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Hi guys I want to know what the lowest price I can hope in order to get this game?

EDIT: I found it about 30$, way too expensive in my opninion. I'll wait for a bargain.
Hi guys I want to know what the lowest price I can hope in order to get this game?

EDIT: I found it about 30$, way too expensive in my opninion. I'll wait for a bargain.
I wish you luck in your quest for a cheap copy. Retailers get it for between $22-$24 per copy depending on volume.

About the only way you'll see it going cheaper than that is through firesales and perhaps used copies. Many retailers, in an attempt to actually make it worth their time to stock it, mark it up 40%. I feel bad for the LGS's trying to compete with Big Box shops in this regard.

Considering how well this is selling out, you'll be waiting a while for those sales.
Thank you for your answer Colorcrayons.

Hi guys I want to know what the lowest price I can hope in order to get this game?

EDIT: I found it about 30$, way too expensive in my opninion. I'll wait for a bargain.
I wish you luck in your quest for a cheap copy. Retailers get it for between $22-$24 per copy depending on volume.

What. Indeed there's few chance I'll ever buy this game. x)
Foundzing, may I ask what you believe would be a reasonable price, and why?

There is a lot that goes into pricing that the average gamer-on-the-street is unaware.
For me, getting five painted and 30 unpainted minis for $30 is more than reasonable even before I address the game system, map, terrain, dice, cards and bits. I paid $40 for early access from Hastings and was happy to do it.

~Aldin, still pleased with that decision
Foundzing, may I ask what you believe would be a reasonable price, and why?

Short answer: Well I would buy this only for the 5 painted minis and the 6 poor hexes, so that's why I don't buy it. I think for 20$, from an used copy for example, I'd give it a go

But I still feel like the supply is not high-quality (except the 5 painted figures) and most of it is re-using stuff (I didn't touch the game tho I am not sure, but it's what I feel when I look at the picture). I am not an expert at all but I don't think manufacturing this kind of stuff is really expensive, but as you say I might be unaware of some expensive steps I dunno.

Usually for games the expensive price is more due to the design step than the manufacturing step (compared to other products) but here as 95% of the mechanics of the game were already existing I don't know where the cost really comes from.

It's not as much of a money hole as for example Magic Cards but I still think it's too expensive for what it offers.

Keep in mind that I'm not into board games at all (I think the last one I bought was something like 5 or 6 years ago), and the fact that they're incredibly expensive is a big reason for that.

I'm just a really hard person to please, like Aldin say, most boardgames fans will be happy with this price I think.
If you only want the 5 painted figs then $30 is steep. But there seems to be a pretty good game inside the box that seems to be reasonably priced.

I know nothing about the MtG universe, but from what I've read so far the little tweaks that have been introduced to Heroscape seem interesting.

I honestly find the cardboard maps a plus in terms of set up and storage. I actually wish WotC had gone in this direction with DnD scape. For $30 I may have to give this a try.
The FLGS price to them is almost $29 (according to two staff friends I have at different stores). They will not be able to compete with the Targets/Hastings of the world selling at $30. I grabbed mine at Target and there was one left. They had sold at least 3 since the time I saw it a couple days prior, and not all at the same time (I hate to admit that I'm in Target way too much!).

I don't know how that is going to impact FLGS sales and stocking. I got into HS very late in the game. Was it stocked at the FLGS, or just the big box stores?
We aren't even attempting to sell it because it will be a money loser for us, sadly. I wanted to have a few in stock, but ultimately decided to tell people to pick it up at Walmart.:headshake:

I can't stand the cardboard maps, btw. Went straight to playing on Heroscape terrain after the first game.
The FLGS price to them is almost $29 (according to two staff friends I have at different stores). They will not be able to compete with the Targets/Hastings of the world selling at $30. I grabbed mine at Target and there was one left. They had sold at least 3 since the time I saw it a couple days prior, and not all at the same time (I hate to admit that I'm in Target way too much!).

