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Heroscape fights Arena of the Planeswalkers

Re: A madman wielding a child's science project...

Back for more! Kiora brings a madman wielding a child's science project to fight Gideon's Total White Domination!


Also, a quick run through my thoughts on the Age of Annihilation - tacking it here even though it is not a battle report, at least it is new scape!

Re: N O P E is how AotP spells blue

Another SAVAGE game of Jace versus Nissa. This is blue in true nuisance form:

Re: N O P E is how AotP spells blue

I really need to get this back out and play it again. Now that I've got all the speed paint stuff, it's time to hit them all with white primer and go to town. I think I'm just gonna hit my painted ones from years ago with primer as well and repaint them while I'm at it. I've got two sets of each of these boxes. I think if the models where distinguished enough, I don't think it'd be terrible to run multiple squads of each one, do you? Example: 2 rhox veterans, or 2 Leslie phantoms? I don't know, guess I'll find out soon. Enough. Really looking forward to painting the two eldrazi runners. That art looks better than all the art. Haha. I've been watching the office again, so many office references. Thanks for sharing always loved your batreps and still have the Van Nessing you sent me so long ago from winning one of your events on here.
Re: N O P E is how AotP spells blue

I really need to get this back out and play it again. Now that I've got all the speed paint stuff, it's time to hit them all with white primer and go to town. I think I'm just gonna hit my painted ones from years ago with primer as well and repaint them while I'm at it. I've got two sets of each of these boxes. I think if the models where distinguished enough, I don't think it'd be terrible to run multiple squads of each one, do you? Example: 2 rhox veterans, or 2 Leslie phantoms? I don't know, guess I'll find out soon. Enough. Really looking forward to painting the two eldrazi runners. That art looks better than all the art. Haha. I've been watching the office again, so many office references. Thanks for sharing always loved your batreps and still have the Van Nessing you sent me so long ago from winning one of your events on here.

But AotP is a perfect unpainted child! I have one of each set (includes the regular first set and the bonus set, so technically I have two copies of the first AotP set) and I still have no plans for painting my AotP unless some magical angel appears and offers to do a professional job completely free of charge...

Too many of AotP squads' sculpts look too similar - I think the Rhox are amongst the hardest to tell apart; the three are almost all in the same pose!

BTW I am going to organize an AotP tournament over Tabletop Simulator - if you are interested, let me know or keep an eye out for the announcement here at Heroscapers!

The Office is definitely an undying classic to me. I can always watch that show. Glad you love Van Nessing! Thanks for watching and checking in!
Re: TWO NEW BATTLES of AotP custom figure playtesting!

Hey all! I've been having tons of fun playing the new Pokemon and Fire Emblem games, but my buddy Arcanis joined me to play a game of AotP this recent weekend! We livestreamed a couple of games to playtest a new Gideon design (part of our eventual AotP customs expansion) that we have been talking about for some months now.

Check out the battles here, and let me know what you think of new Gideon and his abilities!
Re: Superheroes+GCT game!

Cool! I know it’s an old post but I’m happy to see that you used what my son and I created back in the day for using interactive terrain, as well as some of our buildings. When I do run HeroScape these days it’s almost always supers and we still use our smashing and throwing rules. We had simplified the rules a while back. I believe they’re still written out in one of the last posts in my old custom terrain thread if you still need them.
Re: AoA build & battle scenario!

Recently, while looking around for Age of Annihilation rules, I came across this AoA scenario somewhere on the internet, asked my wife to try a round of it with me:

However, I didn't want to fish out the bunch of my 24 hexers, which are at the bottom of the friggin tote that contains the rest of my dozen sets of terrain... So, I considered my AotP terrain for a quick fix... And realized that just one of the AotP boards is literally equivalent to two connected 24 hexers, in such a way that 4 of the AotP boards covers for the base layer of the scenario:

Since my AotP terrain is readily available (love AotP, playtesting AotP customs HMU if you want in,) we used ~2 sets of AotP terrain to build our map, placing one piece at a time, including the ruins! Final product:

Then, we rolled our D20s a few times to get semi-random armies from a semi-random pool of cards. The sexiest being in scapedom is teamed up with dumb aliens, a violent ape, and failurestrike samurai. My old lady was quite excited to get the Aubrien Archers and the zettian robots, but less enthusiastic about Dragonspine and Warforged (it's like she knew they were DnD and not Heroscape aesthetic.)



I win initiative and walk my glorious king of scapedom up a bit. My wife moves the Aubrien up and nails a Frenzy. And again. And again.... And again... 18, 16, 17, 20, filling my beautiful beast with 4 wounds worth of arrows (must be hundreds of arrows in his chest at this point!) Then I move the violent beast Carr forward, murdering an elf with his gigantic 2 attack, and my wife brings up her Zettians.

