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Let's talk strategy: BLACK

Unhinged Manchild

Active member
Continuing my series of talking power and strategy for AotP's colors, here is black! Black is pretty similar to white in my opinion; they have tons of move 5 and range 1 figures that just want to be in the opponent's face. Anyone that's played enough Heroscape probably understands that ranged units generally have an advantage over melee units (especially when those melee units are move 5...) and I think that mostly holds in AotP, which impacts white and black, making them neighbors as the worst two colors. Black is a bit heavier on auto-squad killing and has none of the creature healing and toughness buffs than white has, though. Opponents that bring lots of squads (and no heroes) are probably in for tough game against a well-played black army.

Check out this Youtube video for more of my thoughts! You can get a good, broad idea of how I feel about black by just watching the first 8 minutes!

Tier list for black's spell cards:
Spoiler Alert!

Tier list for black's army cards:
Spoiler Alert!

Thus, I think black suffers a pretty similar fate to white as a color with low mobility, low threat range, and basically no way to even temporarily change that fate. Black really loves fighting squads; that and regenerating squads are 100% their AotP niche. However, when it comes to enemy heroes, especially white's heroes with all of the potential healing backup, too many of black's cards lose too much function for them to have a great chance of success. What do you think?
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