• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

HEROSCAPERS 2.0 issues, discussion


Super Smurfy
Site Supporter
Welcome to the new site! Hopefully it is intuitive to use and a nicer experience overall. We'll write up a post with some features to check out after we put in place a new front page. (That unfortunately had to be pushed back a bit.)

With an upgrade as big as this, there will be issues! Please post them here and I'll start working on them. Note that there are things we plan to still change (e.g., the return of more badges), but we can roll out those sorts of things over the next couple of weeks and didn't want to delay the rollout of the new site any longer. If you're in doubt about something feel free to ask here. I will try to maintain a quick list of issues and most important feedback in this post as things get asked.

The list below is current through page 4 of this thread.

BUGS. Strikethrough when fixed.
  1. [mentions] need to be fixed - fixed
  2. downloads after 2022 missing - in progress, taking much longer than expected and much more work than expected
  3. "All downloads links lead to the same thing (26955_solidscape_100_beta)"
  4. most internal image links are showing as broken - fixed
  5. avatar border formatting is inconsistent and sometimes too thick
  6. clicking on home or the top banner leads to broken link - fixed
  7. readability of posts with different font colors can be bad with dark mode theme
  8. edits on posts between may 20 and aug 20 are missing - this one is fixed, but now the next item appeared:
  9. edits before may 20 are missing
  10. "submitted message is too long" for some complicated posts - fixed, let me know if this still affects any messages
  11. messages for some users had to be approved by moderators - fixed in many, many spots. let us know if there are any areas missed
  12. moderators seeing stuff in moderation queues - please clear out what you see, but there hopefully won't be more now
  13. 10,000 character limit on posts is too small - now upped to 100,000. Holler if that still isn't enough.
  14. typo in the welcome banner - fixed, thanks!
  15. registration emails not going out - fixed
  16. restore old custom emojis
  17. restore missing blog posts (including codex posts)
  18. do a top-to-bottom verification of forum visibility, posting, moderation permissions for all usergroups to fix lingering issues - this one will take some time
  19. links using the [post], [thread], [forum], etc bbcodes are broken - fixed and added some other convenience bbcodes at the same time
  20. language filter not ported over

  1. UserCP missing - now found under the "watched" items area under forums dropdown
  2. multi-quoting missing - now you just hit "reply" to multiple messages. Each one then gets quoted in the single reply box.
  3. reputation is gone - this was a deliberate decision. There were pros and cons to the previous system. If someone feels strongly about the need to restore the system, please create a new thread for further discussion
  4. I can't change the blurb under my username - these are internally called "user titles" and are a quirky admin-assigned thing
  5. No limit on number of posts I can like, unlike old rep system
  6. No "subscribe" option - this is just renamed to "watch"
  7. What happened to [noparse] bbcode? - this is now called [plain] in this software

  1. images in posts can be too big and prominent will restore click to embiggen
  2. restore badges from previous site for active groups (e.g., c3g, c3v, site supporters, etc.)
  3. no home page for featured news, content - it will return, better than before
  4. make a NOT dark mode theme - lighter theme is coming
  5. spoiler button should be on the main button bar, not behind the 3 dots option
  6. preview mode and exiting message preview mode is unintuitive
  7. greater visual contrast between read and unread threads
  8. make a "i want a larger font size" option
  9. make an option to turn off 7-hex avatar shape - LP request, Bats approved. I'm not sure on this one. Anyone else feel strongly this should be an option?
  10. option to mark a forum as read without actually entering the forum and clicking on mark as read - also would like feedback on this one
  11. make default option when clicking on a thread that it jumps to first unread post - note that at the top of each thread there is a "jump to new" option you can use in the meantime
  12. would like the ability to select more posts to show per page
  13. show active users in alphabetical order
  14. page selection at top of page on mobile
  15. report, edit, post text too dark
  16. have editor buttons (bold, italic, etc.) work in non-wysiwyg mode
  17. show active users at bottom of threads
  18. no visible option to become a site supporter
  19. option for more posts per page - this one is likely to happen and soon. still evaluating some internal impacts of this
  20. ability to collapse sections in forum list - I never realized so many people use this! (Actually, I'm not sure if I even knew that feature existed on the old site :))

  1. how to change border color on avatar? - select a general in your profile preference
  2. are there additional themes - there is a theme somewhat reminiscent of the old site. On bottom-left corner of a page, click on "Scapers 2.0" to find that theme.
  3. how to jump to most recent unread post from thread list - clicking on the timestamp will jump you to most recent post, which is close, but not quite as handy

  1. clicking on "edit profile banner" on account details theme slightly shifts background - maybe someday I'll look into this, but probably won't get to this
  2. comprehensive list of changes - but I'm trying to cobble together an FAQ for common questions.
  3. being able to link to an individual post with no context - pretty tricky and perhaps more trouble than its worth with the new software

These are things I haven't looked into at all yet to confirm they are issues. Will try to soon!!!
  1. preview doesn't show hyperlinked text - haven't tried this yet
  2. investigate nyys missing site supporter status
  3. is the member list broken or incomplete?