I send Morpheus in, shooting at an elf, missing, and then failing to kill another elf with his sword. Elves on the attack and defense glyphs repeatedly shoot back and deal 3 damage to Carr. The handsome Pulverizer (what a brutal label; he's just a muscular chad that just wants to give you a hug, don't be so mean!) strolls nearby the big middle hill.

I win initiative and send my secret weapon, ogre elf-hugger, to the high ground, rolling 5 dice against a lower elf. In true Heroscape fashion, I get a completely undeserved (and frankly racist) 5 non-skulls attack roll and my wife rolls 2 shields, killing the sexiest beast of all time in the middle of my own attack, #smhmyhead. I may file a lawsuit against Hasbro for the VIOLENT THEFT I experienced here. I took a picture as evidence of Hasbro's hate toward me:

Luckily, my OM 2 and 3 on the Marro dirtbags, they go in and feast on elves, while my wife's stupid robots clunk forward.

Ape Carr dies to robot targeting systems in the next round, and the aliens shoot back at the bloodthirsty logicsacks with total futility.

Giving up on these Marro freaks, I begrudgingly dump my OMs on samurai and send them in, while the alien freaks are killed by a flurry of lethal flying fluffy teddy bears (I assume the zettian guards shoot teddies; I don't know what their ammunition is by lore.) The zettians did not move from their high positions, but the samurai are closing in.

Murderbots win initiative and one samurai is erased by a lethal dose of teddies. Out of rage, I begin an "occupy" movement of the defense glyph with one samurai, and send the other samurai into engagement with a zettian. Robot attempts to police the defense glyph, but fails. Counterstrike terminates the other zettian guard when it attacks the adjacent failurestrike samurai.

Shortly into this round, the other zettian dies to counterstrike. While maintaining the global offensive power of defense +1, I send the other samurai in front of my wife's start zone. He closes his eyes in fear, covers his face and sticks his sword out, and 80 points of knockoff robots play shish kabob on it.

Then, the final showdown begins against lizard man. Spamming his fire breathing, he safely kills the otherwise lucky samurai and then my last stinky alien. A final combat between the last failurestrike samurai and 4-wounds Rhogar ensues. As you'd expect for Heroscape, the superior figure wins.

Pretty sure counterstrike killed an elf archer, both zettians, and all 3 warforged this game, lol. Samurai probably killed ~250 points worth of figures, while the Ogre only committed suicide on my OM, Carr killed 1 elf, and the drudge killed... 4 elves? GGWP
Re: AoA build & battle scenario!

That was hilarious!

Also, what a well-documented game; it looks like taking pictures throughout must be a good chunk of the fun.
Re: AoA build & battle scenario!

That was hilarious!

Also, what a well-documented game; it looks like taking pictures throughout must be a good chunk of the fun.

Absolutely, although I think my wife was less enthusiastic about taking a picture when my samurai killed all three of her Warforged in one turn with counterstrike, lol.

It's great to be able to go back through my battle reports to see my old games from years back. Great way to share some of the fun with the community, too!
Re: A GRUESOME SLAUGHTER... with pictures!

Played a round of AotP with the greatest woman in the galaxy for my bday! GLOBAL WARMING versus TOTAL WHITE DOMINATION!



I won init with a nat 20, but allow my wife to go first, like the true gentlenutjob I am. She summons the nobles and prophet onto the road. Chandra runs left, toward the glyph. I summon Avacyn and run Gideon toward the middle of the map.


Mad Prophet runs 8 move spaces with road bonus toward the middle. I summon Rhox on the high ground in the middle, and hookers to the right near the lv 6 bridge. I enchant hookers with Spare from Evil, Divine Favor, and Total White Domination Honor of the Pure. Gideon moves onto a lv 4 space by the rock outcrop.


Chandra summons phoenixes, enchants herself with stoke the flames, and shoots twice at the Rhox in the middle, 3v6, no damage. Rhox take the toughness glyph and murder 2 phoenixes on a 4v1 thanks to TRAMPLE.


My wife plays Seize the Day, moves a Noble forward, and then activates the nobles, moving them toward the middle and getting one low ground attack at a hooker, 3v6, failing to deal damage. A phoenix REBIRTHS. I enchant the Rhox with Battlewise Valor, and then activate hookers, moving two of them up onto the lv 6 bridge, and killing two nobles on some 6v2s.


