• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

OHS S60 - Scouting Party- CONGRATS DOK


PuppetMaster & #2 Ranked CoNner
Site Supporter
Online Heroscape Season 60


Games are played using the online Heroscape interface. Check the spoiler for a how-to-play video.
Spoiler Alert!


  • For this event, each player will bring two 470-point Delta VC armies, with a maximum of 18 figures each*. (VC eligible, previewed AoA eligible, no Marvel.) Preview AoA figures are available at their normal price. Submitted armies cannot share any figures. *Airborne Elite, Rechets of Bogdan, Vorid Glide Strikers, Wing Commander Tuck Harrigan, Oathbound Legionnaires, and Bound Heroes count towards the figure limit.
  • Before each game, there will be a dice-off, done by the tournament organizers, to assign the players as "Player A" and "Player B"
  • Player A decides whether to "strike and pick second" or "pick first".
  • The player who strikes and picks second may choose one of the four armies and ban it from play in this game. (This player may also choose to decline to strike an army in which case no armies are banned from play.)
  • The player who picks first then chooses one army of the (three or four) armies to play.
  • The player who strikes and picks second then chooses one army of the remaining (two or three) armies to play.

    • At the beginning of placement, player B chooses to begin forward placement first or second. Player A then chooses which start zone they prefer.
    • During forward placement, players take turns placing one one card of units on the board.

      • Figures placed during this phase cannot be placed within 4 spaces of your opponent's start zone.
      • Squad figures must be placed within three clear sight spaces of all other squad figures placed that turn.
      • You may not place figures on glyphs or adjacent to enemy figures.
    • Players may continue taking turns placing figures this way as long as the total figures placed this way does not exceed 8 figures or 220 points (partial card scoring).

      • Players may also pass to decline placement, but may not choose to resume forward placement after that.
      • You may forward place some of the figures from a card and reserve the rest for placement in the regular start zone placement phase, but if you do so you must pass on subsequent forward placement turns.
    • After both players are done placing figures this way, the players place their remaining figures in their start zones, starting with player B. If an army has more than 18 figures, decisions on which figures to sit are made at this time.

    • At the beginning of the game, the player who placed second during the forward placement phase gets a bonus to their opening initiative. This bonus is either +8 or +3, depending on the map used that round.

If the placed figures in the army require more than 24 start zone spaces, place the minimum number of additional start zone tiles needed adjacent to the back of the start zone, with a maximum of 6 additional tiles. All additional start zone tiles placed must be adjacent to standard start zone spaces, must be the same level as an adjacent standard start zone space (use grass or ice), and cannot be placed adjacent to a space that is not in the start zone. If there is a dispute in adding tiles, contact an organizer.[/spoiler]Instead of the normal prices for cards, use Delta prices. You may find the army builder on heroscape.org useful.

Spoiler Alert!
Spoiler Alert!
Spoiler Alert!

The regular season will last four weeks, with one game each week. After the regular season ends there will be a single elimination bracket for the top finishers.

Event Details and Rules:
Spoiler Alert!
Spoiler Alert!
Spoiler Alert!
Spoiler Alert!

~Dysole, ready to kick us off with another one
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Couple reminders. If you are choosing who picks first, whichever player gets second will get the option (not mandatory) of striking one of the armies from the pool. If you are choosing who places first, the other player does get selection of start zone before placement begins. If you do not place a whole card's worth of figures during forward placement, you may not do any further forward placement. Whoever places second on this map gets +8 to their opening initiative roll.

Round 1 is on Healing Waters.

The ryguy266 v. skywhale armies are:
Have We Met Before?
* Heracles, Marro Stingersx3
No, You Don’t Seem Familiar
* Isamu, Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Quickblades, Varkaanan Swiftfangs
Single Figure Start Zone
* Knight Primus Adelbern, Death Chasers of Theskx3, Tomb Skeleton Archersx4
Please Release Agrith-Naar
* Corvor the Tainted One, Kaemon Awa, Acolytes of Vorganundx4
skywhale chooses who picks first. ryguy266 chooses who places first.

The og-blaha v. srd717 {7} armies are:
Raiders of the lost Arktos
* Guilty McCreech, Valguard, Dreadgul Raidersx5
Who let the dogs out
* Arktos, Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Quickblades

* Mogrimm Forgehammer, Axegrinders of Burning Forgex4

* Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Tornak, Heavy Grutsx4
og-blaha chooses who picks first. srd717 chooses who places first.

