Re: Fan Fic Contest: Are you the best writer?
Here we go, let's see how this works out.
Vydar's Desert Campaign
Sweat poured down Jason's face as he looked through his sunglasses across the empty lands of the Volcarren Wastelands. Volcanoes broke the flat line of the horizon at times and nothing could be seen except for a wide, flat expanse of dry land, piles of boulders seemingly thrown to random places and rivers of lava flowing through.
Jason Carr turned back to look at the others accompanying him. Major Q10 returned his glance and quickly looked away, scanning the surrounding area constantly for what they were looking for, a talisman that could give whoever wore it complete control over the element of fire. Heirloom walked to Q10's left, he was new to Vydar's army and Carr didn't yet know what to think of him. Behind them was Major X17, his claw opened and closed periodically as if itching for a chance to be used. The final member of the party was Danus. Danus was Vydar's second in command and leader of their patrol. He was an introspective person that never talked much. This didn't bother Carr, Carr never talked much either. Danus lifted his arm to wipe the sweat from his brow, the clicks and whirrs caught Carr's attention. Danus had lost his left arm fighting against the fell dragon Mimring early in the war, and Vydar had replaced it with a mechanical one.
A sound impeded the silence, "My sensors indicate that what we seek is hidden in that volcano," Major Q10 stated pointing ahead. Carr nodded his understanding. "They also are picking up life forms all around us."
As that last part registered in Carr's mind, a massive boulder flew towards the group. In the next instant a blast of light hit the boulder and blew it to pieces. Carr turned around and saw Heirloom, arm outstretched, panting with the effort of the strong magic.
Suddenly dozens of Obsidian Guards arose from the piles of boulders and approached the group. Everyone in the group drew their weapons and waited for the approaching enemy. This was a mistake as suddenly a ring of fire emerged around them and boxed them in. A roar in the distance caught their attention and Danus, who had looked up at the sound said to the others, "Brunak."
The Obsidian Guards approached closer as the fire began to singe the party. Carr began firing at the Guards, ignoring the ring of fire closing around them. The others followed suit. Two rockets fired from Q10's wrist reduced two of the Obsidian Guards to rubble. Danus drew a rod from his belt and it extended into a spear. Energy crackled from the tip of the spear and a bolt of electricity struck another guard. Magic bolts from Heirloom cut through others. Still the ring of fire moved steadily closer.
Suddenly, the oddest thing caught Carr's attention, the fire seemed to have faces. They grinned evilly at him from the tongues of flame. Carr remembered a campaign he led with Einar's forces where their were creatures made entirely of rock, earth elementals. If there could be one made of earth, why not fire?
Carr decided to test his theory. He swung his sword at the ring, and abruptly a hole appeared where one of the faces had been. "The fire can die," Carr said calmly. With the thought of freedom so close, the party pushed harder against the mass of enemies.
Carr turned and saw that Major X17 had fallen trying to seize one of the elementals with his claw. His entire claw had melted and the circuits hung out, sparking sporadically. Carr turned back towards the tattered shell that had been the ring of fire, however the ring had somehow replenished itself and continued to close in.
Another roar, closer this time, told the party that Brunak had decided to join the battle. Carr risked a glance upward and saw not only Brunak, but a figure being carried on his back. Heirloom had struck at another tongue of flame, but the creature on Brunak's back held up a staff and the tongue returned.
Realizing what was going on, Carr raised his pistol and fired at the creature. His shot missed and instead deflected off of Brunak's tough hide. The shot wasn't a complete waste however, after it hit Brunak, it struck one of the Obsidian Guards in the eye.
Abruptly Brunak was upon them. Blasts from Major Q10's weapons slowed it however. Brunak stumbled and tripped over the limp husk of X17. Danus finished him off with his spear while Carr fired two shots into the other creature's head, silencing it.
The fire, which had scattered at the approach of Brunak and his rider, returned. This time however, when they died, they died permanently. In a few more minutes, the now party of four were all that still lived in the vicinity.
Carr looked down at Major X17. Even in death, he had helped their party. There would be no time to bury him however, they had a mission to complete. The party stowed their weapons and continued toward the mountain that Q10 had pointed out.
Now I'm done.