My wife plays Burn at the Stake, naming "Soldiers," and activates Chandra. She summons scions into the middle of the map on the lv 4 spaces. Chandra attacks the glyph Rhox, triggering Battlewise Valor, for two attacks of 5v10, and still no damage. (I think we forgot to REBIRTH a phoenix here.) I fly Avacyn 6 spaces into the red madness, adjacent to a phoenix, 2 Scions, and the prophet. Avacyn hits a scion for 1 damage, then via MADNESS OF ANGELS puts 1 damage on all 4 of the adjacent enemy creatures, killing the Phoenix and the damaged Scion.


Mad Prophet attacks Avacyn and gets two damage on a 6v3, however I quickly heal that damage off with Chaplain's Blessing, also giving Avacyn a +1 power counter. Avacyn takes an LEA from a scion (whiff) to move onto lv 4 even ground with the prophet, and then hits 3 damage onto him, +1 more damage for MADNESS. MADNESS also kills the last phoenix.


My wife plays Firebreathing and Twinflame on the Scions, and attacks two Rhox veterans. Her Twinflame-buffed Scion rolls 4 swords on 5 dice, netting 8 hits and demolishing the poor rhino! (Thank goodness that wasn't used against Gideon...) The second Scion also rolls 4 hits, and blank-out defense gets another defending rhino killed. I play Tenacity on Avacyn, and kill the Prophet in combat. MADNESS kills an adjacent Scion.


My wife plays Stubborn Resilience on the last Scion, and then Senseless Rage on Avacyn. The scion sends the last Rhox to the Shadow Realm. I play Inspired Charge and send Avacyn over to attack Chandra, first rolling 6 hits on 8 dice versus Chandra's 1 shield, but a Senseless Rage reroll knocks it down to 4 hits on 8 dice, netting 3 damage on Chandra.


The rather beefy Eldrazi Scion moves to attack Avacyn, 7v3, for 3 damage. Avacyn attacks Chandra again, rolling 4 hits on 6 dice while Chandra blanks out defensively. Senseless Rage falls short of saving Chandra, as the rerolled attack still gets 3 hits for the final 3 damage on Chandra. MADNESS kills the scion, as well.


The final Noble swings at Avacyn for 1 damage. Avacyn kills him in combat with a 6v2 attack.

My wife totally summoned nobles and prophet too early, and I'd say the extra turns it took to get those figures into the fight were probably her biggest pain point this game. So moral of teh story total white domination OP and global warming is not a real threat, thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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Re: The Melee, 3-player Scenario!

Played an excellent free-for-all with 2 fellas last night during a stream! Some fun commentary as we worked our way through alliances and turn-by-turn strategy.

The victory condition: Have the highest score (army cost) of figures on the purple spaces at the end of 36 turns. Basically, a variation of king of the hill.

The reality: Kiora is secretly a mafia boss, a black woman couldn't kill a zombie-hating white squad guy, and somehow the Flamewing Phoenixes survive the assaults of two whole armies of blue and black figures. Carry by Waves and Snuff Out were game-deciding abilities, but not in the way anybody thought they would be...

Re: SAVE SANTA scenario - 2v2 video!

Check out this excellent winter-themed 2v2 AotP scenario, Mrs. Claus and some snow god (that I've never heard of) come to the defense of Santa Claus as he is attacked by the Royal Scions and another walker borne of PURE FIRE!

To catch the scenario layout (prepared and presented by ShinobiMystic from the AotP discord!) feel free to watch from here:


Here is approximately where the game begins:

Re: SAVE SANTA scenario - 2v2 video!

We played another game with the same set of Christmas customs, this time a 3-player FFA! If you want to see the sturdiest plot armor known to man, watch the second half of this game! You HAVEN'T SEEN dice skills like this!

It's been a while since I visited my own battle thread, and I realize I hadn't posted our Migol's Tomb battle from a few months ago! It's a Migol's Tomb 3-player scenario, but we fight to free Avacyn from her hell in a cell! Sorin v Ob Nixilis v our WIP custom Nissa!