The iha v. drumtooth armies are:
* Dünd, Zombie Hulkx2, Zombies of Morindanx5
Scotch on the Rocks
* Alastair MacDirk, Frostclaw Paladins, Otonashi, Granite Guardiansx3
Major Plague
* Major Q10, Command Courier, Marrden Houndsx3
Wawa A wa Wawawa
* Arkmer, Kaemon Awa, Kyntela Gwyn, Air Elemental, Warriors of Ashrax4
iha chooses who picks first. drumtooth chooses who places first.

The chris perkins {1} v. shurrig {8} armies are:
You Guessed It
* Arktos, Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Swiftfangs
You (Probably Didn't) Guess It
* Loviatäk the Kyrie Warrior, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [AoA], Death Knights of Valkrillx5, Dumutef Guard
* Bol, Festering Honor Guard, Queen Maladrix, Honor Guard of the Blasted Landsx4 (drop 1)
Demon Time
* Arkmer, Morgoloth, Acolytes of Vorganundx5, Skull Demon
chris perkins chooses who picks first. shurrig chooses who places first.

The dok {4} v. swarm {9} armies are:
Bully for you
* Brute Gruts, Mezzodemon Warmongersx2, Phantom Knightsx3
Empty Suits
* Ebon Armor, Izumi Samurai, Kozuke Samurai, Otonashi, Tagawa Samurai, Tomoe Gozen
* Marcu Esenwein, Mok, Shieldsmiths of Granite Keepx4
* Frostclaw Paladins, Knight Primus Adelbern, Ordo Borealis, Raakchott Steward of Death
dok chooses who picks first. swarm chooses who places first.

The knightoflight {3} v. sheep armies are:
The Sheep Special
* Krug, Arrow Grutsx4, Ice Troll Berserker, Swog Riderx5 (drop 1)
The Kevindola Special (or ya know, he played it once)
* Jotun, Marcu Esenwein, Goblin Cuttersx4
Won’t my mommy be so proud of me?
* Brave Arrow, Mohican River Tribex6 (drop 1)
Ouch! It stung me!
* Martial La Hire, Mellifera, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Amberhive Protectorsx4 (drop 1)
knightoflight chooses who picks first. sheep chooses who places first.

The maklar the silver prince v. earthling {5} armies are:
Hopefully I selected the vark squads I actually wanted
* Arktos, Marro Warriors, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Quickblades
Post-spooky season already got my Christmas decorations up
* Bol, Cyprien Esenwein, Sonya Esenwein, Skeletons of Annellintiax3
* Major Q11, Hoplitronx10, Sahuagin Raider
I heard Misaerx was A tier
* Iron Lich Viscerot, Misaerx the Kyrie Warrior, Necrotech Wraithriders, Roman Legionnairesx3
maklar the silver prince chooses who picks first. earthling chooses who places first.

The megasilver {10} v. grey waves armies are:
Kyrie, Dwarf, & Bears, Oh My!
* Concan the Kyrie Warrior, Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Frostclaw Paladins, Ordo Borealis, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV]
Ogre the Hill & Through the Gate, To Orc's House We Go
* Pel the Hill Giant, Death Chasers of Theskx4, Ogre Castle Crasher
Standing on Higher Ground
* Warden 816, Command Courier, Granite Guardiansx5
Random Axe of Violence
* Dorim the Bulkhead Brawler, Isamu, Axegrinders of Burning Forgex4
grey waves chooses who picks first. megasilver chooses who places first.

The kevindola {2} v. drakeepooh armies are:
* Estivara, Fyorlag Spidersx5, Wyvernx2
* Banshees of Durgeth Swampx4, Dumutef Guardx3, Shades of Bleakewoodex2
* Concan the Kyrie Warrior, Frostclaw Paladins, Isamu, Knight Primus Adelbern, Ordo Borealis
* Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [AoA], Tarn Viking Warriors, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, Death Knights of Valkrillx2
drakeepooh chooses who picks first. kevindola chooses who places first.

