…I’ve got to do a lot of digging to find my old stuff. It’s gotten scattered over the years. But I at least found a couple of original master set and marro masters sets worth of figures and cards so we aren’t stuck to only playing the new stuff…
…I think they both want to scavenge some of these spare master set minis I have. Good thing I hoarded all this heroscape stuff and never let it go.
If I can find everything, I should have at least one of EVERYTHING up until the D&D waves. I even have a couple of oddball items. I’ve got. Toys ‘R Us shelf display. I also have some of the prototype terrain they used for marketing photos. Ever remember seeing some old photos of the game and it showed this orange colored terrain? I should have a few pieces of that somewhere. Was digging around last night and actually found a box I forgot I owned. I wanted to get into creating custom figures (I really really wanted to do some Halo stuff). At one time, I had bought out a guy who was stopping his custom mini creations. So I have a whole bag full of original mini bases (with stickers removed) and a whole sheet of stickers to go on them.
Now I just have to FIND everything. Would you there’s some gems in here. One of my finds last night was a sealed Swarm of the Marro. Like why do I have that? I don’t remember. I know I have at least two opened ones and a garage sale one still in its box semi sealed….but why, past me, did you keep around a whole extra copy? LOL I was a collecting fanatic I guess…
That’s what hurts looking at eBay. I don’t think I ever bought any D&D waves. Those prices are going to sting. And the completionist in me isn’t going to let that stand. Sigh.