I don't know how that is going to impact FLGS sales and stocking. I got into HS very late in the game. Was it stocked at the FLGS, or just the big box stores?
Some FLGS's stocked limited amounts, but it the distribution model was definitely geared toward the Box Stores. A fact that has often been posited as one of the factors in the demise of the game, i.e. not marketed to the hobby industry, but rather to the general public.
The FLGS price to them is almost $29 (according to two staff friends I have at different stores). They will not be able to compete with the Targets/Hastings of the world selling at $30. I grabbed mine at Target and there was one left. They had sold at least 3 since the time I saw it a couple days prior, and not all at the same time (I hate to admit that I'm in Target way too much!).

I don't know how that is going to impact FLGS sales and stocking. I got into HS very late in the game. Was it stocked at the FLGS, or just the big box stores?
Some FLGS's stocked limited amounts, but it the distribution model was definitely geared toward the Box Stores. A fact that has often been posited as one of the factors in the demise of the game, i.e. not marketed to the hobby industry, but rather to the general public.
My wife worked/co-owned a small comic shop that also sold games back in the early days of Scape. She looked into getting it, but to get it they would have had to open an account with Hasbro, and the minimum order was $5,000.
I think it's worth every one of those 30 dollars(and I'm very frugal with games)
Re:big box vs. LFGS.
in the beginning, when it was pure Hasbro, it was in big box(I bought the 1st set at
Toys be us, and boosters at Target)
after WotC got involved, it was in MFLGS.
Wizards said, no... market it like this.
so Hasbro agreed.......and then Wizards killed it,along with my beloved Star Wars Minis
so remember kids.....Wizards...were good games go to die.....
I've played quite a few games with it, and quickly pulled out HS terrain to use. As for the $30 price tag, it's not worth it IMHO. I picked up 2 copies and am in the process of painting all the unpainted figures and re-basing all of them (the bases are the same quality plastic as the figures, many of mine came warped).

The cardboard board would have been fine, had it connected to actual HS terrain and not just have the hexes printed on it (and both my copies opened to having damaged cardboard in different places). And the cards can be made at home without a problem, but they just make the games really swingy and there are some completely broken combos with them.

$30 would be completely worth it if all the figs were painted. I'd even have been okay with $40 retail at that point. For reference: Arkham Horror base game was $40, and we play that regularly and it comes with much more in the box (granted, not plastic minis). One Night Ultimate Werewolf is overpriced at $25 for the little it comes with and feel like a much better buy than Arena of the Planeswalkers, which lasted my gaming group less than 2 weeks before we decided to retire it for good.
My FLGS ordered two, which they already have orders for. One is for me. They are charging $40 which I'm willing to pay to support a local shop. But they are still waiting to get them and don't know when they will come in. They are a big MTG retailer too and have tournaments there and stuff. It sucks that they are getting screwed by the manufacturer and the distributor. They offered me a refund but I told them I still want to support them and realize it's not their fault. If I see it in a big box store first I will buy it and return my FLGS copy to them when it comes in.
My FLGS ordered two, which they already have orders for. One is for me. They are charging $40 which I'm willing to pay to support a local shop. But they are still waiting to get them and don't know when they will come in. They are a big MTG retailer too and have tournaments there and stuff. It sucks that they are getting screwed by the manufacturer and the distributor. They offered me a refund but I told them I still want to support them and realize it's not their fault. If I see it in a big box store first I will buy it and return my FLGS copy to them when it comes in.

Sounds like WotC's usual MO. Highly wanted product, small release, and any given FLGS gets maybe two that sell for way above MSRP. (Commander's Arsenal, Modern Master, Conspiracy, yearly Commander product, etc.)

Hope it comes in soon for you!
Hi guys I want to know what the lowest price I can hope in order to get this game?

EDIT: I found it about 30$, way too expensive in my opninion. I'll wait for a bargain.
I wish you luck in your quest for a cheap copy. Retailers get it for between $22-$24 per copy depending on volume.

About the only way you'll see it going cheaper than that is through firesales and perhaps used copies. Many retailers, in an attempt to actually make it worth their time to stock it, mark it up 40%. I feel bad for the LGS's trying to compete with Big Box shops in this regard.