The superfrog v. dysole armies are:

* Bol, Kon-Tar-Na, Morgan's Riflemen, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [SotM], Marrden Nagrubsx4

* Isamu, Major Q10, Marro Dividersx5
The Right To Arm Bears aka Foudzing is a Coward
* Concan the Kyrie Warrior, Ordo Borealis, Sentinels of Jandarx3
Guess That's One Way To Burn Bridges aka I Want The D20 To Disappoint Me Yet Again
* Axentia, Wing Commander Tuck Harrigan, Xualtiaca Fire Antsx4
superfrog chooses who picks first. dysole chooses who places first.

~Dysole, kicking us off
Reminders again. If you are choosing who picks first, whichever player gets second will get the option (not mandatory) of striking one of the armies from the pool. If you are choosing who places first, the other player does get selection of start zone before placement begins. If you do not place a whole card's worth of figures during forward placement, you may not do any further forward placement. Whoever places second on this map gets +3 to their opening initiative roll.

Round 2 is on Remains of Clionesia.

The drakeepooh (1-0) v. iha (1-0) armies are:
* Concan the Kyrie Warrior, Frostclaw Paladins, Isamu, Knight Primus Adelbern, Ordo Borealis
* Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [AoA], Tarn Viking Warriors, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, Death Knights of Valkrillx2
* Dünd, Zombie Hulkx2, Zombies of Morindanx5
Scotch on the Rocks
* Alastair MacDirk, Frostclaw Paladins, Otonashi, Granite Guardiansx3
iha chooses who picks first. drakeepooh chooses who places first.

The shurrig (1-0) {7} v. og-blaha (1-0) armies are:
* Bol, Festering Honor Guard, Queen Maladrix, Honor Guard of the Blasted Landsx4 (drop 1)
Demon Time
* Arkmer, Morgoloth, Acolytes of Vorganundx5, Skull Demon
Raiders of the lost Arktos
* Guilty McCreech, Valguard, Dreadgul Raidersx5
Who let the dogs out
* Arktos, Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Quickblades
shurrig chooses who picks first. og-blaha chooses who places first.

The skywhale (1-0) v. grey waves (1-0) {10} armies are:
Single Figure Start Zone
* Knight Primus Adelbern, Death Chasers of Theskx3, Tomb Skeleton Archersx4
Please Release Agrith-Naar
* Corvor the Tainted One, Kaemon Awa, Acolytes of Vorganundx4
Standing on Higher Ground
* Warden 816, Command Courier, Granite Guardiansx5
Random Axe of Violence
* Dorim the Bulkhead Brawler, Isamu, Axegrinders of Burning Forgex4
grey waves chooses who picks first. skywhale chooses who places first.

The dysole (1-0) v. earthling (1-0) {5} armies are:
The Right To Arm Bears aka Foudzing is a Coward
* Concan the Kyrie Warrior, Ordo Borealis, Sentinels of Jandarx3
Guess That's One Way To Burn Bridges aka I Want The D20 To Disappoint Me Yet Again
* Axentia, Wing Commander Tuck Harrigan, Xualtiaca Fire Antsx4
* Major Q11, Hoplitronx10, Sahuagin Raider
I heard Misaerx was A tier
* Iron Lich Viscerot, Misaerx the Kyrie Warrior, Necrotech Wraithriders, Roman Legionnairesx3
earthling chooses who picks first. dysole chooses who places first.

The dok (1-0) {3} v. knightoflight (1-0) {2} armies are:
Bully for you
* Brute Gruts, Mezzodemon Warmongersx2, Phantom Knightsx3
Empty Suits
* Ebon Armor, Izumi Samurai, Kozuke Samurai, Otonashi, Tagawa Samurai, Tomoe Gozen
The Sheep Special
* Krug, Arrow Grutsx4, Ice Troll Berserker, Swog Riderx5 (drop 1)
The Kevindola Special (or ya know, he played it once)
* Jotun, Marcu Esenwein, Goblin Cuttersx4
knightoflight chooses who picks first. dok chooses who places first.

The swarm (0-1) {8} v. drumtooth (0-1) armies are:
* Marcu Esenwein, Mok, Shieldsmiths of Granite Keepx4
* Frostclaw Paladins, Knight Primus Adelbern, Ordo Borealis, Raakchott Steward of Death
Major Plague
* Major Q10, Command Courier, Marrden Houndsx3
Wawa A wa Wawawa
* Arkmer, Kaemon Awa, Kyntela Gwyn, Air Elemental, Warriors of Ashrax4
drumtooth chooses who picks first. swarm chooses who places first.