Shall we AotP-fy one of the new Heroscape scenarios next? I don't even know what/where the new ones are, is there a link to PDFs (or the like) somewhere?
I'm firing up an experiment to get some games of Heroscape versus Arena of the Planeswalkers! Initially, I presented the idea to the Heroscape subreddit, asking for volunteers to help playtest/put their foot forward. *That went swimmingly* 😆 they totally rolled the red carpet out for my ask 🤌🏻 so instead, I took it upon myself to create the following 8 armies, 500 pts each:

Stingers x8

Deathreavers x4, McCreech, Marro Warriors, Major Q9, Raelin

Heavies x4, Grimnak, Tornak

Snipers x3, Marcu, Taelord

Jace Beleren, Projections, Scions, Geists

Arlinn, Nobles, Kessigs

Sorin, Ruiner

Ob, Zombies, Scions

All AotP armies are using spells. I'd like to pit most of these armies against one another in fights (to total annihilation) over the coming weeks. I talked to @Arcanis about piloting one of the 4 AotP armies against me while I used one of the heroscape armies - we played a game on Tabletop Simulator, I'll be releasing that on YT soon 🔥🔥🔥

I've already received a request to pit the Jace army against the Snipers/Taelord army, I'd like to get that game started soon, too! Any volunteers here to play some TTS or Roll20? Idc whether I'm playing the AotP army or the heroscape army, I'm fluent in both 😉

Otherwise, what're your thoughts on these potential matchups?
I'd like to read the battle reports!
Absolutely, welcome! The first one just hit YT today, I will not be doing a write up of this one, though - Arlinn/Nobles/Kessigs versus 8 sets of Stingers:

I will be writing up a report (+ pictures) of the next game, which pits the Ob Nixilis army against the Heavy Grut army! Considering the request from the AotP Discord to pit Jace against the Snipers, I suppose that leaves Sorin to fight the Q9 + rats army.
Deuces - Ob versus Orcs:

Round 1:
Orcs win init, Grimnak and a few heavies run forward. They see a gruesome display of power when Ob summons and immediately destroys his own zombie with AT ANY PRICE and then kills another via 6v1 combat. More orcs and Tornak charge forth. Ob uses AT ANY PRICE on the final zombie, and flies into the middle of the map. Orcs continue to amass about 5 spaces away from their start zone.

Ob rolls his first DARKNESS ARISES and fails. He summons scions, enchants them with barter in blood and dark harvest, and then plays rise of the dark realms to bring the sacrificed Scion back onto the field. Ob flies slightly forward and gets first blood on an orc squaddie via AT ANY PRICE.

Round 2:
Orcs continue moving the horde forward, no combat initiations yet. Ob gets a successful DARKNESS ARISES check, AT ANY PRICEs an orc, then attacks Tornak, who deftly blocks the 5v5.

Grimnak eats a Restless Zombie then whiffs on the attack against another zombie. Enhanced orcs follow up, killing 1 more zombie and slashing the magical demon for 2 damage. Ob saps an orc with Corrupt, healing 1 damage himself. He enchants Eldrazi Scions with Duress. They triple team Grimnak with 7v4s, getting exact lethal damage with their attacks. Tornak swings at the Demon for 1 damage, while a grut wacks a Scion for 1 damage. Another grut kills a different Scion, triggering Barter in Blood, killing the attacking orc as well.

Ob plays Painful truths, killing the last zombie and drawing Liliana's Caress. DARKNESS ARISES fails, but Ob uses AT ANY PRICE to disappear one orc, then takes 2 LEAs (both hit) to fly to an ideal Killing Wave position, slaughtering 4 more orcs!

Round 3:
Tornak hits ob for 1 damage. Orcs quickly take formation around Tornak, hitting ob for another damage (he's at 6 damage now) and killing another Scion.

Ob gets a crucial 16 on the d20 for darkness arises, bringing the zombies back. This allows him to play Alter's Reap and Bone Splinters, destroying 2 zombies, but killing Tornak and removing 4 damage from himself (now 2 damage remains on him.) He disappears an orc squaddie and whiffs his attack against another orc.

4 orcs immediately swing at Ob, getting 5 damage through! Ob AT ANY PRICEs one orc, and uses Ever After to raise the orc from the dead, sending him into combat to kill his ex-comrade. Ob then swings a 5v3 against an orc, but his 3 hits are miraculously blocked by a 3-shield defense save.

3 orcs remain, 2 move out of the start zone, while the last swings at Ob, who blocks. Ob sends that orc to the shadow realm with AT ANY PRICE, then he flies onto the move+2 glyph. The 2 Orcs move forward and hit the last scion for 1 damage. Ob buries one of the orcs with AAP, but doesn't kill the other one in a 5v3 combat. The final orc fails to kill the demon on retaliation, and is disappeared.

Ob with 1 life, a Scion with 1 life, and a zombie remain.

My postgame thoughts: I overextended Grimnak in round 2, leading to his swift death by buffed scions. If I were to replay this game I'd probably look to better protect Grimnak because his CHOMPs are too useful. Ob's Killing Wave play at the end of round 2 was also risky, the game could have been basically clinched when Tornak and buffed orcs surrounded him at his exposed position. I'd wager he had at least a 30% chance of dying there. Next game is Jace versus Snipers/Taelord!