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dok's battle reports


I had a conflict with the Ashes qualifier events (there were two events where you could qualify for top 16) and two Heroscape events: Bring 2 and Cluster Draft. I was always leaning towards Bring 2. In the end, I didn’t like the particulars of the cluster draft, and Bring 2 is my baby so I had to go that way.

As I often do in Bring 2 events I decided to build one army around TKN. I went with the classic (for me) TKN, grubsx3, Raelin, Marro Warriors. For the second army, I went with a strong Heavies army that I thought could compete with it: Heavies x3, Grimnak, Nerak, and Sam Brown.

I received a first round bye.


Opponent: Vegie’s Dad (Deathchasers x4, Nerak, Warhulk, Marcu/Knights x3, Gilbert, Templars)
Map: Remains of Clionesia (Unique Attack + d20)

I won the dice-off and took my TKN army. Jason took his Deathchasers.

The fight centered on the area of the map overlooking the unique attack glyph. Nerak quickly claimed the height, while I placed Raelin on low ground but close enough to support the fight. TKN dropped Nerak almost immediately, and the Warhulk was stuck on the far end of the map, so the Deathchasers had to take on TKN without a hero for the next few turns.

TKN’s stomp rolls were extremely poor (a common theme for me) but the nagrubs made up for it by picking up many kills of their own (also a common theme for me). TKN took a lot of wounds on 4v7s, but nagrub healing kept him alive long enough to take down the Warhulk and most of the ‘chasers.

Despite having the Marro Warriors in my army for the entire Flex event, this game was the first time I actually revealed an OM on the Marro Warriors; I used them for the last few turns to clean up.

Opponent: Sir Heroscape (Warforged x4, Kaemon Awa / Hydra, Raelin (RotV), Black Wyrm x6, Red Wyrm x2)
Map: Wyrmwalk (Unique Attack + Healer)

Once again I won the dice-off and took my TKN army. Sir Heroscape took his Hydra/Wyrm build.

I thought I might struggle if I led with TKN in this fight, so I decided to switch up and lead with the Marro Warriors while the rest of the army waited in the startzone. What followed was a Marro Warrior reign of terror. I quickly claimed the Unique Attack glyph and picked off a number of wyrms outside of Raelin’s aura. When I lacked targets outside of the aura, I turned to Raelin herself. I cloned once (1 of 2, bringing me back to 3 total) and continued to snipe.

When I finally gave up on the Marro Warriors and shifted to the rest of my army, they had killed 6 wyrms and Raelin, and had put two wounds on the Hydra. In case you don’t want to do the math, that’s roughly 320 points of damage from a 50-point unique squad. Wow.

A Raelin-backed TKN easily dispatched the wounded Hydra to finish things and give me the event win.

As I did last year, I ran a reverse draft event on Thursday night that used the same army limits as the main event format, so that people could test-drive their main event armies if they wanted to. At this point I was already leaning towards a Roman build for the main event, but I decided to give a tron/wyrmling combo a whirl in this event to see how it did. I went with Gladiatrons x1, Blastatrons x2, Raelin (RotV), Red Wyrmling x2, Black Wyrmling x3.

The verdict… not so good.

Once again I ended up with the first round bye.

Opponent: Major Q23 (Mezzos x1, Drones x3, Raelin (RotV), Alastair, Deathreavers x1)
Map: Remains of Clionesia (Kelda + Lodin)

In the bidding, I dropped Marcu, one Red, and one Blast.

Both of us threw our Raelins up on height, and I locked down the first run of drones with my Glads. However, the Drones just killed my 6 defense glads without issue, while my attacks of 3 against Q23’s Raelin couldn’t dent her. William continued to ignore my Raelin and killed my blasts, while I continued to not kill things. It kind of spiralled out from there; I did get Raelin to 4 wounds with the wyrms but of course she burned Kelda on the next order marker. I managed to take out most of the Drones, but Alistair easily cleaned up a wounded Raelin and my wyrms to take the game.

Opponent: Infectedsloth (Brutes x2, Mezzos x1, Raelin (RotV), Kozuke, Tarns)
Map: Wyrmwalk (Kelda + Unique Attack)

I dropped Marcu in the bidding. IS immediately regretted letting me off so easy, but it turned out fine for him.

I was a bit more conservative in my Raelin placement this game, but Nathan threw his Raelin up as far as he could so that his figures could still get the Raelin boost while attacking me. There’s not a ton to say here, really - He brought the Tarns and the Brutes into play, and once again my Gladiatrons didn’t hold up nearly as well as the opposing squaddies. I kind of lost focus in the second half of this one, but it was not really going to go my way anyway.

So… yeah. My lifetime record at Gencon in the reverse draft events is 0-4.