The superfrog (0-1) v. srd717 (0-1) {9} armies are:

* Bol, Kon-Tar-Na, Morgan's Riflemen, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [SotM], Marrden Nagrubsx4

* Isamu, Major Q10, Marro Dividersx5

* Mogrimm Forgehammer, Axegrinders of Burning Forgex4

* Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Tornak, Heavy Grutsx4
superfrog chooses who picks first. srd717 chooses who places first.

The maklar the silver prince (0-1) v. megasilver (0-1) armies are:
Hopefully I selected the vark squads I actually wanted
* Arktos, Marro Warriors, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Quickblades
Post-spooky season already got my Christmas decorations up
* Bol, Cyprien Esenwein, Sonya Esenwein, Skeletons of Annellintiax3
Kyrie, Dwarf, & Bears, Oh My!
* Concan the Kyrie Warrior, Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Frostclaw Paladins, Ordo Borealis, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV]
Ogre the Hill & Through the Gate, To Orc's House We Go
* Pel the Hill Giant, Death Chasers of Theskx4, Ogre Castle Crasher
maklar the silver prince chooses who picks first. megasilver chooses who places first.

The sheep (0-1) v. ryguy266 (0-1) armies are:
Won’t my mommy be so proud of me?
* Brave Arrow, Mohican River Tribex6 (drop 1)
Ouch! It stung me!
* Martial La Hire, Mellifera, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Amberhive Protectorsx4 (drop 1)
Have We Met Before?
* Heracles, Marro Stingersx3
No, You Don’t Seem Familiar
* Isamu, Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Quickblades, Varkaanan Swiftfangs
ryguy266 chooses who picks first. sheep chooses who places first.

The chris perkins (0-1) {1} v. kevindola (0-1) {4} armies are:
You Guessed It
* Arktos, Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Swiftfangs
You (Probably Didn't) Guess It
* Loviatäk the Kyrie Warrior, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [AoA], Death Knights of Valkrillx5, Dumutef Guard
* Estivara, Fyorlag Spidersx5, Wyvernx2
* Banshees of Durgeth Swampx4, Dumutef Guardx3, Shades of Bleakewoodex2
kevindola chooses who picks first. chris perkins chooses who places first.
Reminder. If you are choosing who picks first, whichever player gets second will get the option (not mandatory) of striking one of the armies from the pool. If you are choosing who places first, the other player does get selection of start zone before placement begins. If you do not place a whole card's worth of figures during forward placement, you may not do any further forward placement. Whoever places second on this map gets +8 to their opening initiative roll.

Round 3 is on Wildflowers.

The shurrig (2-0) {6} v. drakeepooh (2-0) armies are:
* Bol, Festering Honor Guard, Queen Maladrix, Honor Guard of the Blasted Landsx4 (drop 1)
Demon Time
* Arkmer, Morgoloth, Acolytes of Vorganundx5, Skull Demon
* Concan the Kyrie Warrior, Frostclaw Paladins, Isamu, Knight Primus Adelbern, Ordo Borealis
* Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [AoA], Tarn Viking Warriors, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, Death Knights of Valkrillx2
shurrig chooses who picks first. drakeepooh chooses who places first.

The skywhale (2-0) v. earthling (2-0) {4} armies are:
Single Figure Start Zone
* Knight Primus Adelbern, Death Chasers of Theskx3, Tomb Skeleton Archersx4
Please Release Agrith-Naar
* Corvor the Tainted One, Kaemon Awa, Acolytes of Vorganundx4
* Major Q11, Hoplitronx10, Sahuagin Raider
I heard Misaerx was A tier
* Iron Lich Viscerot, Misaerx the Kyrie Warrior, Necrotech Wraithriders, Roman Legionnairesx3
earthling chooses who picks first. skywhale chooses who places first.

The dok (2-0) {2} v. og-blaha (1-1) armies are:
Bully for you
* Brute Gruts, Mezzodemon Warmongersx2, Phantom Knightsx3
Empty Suits
* Ebon Armor, Izumi Samurai, Kozuke Samurai, Otonashi, Tagawa Samurai, Tomoe Gozen
Raiders of the lost Arktos
* Guilty McCreech, Valguard, Dreadgul Raidersx5
Who let the dogs out
* Arktos, Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Quickblades
dok chooses who picks first. og-blaha chooses who places first.

