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Happy AOA Release Day!


Active member
I think most of the active members here already have their pre-orders, but maybe we’ll see a wave of new members after folks pickup/buy their sets at their FLGS? Either way, worth noting that today is technically THE day that Age of Annihilation releases!

Also, good excuse to share pics! Here’s all my AOA dominating our gaming table:

Post any stories you have from release day and reports from FLGSs. Are they sold out? Getting lots of new interest?
Fits better on a shelf than a map? :LOL:

I’ve only played one game with her, but there were issues, more about other characters not being able to move through tiles blocked by her wings and tail than where she could move. But you do need a fairly open map for Xenithrax.

I need to do an all dragons battle! Got all of the little ones from the D&D era too. Should be fun.
Back when Heroscape first came out, my small FLGS had a small glass display case shelf with some Scape terrain and figures set up. I thought to myself: "Looks like a kids game; but the terrain might be useful for other games." Then a pal got me the RoV Master set and the half dozen expansions available that Christmas, and I was off to the races! Been playing since then.

We're awaiting our first Renegade orders here in the Fall!
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Xenithrax is HUGE! I played with her yesterday, what a fun unit! The fact that vines can't go under figures kind of sucks, she doesn't seem worth her weight in points, but heck, it's such an imposing miniature.

I think Raelin is my favorite new miniature. Or Fia Bonny. Some great ones here.

I haven't played with the new walls yet, I'm excited for some community maps to come out using new stuff.