The new alternating RTW format for this year presented me with a new challenge of guessing where the metagame would go. My suspicion, after mulling over the format a bit, was that the overall level of armies would be stronger. My thinking was:
  • You really want to win that first game, because that ensures that your first reverse game is against an army that also won its first game. Seems easy to get hit with a double whammy by losing that first game and then getting stuck playing a bad army.
  • A similar, albeit less dramatic, situation exists for round 3, where a win probably gets you an easier reverse game in round 4.
  • Finals is play your own army, and in my experience finals is a tough game.

Given that, I trashed some earlier plans I had that were on the weaker side, and ended up going with Romans x2, Me-Burq-Sa, Red Wyrmling x3, Black Wyrmling x3, White Wyrmling, Raelin, Otonashi. My goal was to be just a bit stronger than the average army.

Well… funny story. It turns out that the average army was just as janky as in years past, and my build ended up being pretty far up the power curve for the event. So, metagame fail for me. :( Still, let’s see how things turned out…

Opponent: Hendal (Snipers x1, Repulsors x3, Cyprien, Sonya, Marcu, Isamu)
Map: Highways & Dieways (Wannok, Unique Attack)

For the third straight year, Hendal and I met on day 1 of the main event. As we were setting up I realized that my Raelin had gone missing sometime the day before. Tom offered me a Raelin from his collection to borrow, but said I would have to give him one of my prize dice if I won the event. I agreed; I mean, it seemed like a longshot at the time. :)

Hendal opened with the Snipers, while after a couple positioning moves I responded with wyrmlings. It was a pretty brutal mismatch; I was rolling 5 or 6 defense dice at a time except when he managed a few pot-shot attempts at Raelin, while my Red Wyrmlings were rolling 3v1s all over the place.

Inevitably, Hendal turned to Cyprien, and I knew that there was a legitimate chance the vampire could go on one of those horrible runs. However, I rallied the Romans against him pretty quickly, and he didn’t last long. Clean-up after that was without incident.

ROUND 2 (Reverse)
Opponent: Kid Scaper (Phantom Knights x3, Concan, Sir Dupuis, Isamu)
Map: Elswin Plateau (d20, Wound)

Eh. So much for winning round 1 giving me a stronger army in round. This was just a devastatingly bad matchup. Raelin-backed Wyrms and Romans both love facing PKs, and the rest of Brad’s army is really... not very good. I was going to have to pull out a lot of tricks to make this one even close.

At the opening of the game, KidScaper moved Raelin up along the main height of the map, and began collecting a shell of Romans around her, presumably anticipating a PK assault of that position. Instead, I swept across the low side of the map, dropping one PK on the Wannok glyph while the other two began attacking Wyrms on the far side of the startzone, away from Raelin and the Romans. Kid_Scaper fled inside Raelin’s aura with the survivors rather than taking the fight to me there, so after picking off a few wyrmlings and Otonashi, I withdrew to fortify my position around Wannok.

I positioned my PKs such that the wyrmlings could not attack them without leaving Raelin’s aura, which Brad did not want to do. He patiently built up his position on height, clearly expecting me to inevitably crack and attack him. At the same time I built up my PKs behind the ruin on my side of the height and around Wannok. The only attacks I faced in this period were from MBS, but luckily for me his Paralyzing Stare rolls were ice cold and 8 defense (thanks to jungle bush) held up.

After a few rounds of slow development, the Wannok wounds were starting to add up; KidScaper put the first couple on Raelin but then started dropping them elsewhere. Realizing that I was perfectly content to Wannok him to death rather than fight inside the aura, he moved Raelin up to the middle of the height and started pushing forward with his army. I responded by getting a PK next to Raelin on height to attack directly, and picking off some Romans and wyrms that had been left behind outside the aura by Raelin’s movement. I also managed to push Concan up near the action. When Dupuis faced some attacks from MBS, I ran him across the map towards Wannok to avoid losing those 150 points. A timed game end was definitely looming.

Things had gone very well for me to this point, but the fact remained that I was badly outnumbered, and things going well wasn’t quite enough. I did manage to take Raelin out at last, along with the Wyrmlings, but by this time I was down to only a squad and change of PKs, and despite quite a few chances I had failed to get the last wound on MBS.

At the end of the penultimate round of the game, I was down to 2 PKs and my heroes (Dupuis with a wound) against a 1-life MBS and about a squad of Romans. I rolled Wannok, and a 1 took out my PK. The other PK died on the next OM. I was attacking the Romans, taking them down below a squad, while they tried to take down Dupuis. On Kid_Scaper’s last OM of the game, with time called, he managed to kill Dupuis. This gave him 100 points of full-card goodness (a 1-life MBS and a couple Romans) against my 90 points of unwounded Concan and Isamu. Hence, a loss on points.