The sheep (1-1) {10} v. iha (1-1) armies are:
Won’t my mommy be so proud of me?
* Brave Arrow, Mohican River Tribex6 (drop 1)
Ouch! It stung me!
* Martial La Hire, Mellifera, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Amberhive Protectorsx4 (drop 1)
* Dünd, Zombie Hulkx2, Zombies of Morindanx5
Scotch on the Rocks
* Alastair MacDirk, Frostclaw Paladins, Otonashi, Granite Guardiansx3
sheep chooses who picks first. iha chooses who places first.

The chris perkins (1-1) {1} v. swarm (1-1) {9} armies are:
You Guessed It
* Arktos, Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Swiftfangs
You (Probably Didn't) Guess It
* Loviatäk the Kyrie Warrior, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [AoA], Death Knights of Valkrillx5, Dumutef Guard
* Marcu Esenwein, Mok, Shieldsmiths of Granite Keepx4
* Frostclaw Paladins, Knight Primus Adelbern, Ordo Borealis, Raakchott Steward of Death
chris perkins chooses who picks first. swarm chooses who places first.

The knightoflight (1-1) {3} v. srd717 (1-1) {8} armies are:
The Sheep Special
* Krug, Arrow Grutsx4, Ice Troll Berserker, Swog Riderx5 (drop 1)
The Kevindola Special (or ya know, he played it once)
* Jotun, Marcu Esenwein, Goblin Cuttersx4

* Mogrimm Forgehammer, Axegrinders of Burning Forgex4

* Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Tornak, Heavy Grutsx4
srd717 chooses who picks first. knightoflight chooses who places first.

The dysole (1-1) v. grey waves (1-1) armies are:
The Right To Arm Bears aka Foudzing is a Coward
* Concan the Kyrie Warrior, Ordo Borealis, Sentinels of Jandarx3
Guess That's One Way To Burn Bridges aka I Want The D20 To Disappoint Me Yet Again
* Axentia, Wing Commander Tuck Harrigan, Xualtiaca Fire Antsx4
Standing on Higher Ground
* Warden 816, Command Courier, Granite Guardiansx5
Random Axe of Violence
* Dorim the Bulkhead Brawler, Isamu, Axegrinders of Burning Forgex4
dysole chooses who picks first. grey waves chooses who places first.

The megasilver (1-1) v. kevindola (0-2) {5} armies are:
Kyrie, Dwarf, & Bears, Oh My!
* Concan the Kyrie Warrior, Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Frostclaw Paladins, Ordo Borealis, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV]
Ogre the Hill & Through the Gate, To Orc's House We Go
* Pel the Hill Giant, Death Chasers of Theskx4, Ogre Castle Crasher
* Estivara, Fyorlag Spidersx5, Wyvernx2
* Banshees of Durgeth Swampx4, Dumutef Guardx3, Shades of Bleakewoodex2
kevindola chooses who picks first. megasilver chooses who places first.

The superfrog (0-2) v. maklar the silver prince (0-2) armies are:

* Bol, Kon-Tar-Na, Morgan's Riflemen, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [SotM], Marrden Nagrubsx4

* Isamu, Major Q10, Marro Dividersx5
Hopefully I selected the vark squads I actually wanted
* Arktos, Marro Warriors, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Quickblades
Post-spooky season already got my Christmas decorations up
* Bol, Cyprien Esenwein, Sonya Esenwein, Skeletons of Annellintiax3
superfrog chooses who picks first. maklar the silver prince chooses who places first.

The ryguy266 (0-2) v. drumtooth (0-2) armies are:
Have We Met Before?
* Heracles, Marro Stingersx3
No, You Don’t Seem Familiar
* Isamu, Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Quickblades, Varkaanan Swiftfangs
Major Plague
* Major Q10, Command Courier, Marrden Houndsx3
Wawa A wa Wawawa
* Arkmer, Kaemon Awa, Kyntela Gwyn, Air Elemental, Warriors of Ashrax4
ryguy266 chooses who picks first. drumtooth chooses who places first.

~Dysole, pushing us along
superfrog and Maklar will be playing tomorrow night but the results of their game won't affect any matchups so here we are now. MegaSilver has also dropped from the event.


If you are choosing who picks first, whichever player gets second will get the option (not mandatory) of striking one of the armies from the pool. If you are choosing who places first, the other player does get selection of start zone before placement begins. If you do not place a whole card's worth of figures during forward placement, you may not do any further forward placement. Whoever places second on this map gets +8 to their opening initiative roll.

