New member
The dude has 7 posts, and he's obviously new here. We have a million threads going in the General Discussion forum about how people are afraid the game is dying, and we spend 10 posts ridiculing a new member. One person can explain how to use Search function. I'd rather not drive a new player / site member from the website by attacking him.
First of all ++rep killercactus
Second of all my post was not meant to ridicule him in any way I answered his question and asked him to post in an existing thread if he knows there is one. Just like if I were playing the game with someone new and they were about to break a rule I would tell them about it, calmly, politely. The thing is this is a web forum and like all web forums there are people here that like to be smart@$$es because there is really no danger of being cracked in the head on a message board.
I ran into it when I was new and I still run into it from time to time. I just let it slide and I hope BigBluu will to.
If you really feel the need to crack someone in the head over a message board then you really should not be on one in the first place.
yea kind of my point