I had been pretty fortunate to weather the MBS shots in the early going that had allowed me to get to that point, but the Wannok hit in the last round was really a gut punch that was hard to recover from. I felt good about taking such a lopsided matchup down to the wire like that, but sadly Gencon does not give any credit for moral victories.

Opponent: Deroche (Romans x3, NGS, Valguard, MDG)
Map: Elsewin Plateau (Unique Attack, Initiative)

At this point I realized that my path to day 2 was going to rest, at least, on winning with my army. Fortunately for me I drew a pretty favorable matchup here. We both knew the moment we sat down that this match would come down to a battle inside Raelin’s aura, and that my Romans would have a decided advantage. I was a bit concerned about mindshackle, but when that’s your biggest concern you’re in a good place.

The early rounds of this game were almost hilariously inactive. Gordon went straight for the high ground, while for the second straight game I avoided it, instead advancing my army towards the glyph side. There were, without exaggeration, about five rounds in a row without an attack of any sort. I steadily moved my army over, moving Raelin a second time and setting up a shell around the unique attack glyph with MBS on the level 2 ground next to the glyph.

Even after all that time, I was still not fully set up, with a handful of units outside the aura. Gordon realized that I was not going to attack until my setup was completely perfect, so he figured he may as well push forward and tried to pick off a couple of the stragglers. He did manage a couple kills, but predictably I rained fire with a 5 attack MBS and was able to dispose of both NGS and Valguard quickly.

At that point my Roman shell was more or less in perfect position, with wyrms filling in most other spots in the aura. Deroche gamely threw another squad of Romans into the meat grinder, but in the end he resigned with MDG and about half the soldiers still alive. I don’t really blame him; we both knew where it was going.

ROUND 4 (Reverse)
Opponent: Xorlof (TKN, nagrubs x3, Eldgrim, Airborne Elite)
Map: Highways & Dieways

I was pretty happy with the draw; I mean, I do love me some TKN, and this is a solid TKN map. However, my games with Ken often seem to have some odd twists, and this one was no exception.

I missed the opening drop, so of course I led with the grubs and TKN. On my second OM, I saw an opportunity to take a shot at MBS outside of Raelin’s aura. I was pretty sure Ken’s OM3 was on Raelin, so it seemed like a reasonably safe risk to move up and take a shot. Unfortunately for me, not only did I fail to wound MBS, but the next OM was actually Romans, and I found my TKN a bit pinned down.

In the next round, Raelin did move up, so I decided to try to make lemons out of lemonade by double disengaging and going on a stomp-fest in Xorlof’s startzone. Unfortunately for me, not only were the leaving engagement strikes effective, but I missed on stomp roll #1 and ended up tied up just outside Xorlof’s startzone. Wounds piled up on TKN with alarming speed and I was unable to break through to get my nagrubs into the terrible position I had created. TKN was dead at the end of the round, with only not even a squad of dead Romans to show for it, and things looked awfully bleak for me.

However, at the outset of the third round, the Airborne dropped. This should really have been too little, too late, however Xorlof made some OM mistakes and allowed me to snuff out his black wyrms in the startzone to steal some OMs and get some free kills with the Airborne. I killed what I could, then retreated back and shot at Raelin and the advanced Romans. The surviving nagrubs offered a low-rent screen that prevented easy potshotting.

By the time the nagrub screen had fully evaporated, I had things down to a pretty manageable battle of Airborne against a wounded MBS and the last few Romans. However, I lost initiative and failed to block the 3v3 attacks of the Romans against elevated Airborne, and the dream of a dramatic comeback died.

So, 4 rounds in, and my army remained undefeated. I, however, was going to need a win in round 5 just to have a chance of keeping my day 2 streak alive.

Opponent: The Orange Mailman (TKN, nagrubs x2, 10th x2, Marcu)
Map: Highways & Dieways

For the second straight year, I faced the 2013 champ in the last round of day 1, with our day 2 fates hanging in the balance.

The beginning of this game was eerily similar to the beginning of my game against Xolof in the previous round. I did move Raelin sooner than Ken had, but TKN rushed across the map looking for early stomps. I had left some stomping bait, to be sure, and lost a couple to those stomps, but I managed to deny healing and pin Stompy down with a bunch of Romans. Again the big guy died quickly.

At that point, I recollected my troops, and it turned into 10th vs. Wyrms. While this was not as lopsided as Snipers vs. Wyrms was against Hendal, the same basic principle applied - The 10th were shooting at 5-6 defense when not attacking Raelin, and the Red Wyrms were practically an auto-kill. I cleaned up without incident.


