really useful at that point.) Project Self is stupid powerful for 5 points, moving your walker adjacent to anything you control is great for either offensive or defensive maneuvers. Jace's Erasure is extremely powerful in tandem with Geists' EERIE OBSERVATION, and is this army's primary spell control mechanism. Against red and/or green, you almost ALWAYS LOOK to destroy Twinflame and/or Titanic Growth with this. Roilmage's Trick is mostly here to buff the Ruiner for a steroid OHKO turn against the enemy walker; devour for strength for +2 power and use RT for up to +4 more power, for 12 power! This deck's primary kill combo/wincon is Roilmage's Trick + either Ghostly Wings or Essence Flux. The latter two spells make the Ruiner almost impossible to evade. Ghostly Wings + devour for speed = +6 move and flying; dude goes where he wants, GO SLAUGHTER THE ENEMY PLANESWALKER! Generally you summon the Ruiner when you have one of these mobility cards in hand, and summon him in a spot where he won't face too much offensive pressure from the enemy, but while he can still reach their hero/walker in one turn via our card abilities. Selective Memory and Jace's FOCUSED THOUGHTS help fish out our key combo cards. Pore Over the Pages is somewhat filler as a cheap 5 point card, but it helps keep Jace alive while we are harassing the enemy or waiting to pick up our kill combo otherwise. If your opponent is running a heroes-only army, at least it can convert Aetherspouts and Unsummon into +1 toughness for you. Welcome to the Fold is here for general disruption of enemy squads, especially if red or white get greedy with stacking enchantments on their squads, or to proc on your own squad if going against heroes only. A lucky burst of attacks from Jace + 2 scions can kill a hero and sometimes even a Planeswalker.

Altogether, this army doesn't play very 'blue control' like other blue armies in AotP. This is a rather aggressive build that looks to assassinate the enemy walker to prevent them from playing their spells, and then we send their squads back to reserve afterward for easy cleanup. Deny their ability to kill Jace while distantly threatening pressure with Ruiner.

I think the top two contending armies for this one to deal with (at 600 points) are Sorin + Ruiner + Avacyn/Kor Aero Cap, or basically any Arlinn + Kessigs army that seeks to abuse Twinflame + Titanic Growth and go for easy walker assassination at range. This blue deck has a winning record against them in my experience, though.