Round 4 is on Sundered Sea Stronghold.

The skywhale (3-0) v. shurrig (3-0) {6} armies are:
Single Figure Start Zone
* Knight Primus Adelbern, Death Chasers of Theskx3, Tomb Skeleton Archersx4
Please Release Agrith-Naar
* Corvor the Tainted One, Kaemon Awa, Acolytes of Vorganundx4
* Bol, Festering Honor Guard, Queen Maladrix, Honor Guard of the Blasted Landsx4 (drop 1)
Demon Time
* Arkmer, Morgoloth, Acolytes of Vorganundx5, Skull Demon
skywhale chooses who picks first. shurrig chooses who places first.

The dok (3-0) {2} v. sheep (2-1) {9} armies are:
Bully for you
* Brute Gruts, Mezzodemon Warmongersx2, Phantom Knightsx3
Empty Suits
* Ebon Armor, Izumi Samurai, Kozuke Samurai, Otonashi, Tagawa Samurai, Tomoe Gozen
Won’t my mommy be so proud of me?
* Brave Arrow, Mohican River Tribex6 (drop 1)
Ouch! It stung me!
* Martial La Hire, Mellifera, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Amberhive Protectorsx4 (drop 1)
sheep chooses who picks first. dok chooses who places first.

The chris perkins (2-1) {1} v. drakeepooh (2-1) armies are:
You Guessed It
* Arktos, Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Swiftfangs
You (Probably Didn't) Guess It
* Loviatäk the Kyrie Warrior, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [AoA], Death Knights of Valkrillx5, Dumutef Guard
* Concan the Kyrie Warrior, Frostclaw Paladins, Isamu, Knight Primus Adelbern, Ordo Borealis
* Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [AoA], Tarn Viking Warriors, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, Death Knights of Valkrillx2
drakeepooh chooses who picks first. chris perkins chooses who places first.

The dysole (2-1) v. srd717 (2-1) {8} armies are:
The Right To Arm Bears aka Foudzing is a Coward
* Concan the Kyrie Warrior, Ordo Borealis, Sentinels of Jandarx3
Guess That's One Way To Burn Bridges aka I Want The D20 To Disappoint Me Yet Again
* Axentia, Wing Commander Tuck Harrigan, Xualtiaca Fire Antsx4

* Mogrimm Forgehammer, Axegrinders of Burning Forgex4

* Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Tornak, Heavy Grutsx4
dysole chooses who picks first. srd717 chooses who places first.

The earthling (2-1) {5} v. superfrog (0-2) armies are:
* Major Q11, Hoplitronx10, Sahuagin Raider
I heard Misaerx was A tier
* Iron Lich Viscerot, Misaerx the Kyrie Warrior, Necrotech Wraithriders, Roman Legionnairesx3

* Bol, Kon-Tar-Na, Morgan's Riflemen, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [SotM], Marrden Nagrubsx4

* Isamu, Major Q10, Marro Dividersx5
earthling chooses who picks first. superfrog chooses who places first.

The kevindola (1-2) {3} v. ryguy266 (0-3) armies are:
* Estivara, Fyorlag Spidersx5, Wyvernx2
* Banshees of Durgeth Swampx4, Dumutef Guardx3, Shades of Bleakewoodex2
Have We Met Before?
* Heracles, Marro Stingersx3
No, You Don’t Seem Familiar
* Isamu, Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Quickblades, Varkaanan Swiftfangs
ryguy266 chooses who picks first. kevindola chooses who places first.

The knightoflight (1-2) {4} v. swarm (1-2) {10} armies are:
The Sheep Special
* Krug, Arrow Grutsx4, Ice Troll Berserker, Swog Riderx5 (drop 1)
The Kevindola Special (or ya know, he played it once)
* Jotun, Marcu Esenwein, Goblin Cuttersx4
* Marcu Esenwein, Mok, Shieldsmiths of Granite Keepx4
* Frostclaw Paladins, Knight Primus Adelbern, Ordo Borealis, Raakchott Steward of Death
swarm chooses who picks first. knightoflight chooses who places first.

The og-blaha (1-2) v. iha (1-2) armies are:
Raiders of the lost Arktos
* Guilty McCreech, Valguard, Dreadgul Raidersx5
Who let the dogs out
* Arktos, Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Quickblades
* Dünd, Zombie Hulkx2, Zombies of Morindanx5
Scotch on the Rocks
* Alastair MacDirk, Frostclaw Paladins, Otonashi, Granite Guardiansx3
og-blaha chooses who picks first. iha chooses who places first.