Considering how well this is selling out, you'll be waiting a while for those sales.
I also feel bad for the FLGS in this regard, but believe that this mass-marketing to the Big Box Stores by the mega-corporation Hasbro (which by the way is primarily a TOY Manufacturer NOT a game designer), - is typical of their business model to gain a profitable return on their investments for the benefit of their share holders, and not the enjoyment of the gaming community. In a way, I wish that this new game had been a KickStarter Project with a limited production run, instead of such a huge undertaking without prior support from the fans.

I am hoping that most of the FLGS's, which usually have at least one day per week set aside for Magic: the Gathering events will embrace this new game enough, in spite of their feelings toward Hasbro, to enable and support tournaments to draw the sleeping HeroScape community out of their doldrums and back into the limelight of open participation in the gaming community.

Meanwhile, although I do wish that M:tG-AotP had more plastic terrain, better cardstock, common squads, and painted squad mini's, I still feel that it is worth the $30 price tag. But it's funny that I have seen it in different Walmarts for both $29.82 and $28.82 compared to the $29.99 at Target.

IF... Hasbro has over-produced this game expecting it to be a big hit with the CCG players (as I suspect), and it doesn't become a huge success among HeroScapers to completely sell out by Christmas (as I fear), THEN... there will be plenty on them available cheap enough for anyone to afford about one year form now when the excess inventory is discounted and moved to the Clearance aisles.
They really should have gotten it into the hands of the FLGSs first to let them try to sell a few copies before they have to compete with the big box stores.
I am hoping that most of the FLGS's, which usually have at least one day per week set aside for Magic: the Gathering events will embrace this new game enough, in spite of their feelings toward Hasbro, to enable and support tournaments to draw the sleeping HeroScape community out of their doldrums and back into the limelight of open participation in the gaming community.

The base game is not nearly enough for tournaments. The only real customization that exists is the deck of cards. Not only that, but scenarios go to 60 (!!What?!) rounds before a winner is declared via points (as opposed to 10-12 rounds for Heroscape). Maybe in the future, but not now. Not with Return to Zendikar weeks away.

IF... Hasbro has over-produced this game expecting it to be a big hit with the CCG players (as I suspect), and it doesn't become a huge success among HeroScapers to completely sell out by Christmas (as I fear), THEN... there will be plenty on them available cheap enough for anyone to afford about one year form now when the excess inventory is discounted and moved to the Clearance aisles.

I have yet to play personally with my weekly M:tG cube group, but they were not fans of the game. They played Dominion and Carcassonne the rest of the night. While it might be different in other groups, a majority of these guys eat up whatever WotC puts out, regardless of quality. Heroscape-driven purchases will drive sales, IMO. It's too different from M:tG, and not a simple game to grasp the basics of.
I am quite happy with the $29.82 Price Point. My local Walmart had it for $0.17 cents less than my nearest Target store, and had it in stock two weeks sooner. I've already bought two sets. One I will keep strictly M:TG-AotP with the flat cardboard maps and maybe integrate an extra HeroScape squad for each PW. The other one will be completely integrated into my existing HS collection as just another Wave of figures ( five heroes and ten squads for <$30 = awesome ) as soon as someone re-does their stat card into the standard HS format.
Me and my brothers absolutely love this game. None of us are magic the gathering players and because of me, all regular heroscape players. We quickly discarded the cardboard back into the box.(It does work well for traveling though.) We generally play on heroscape terrain because, well you get it. For 30 dollars this is a great deal. Think of what you would have to pay per figure for other games. Its at least a dollar a piece. This is 30 unpainted figures, 5 painted figures, dice, wound markers, cards,(I actually like the magic cards, it adds a twist.), and some less than par terrain. But hey, I can't complain, its another Heroscape type game with a twist, and its fun.
Price is down to about $20 now.

Which is less than what the FLGS pay for it at wholesale. Great job looking out for the little guys (who sell most of your product and host in-store events) there WotC.