HoME 3D Models Index
This thread will be an index of 3D printed figures (and other things) that can be used in HoME games.
There are some Lord of the Rings models on Thingiverse. Those file links can be posted in this thread and I will add them to this index.
In addition, I've started scanning my collection of Lord of the Rings miniatures from Sabertooth Games (out of print). (see the link to my HoME directory below)
These models will need to be separated and cleaned (there are 3-4 models per .obj file). The links include models for all the heroes of the Fellowship, as well as Elrond, Eowyn, Arwyn, and others. The quality isn't perfect, but a good paint job will make them usable for HoME games.
Thingiverse Models
Nazgul (lower poly)
Witch King of Angmar
Black Rider
Balrog w/whip
Sauron (low poly)
Troll (armored)
Cave Troll
Cave Troll 2
War Troll (armored)
Nazgul (possibly?)
Uruk Hai Minion Remixes:
Heroscape Uruk Hai
Heroscape Uruk Hai with Helm Variant
Black Rider Remixes:
Black Rider Nazgul on Horse Remixes
Nazgul Riders on Fellbeast Dragons
Scanned Models
Sabertooth Games models
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