The maklar the silver prince (0-2) v. drumtooth (1-2) armies are:
Hopefully I selected the vark squads I actually wanted
* Arktos, Marro Warriors, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Quickblades
Post-spooky season already got my Christmas decorations up
* Bol, Cyprien Esenwein, Sonya Esenwein, Skeletons of Annellintiax3
Major Plague
* Major Q10, Command Courier, Marrden Houndsx3
Wawa A wa Wawawa
* Arkmer, Kaemon Awa, Kyntela Gwyn, Air Elemental, Warriors of Ashrax4
drumtooth chooses who picks first. maklar the silver prince chooses who places first.

grey waves has a bye.

~Dysole, informationally
The Quarterfinals are on Stygian Rift. Initiative bonus is +8

The drakeepooh (3-1) v. skywhale (3-1) armies are:
* Concan the Kyrie Warrior, Frostclaw Paladins, Isamu, Knight Primus Adelbern, Ordo Borealis​
* Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [AoA], Tarn Viking Warriors, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, Death Knights of Valkrillx2​
Single Figure Start Zone
* Knight Primus Adelbern, Death Chasers of Theskx3, Tomb Skeleton Archersx4​
Please Release Agrith-Naar
* Corvor the Tainted One, Kaemon Awa, Acolytes of Vorganundx4​
drakeepooh chooses who picks first. skywhale chooses who places first.

The srd717 (3-1) {7} v. dok (3-1) {2} armies are:
* Mogrimm Forgehammer, Axegrinders of Burning Forgex4​
* Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Tornak, Heavy Grutsx4​
Bully for you
* Brute Gruts, Mezzodemon Warmongersx2, Phantom Knightsx3​
Empty Suits
* Ebon Armor, Izumi Samurai, Kozuke Samurai, Otonashi, Tagawa Samurai, Tomoe Gozen​
srd717 chooses who picks first. dok chooses who places first.

shurrig and sheep get byes to Semifinals.

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The Semifinals are on Stoker. This map has a +8 initiative bonus.

The shurrig (4-0) {5} v. dok (4-1) {2} armies are:
* Bol, Festering Honor Guard, Queen Maladrix, Honor Guard of the Blasted Landsx4 (drop 1)
Demon Time
* Arkmer, Morgoloth, Acolytes of Vorganundx5, Skull Demon
Bully for you
* Brute Gruts, Mezzodemon Warmongersx2, Phantom Knightsx3
Empty Suits
* Ebon Armor, Izumi Samurai, Kozuke Samurai, Otonashi, Tagawa Samurai, Tomoe Gozen
dok chooses who picks first. shurrig chooses who places first.

sheep will play the winner of the game happening Wednesday. We'll roll that one out once completed.

~Dysole, informationally
The Semifinals are on Stoker.

The sheep (3-1) {7} v. skywhale (4-1) armies are:
Won’t my mommy be so proud of me?
* Brave Arrow, Mohican River Tribex6 (drop 1)
Ouch! It stung me!
* Martial La Hire, Mellifera, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Amberhive Protectorsx4 (drop 1)
Single Figure Start Zone
* Knight Primus Adelbern, Death Chasers of Theskx3, Tomb Skeleton Archersx4
Please Release Agrith-Naar
* Corvor the Tainted One, Kaemon Awa, Acolytes of Vorganundx4
skywhale chooses who picks first. sheep chooses who places first.

~Dysole, 3 in 4 chance of a new OHS champ
The Finals are on Frostmire.

The dok (5-1) {2} v. sheep (4-1) {7} armies are:
Bully for you
* Brute Gruts, Mezzodemon Warmongersx2, Phantom Knightsx3
Empty Suits
* Ebon Armor, Izumi Samurai, Kozuke Samurai, Otonashi, Tagawa Samurai, Tomoe Gozen
Won’t my mommy be so proud of me?
* Brave Arrow, Mohican River Tribex6 (drop 1)
Ouch! It stung me!
* Martial La Hire, Mellifera, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Amberhive Protectorsx4 (drop 1)
sheep chooses who picks first. dok chooses who places first.

~Dysole, noting that we're still not guaranteed a unique champion