• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Heroscape.org - New Software Support for Heroscape

Be able to pull up the army data from the "Army" section that tracks points, figures, spaces. I'd like to be able to place all potential units in the army and then click back and forth without having to search and/or filter.

A lot of people have asked for this over time. I finally broke down and did it tonight. Should be live now.

My concern with this one has always been it causing mis-clicks on mobile, since there's not a lot of screen real estate in that box to work with and the +/- icons already are click targets. So if anyone has a lot of mis-clicks on mobile because of this change let me know.

Hey Chris, thanks so much for this addition! It's something I've been hoping for, and I think it's a great inclusion.

... unfortunately, it seems to be having issues on my end, but only with certain figures. Greenscale Warriors and Braxas, for example. Something funky happens when I add them both to my army and try to toggle between the two details sections. Both of these seem to play nicely with other units, but for some reason the combination causes fiddliness - clicking on one of their names and then the other may change only the background color, and then prevent me from clicking on anything else.

Unsure how prevalent this is, but thought I should bring it up since it keeps happening!
I've been having the builder freeze on me using an iphone and ipad on mobile and desktop. I'm not sure if maybe it's a click count overload or what, but after a lot of interaction it simply stops and requires a refresh, which in turn loses the current army list. I was thinking this added feature might be to blame. I don't want it to be because I really find it useful.

Speaking of mobile. On my phone, safari browser, there are some army cards that are so long that it hides the entire screen as well as the top portion of the card - name, stats and the X to close. I'm curious if anyone else has experienced this. I feel like a scroll bar is overkill, but maybe there's a better option like shrinking the font size a teensy bit? The entire Esenwein clan is notorious for this, and I noticed Xenithrax does it as well.

Feature request: Saving an army
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Added something new today: an embedded map (Google Maps) showing the locations of upcoming tournaments & conventions.


Thought this might be a cool way for newer players to see what's happening near them if enough local events get their addresses entered.

Currently it only has the 2 upcoming Cons (ScapeCon IV, Scape Summit I) & my next local event listed, because those are the only entries in the site that have the new field 'Address' filled out (which I added today).

The new 'Address' field, if filled out, also appears on the Tournament/Convention page below the date(s) of the event. So if you put it there you probably don't need to put it in the description anymore.

If you want your events to appear on the map, enter the 'Address' field (either when creating the event, or when editing the event) exactly as it appears on Google Maps, and it should then show up on the map. If you try this and it doesn't work, let me know and I'll debug why.

- Chris
2 Quick Updates:

1) I switched the default sort mechanism on the Builder page to "Points (Low to High)" (was previously "Alphabetical") based on feedback I received.

2) I modified the tournament standings list to respect/follow bracket results, so going further in a bracket now ranks you higher, with existing tie-breakers remaining the same after that.
Couple of Updates:

1) Added a new way to label tournaments, calling it 'Format Tags'. When creating your tournament, there's a bunch of things you can tag a tournament, some are purely semantic and have no effect ('Cheese', 'Bring-2') and some affect the Builder ('RoX', 'Uniques Only'). Eventually hope to add a search by tag for past tournaments, so for example you would be able to search for all tournaments that used 'Heat of Battle' and see the results.

New feature, excited for what it can allow, but there are probably bugs associated with it. If you find issues let me know.

2) I think I finally fixed the bug that was cropping up during conventions where the site's memory got filled up. Happened again during Scape Summit, but this time I'm hopeful I came up with a permanent solution. Won't know for sure until ScapeCon IV in August, but fingers crossed.

3) Finally got a channel on the 'Heroscapers Online' Discord. It's called 'heroscapeorg', under 'Projects!'. Hoping that it becomes the primary place for discussion, including letting me know when there is an issue.
Oh, forgot 1 of the other recent changes.

4) I added a feature where you can set an alternative OHS Google Doc Id for a map for an online tournament. So, for example, for OST & Sir H's League, if they want to use a different than standard version of the map (i.e. with pre-set treasures) they can enter the normal map name but enter the new field ('Alt Ohs Gdoc Id') with their specific google doc id.

The goal of this is to keep maps correctly linked with tournaments (the alternatively named maps that have been in use don't back-link which tournaments the map has been used at correctly) while still allowing the functionality of specifically-generated maps.

The downside to this is it won't let another user select the map to make a practice game from on that page unless you also enter the map separately. May eventually improve that but that's where it stands for now.
Got another one for ya! Shades of Bleakewoode are missing the middle "e" on the army builder (written: Shades of Bleakwoode)

I actually think this one may have been intentional, though I'm not sure. But if it was I don't like my reasoning anymore.

The short version is that "Bleakewoode" is almost certainly the incorrect spelling of the word - it's spelled "Bleakwoode" almost everywhere else, including in their power text and on the official Valhalla map.

But it should match the card, so it does now. Also this version lets the search bar find both spellings successfully, which is nice.