(xorlof note to self--document internal image redirect)
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  1. Will the "User CP" be restored? (I know probably not the same name)
  2. I can't figure out how to change the border color around my avatar.
  3. I'm a little overwhelmed by all the features. (watch, follow, sub-categories, etc)
  4. Looks great and I'm glad it's getting updated!
  5. I know the home page is getting worked on.
  6. Not sure if there are different site themes to choose from yet.
When I click on “Edit profile banner” in my account settings, the background shifts ever so slightly and when I close the prompt it shifts back. It doesn’t seem very noticeable in my pictures.


Maybe this isn't an issue per se, but on the old site, clicking on the banner at the top of the site would bring you back to the forums index. On the new site, I just get an error message (presumably because it's supposed to link to the currently unimplemented homepage). That said, I do like the new drafts feature! Useful for averting the age-old problem of "my computer died and I lost my five-paragraphs-long post."
Keep the reports coming. I have to step away for a couple of hours, but will try to get some replies and fixes to what you're reporting taken care of then. Thank you all!
Cross posting here, about two issues with images.

One is that they show up absolutely massive by default, often to the point of dominating the screen even/especially on a desktop.

The second is that gallery images, while not disappeared from the gallery, have had their URLs changed so that all my current links are dead.
All downloads links lead to the same thing (26955_solidscape_100_beta)
On the average post (such as this one), the new "dark mode" style (dark background, light text) isn't an issue. The new default formatting does cause an issue with readability - or compatibility - with some certain existing threads/posts. Most notably (to me), the BOOKS are all difficult to read in the current 2.0.
I don't see any "new" tag on topics. I see some on category (on main page of the forum for example). But not inside a category on the differents topics

Personnaly I miss the quick shortcut from main page to C3V custom for example

(Still need to navigate to test more :) )
Downloads have not been migrated over yet? Is there a timeline for that?
Also, older posts appear to have been migrated over awhile ago (at least 3+ weeks?); I see newer posts, but recent updates to older posts are missing.
Absolutely love the appearance of this new site. Just arrived and have tested a few features in replies. The faded feature of the edit button and such is a sleek feature. A big thank you to all involved in bringing about this new site. Looks great and am enjoying seeing Ryan ToV's banner images at the top. Great stuff, folks.
On the display setting of Hersoscapers 1.0ish, the settings page is hard to read as the green text there is too close to the background. On the 2.0 setting, some text in older posts is impossible to read.

Great look overall! Thanks for everything you do! (As an aside, I was tickled that the site was looked the same after I’d been gone for 13 years. Glad I came back and saw that before the change, but also glad this will be easier to use on modern devices.)
  • The Spoilers button is buried under the three dots and should probably be on the main panel.
  • Also, the spoilers tag that the spoilers button inserts doesn’t work with the new code (at least it didn’t for me).
  • Hard to tell if the Preview button is really doing anything without an image or something like it in your post. That could be confusing
  • Hitting the Preview button again to exit and return to editing is not intuitive/obvious.
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I also would like to see the return of User CP or equivalent on the main page.

The distinction between read threads and unread threads (the bolded text) is not very big. It's hard to differentiate the bold and non-bolded text indicated which threads are 'new/read' and which aren't
A lot of the books are missing images (for example, the Grok Riders). Will that be corrected in time or have to be relinked?

It also looks like the majority of books may required a decent amount of reformatting (tiny fonts, hard to read colours, etc.). If it helps, I could start compiling a list of specific books needing attention.
I got an error trying to update the OP of the Playtesting Thread with the most recent Round of games

The submitted message is too long to be processed. Please shorten it.
Oof, a “too long” filter would spell trouble for a lot of projects on here.
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I will update OP in the morning with statuses. A few random replies to issues mentioned above:

Images shouldn't have to be relinked. Some (lots) of the redirects look like they need some work. I will get it fixed. (@Myriadite, @superfrog @Sherman Davies).

Yes, @Myriadite, it would be great if you can start compiling Book issues (other than missing images from gallery which should get fixed). This is mentioned by @'Scaper94 also.

@kevindola: Will add that OP update issue to the list. What from UserCP are you missing? I will try to make unread/read more distinct. Should be doable.

There is a light theme already created so those who may not like dark theme will have an option for something else. @TMoney9 (and others).

@Scott: Will check into preview and spoiler issues, thanks. I will take a quick peek at the 1.0 setting, but may not make many changes there, rather investing time in the new light mode theme.

@GameBear, @Foudzing. Those appear to be import bugs. Thanks. Will fix.

Yes, avatars needs some work to be more consistent. To change your borader, you have to select a general in your user preferences. That setting has no other effect and unfortunately only can current change the color of the border in the forum section, not downloads, galleries, etc.
Oof, a “too long” filter would spell trouble for a lot of projects on here.
I don't remember what we had for max length on the old site. I just quadrupled the setting here from 10,000 to 40,000 characters. If that's not enough and we still get error messages, I will bump it up some more. Let me know!
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I am not finding my previously uploaded maps. I assume they are still here, since the images that were uploaded for the download are still showing up.
...they show up absolutely massive by default, often to the point of dominating the screen even/especially on a desktop.
Seconding this.
On the average post (such as this one), the new "dark mode" style (dark background, light text) isn't an issue. The new default formatting does cause an issue with readability - or compatibility - with some certain existing threads/posts. Most notably (to me), the BOOKS are all difficult to read in the current 2.0.
The font size feels a bit small overall.
I have disabled the downloads until I get the missing downloads issue sorted out later today (Wednesday).