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Favorite Yes album??

Close to the Edge.

My all time favorite group. Seen them several times in concert. The best was Radio City Music hall. At one point Rick Wakeman left his keyboard and played the house organ. The concert was all album sides. They did not play Roundabout or any of their top hit singles. It was the best concert I have ever attended.

It might even be my favorite 80s album, with Little Creatures by Talking Heads coming in as a close second favorite.

For me it's like Yes swooped in on the 80s and said "Done!" :) Big Generator (also from the 80s) is alright but doesn't really compare to 90125.
Close to the Edge, i also adore Time and a Word.
Yes is an amazing, historic band. Definitely worth checking out if you haven't listened to them.

PS: First post! Greetings HS forums :p
Whichever one was the one that made them finally stop.

Kidding! I like them well enough but just know whatever got played on the radio. Seemed like the older stuff was better but that is true for most every band.
Close to the Edge.

My all time favorite group. Seen them several times in concert. The best was Radio City Music hall. At one point Rick Wakeman left his keyboard and played the house organ. The concert was all album sides. They did not play Roundabout or any of their top hit singles. It was the best concert I have ever attended.

I've seen them multiple times as well, 2nd favorite band to Rush. We used to play Roundabout, Long Distance Runaround, etc. at a heavy metal night at a club near us and the kids moshing would initially have a puzzled look and then thrash anyway.:lol: There would always be a couple of old dudes (me now) that would come up to us and say something like "Hey man, I recognized some of those songs, pretty cool".

Anyway it is difficult to pick a favorite, but right now it would be Drama. It has more of an edge than some of their stuff, of course it is missing Anderson and Wakeman. Ask me tomorrow and it might be The Yes Album. Love The Clap!:shock:

This is an awesome thread. Listening to Yes right now "Yours is no disgrace. ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh dooom..."
90125: I like their sell-out 80s stuff...Although the venerable Starship Troopers is a cool, long-winded romp.