With a 3-2 record, my fate rested on a random drawing (for a variety of good reasons, the organizers had set aside strength of schedule and point differential this year). I watched as Retlaw casually dealt the stack of 3-2 player cards into an advancing pile and an eliminated pile, and with relief I saw mine make the cut. Now just had to figure out how to beat those darn overpowered wyrms and Romans.
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ROUND OF 16 (Reverse)
Opponent: Lord Trask (Dividers x4, NGS, SBN)
Map: Highways & Dieways (Healer + d20)

My fourth game on H&D, and another game without any range to help pry the Roman pod apart. That said, I liked the glyph set, which allowed me Divide 15 and Mindshackle 18 rolls. I also felt that if I could eliminate most of the Romans, SBN gave be a significant comeback chance against wyrms.

I rolled out both NGS and dividers, looking to set NGS up in a spot where there was a Mindshackle threat factor. Some wryms ranged forward to pick off dividers on Lodin, and after hitting a few 15s for “half divides” I was able to pick off some wyms outside the aura.

Larry wisely played it pretty conservatively from there forward, keeping everything in Raelin’s aura and relying mostly on black wyrms to try to get kills (thus avoiding divide possibilities). I brought NGS to bear on the far side, taking a couple mindshackle attempts on MBS and trying to kill a Roman screened out from Raelin by a tree. After a particularly poor turn of defense dice I was forced to take a disengage with a 1-life NGS. Fortunately it missed, and I cashed Kelda to return NGS to full life.

After circling back to the middle with NGS I assaulted on the Lodin side again with Dividers. It was a losing battle but I had to see what I could thin out. NGS found an opening and disengaged through to get next to Raelin. I got another few mindshackle attempts, this time on Raelin, but NGS continued his futility and was brought down.

About a round later my Dividers were mostly spent, but I had taken out the bulk of the Romans by this point, along with a few wyrmlings, leaving a manageable task for SBN. After moving the last dividers up to tie things down, SBN flew up, and quickly showed that 7 attack don’t care about no Raelin Aura by killing MBS and a couple Romans. Rather than go straight for Raelin, SBN leapfrogged her aura and killed the stragglers in the startzone. With no reds or whites left, and the black wyrms having no range against SBN, Larry didn’t have any ability to pot-shot me.

It came down to a 3-life SBN against a 3-life Raelin and one Roman. I settled SBN on a 2-space high spot, finally having earned the right to make him come to me. The Roman was blocked and killed, so Raelin flew up and attacked up, rolling 3 skulls. I managed to block 2 of the skulls, taking me down to 2 life. I dropped an 8-die attack in return, but managed only 1 wound with it.

In the final round, Lord Trask won initiative and attacked up for another 3/3 skulls. I needed at least 2 shields on 4 dice or my main event was over. In the instant before I peeked under my dice cup, I had about a 60% chance of being dead. But I had 2 shields waiting for me down there. SBN rolled a pile of skulls on my turn, and I had finally defeated my army in a reverse game to advance to the next round.

Opponent: Xorlof (TKN, nagrubs x3, Eldgrim, Airborne Elite)
Map: Wyrmwalk (Unique Attack + Initiative)

Ugh, this guy again. If I lost both games against my Gencon roomie I’d never hear the end of it.

The early game was another replay of the “overextended TKN” show. Much like I had done the day before, Ken assumed my “X” was on the Romans, and when the 3 was revealed on them I was able to put a bunch of height attacks on TKN and pick off the nearby nagrubs. My attacks of 4 were for naught, though, as his defense held firm.

In round 2, the Airborne dropped, and when Ken won initiative I was sort of caught with my pants down, as MBS was outside the aura (ironically, caused by the awkward Raelin placement I used to cover my startzone against a potential round 1 Airborne drop). I did chase the Airborne down and kill 3 of them, but not before losing MBS and enough commons that I didn’t like my chances any more.

I continued to pound on TKN, but after 4 leaving engagement attacks and about 6 attacks of 4, and no nagrub healing, I had managed only 2 wounds. When TKN whirled around to kill most of the Romans, it looked really bad for me.

However, the wyrms did work, holding up against the nagrubs and finally cracking TKN’s defense. (My notes say “finally crack Q9”, a Freudian slip that makes it clear how I felt about TKN by that point in the game.) TKN had chased down Raelin in the startzone and killed him by this point, but lava damage finally killed the last Airborne and my last couple wyrms managed to finish out Eldgrim for the win.

This ended up being my only game of the five where I played my army that was really at all close. The army I brought is extremely well-equipped at winning any game where it could get established, but the raw aggression of Xorlof’s army, plus TKN’s ability to basically ignore Raelin’s aura, made it a good potential counter army (albeit a swingy one).

Opponent: Fomox (Armoc Vipers x2, Venoc Warlord, Sudema, Marro Warriors, Isamu)
Map: Wyrmwalk (Wannok + Kelda)

(Note: my semifinals, finals, and CVN game were all recorded on Xorlof’s top-down recording rig; they can be viewed HERE. The audio in that live stream is from the phones, not the drop mikes. Ken’s long-term plan is to split those games into individual videos, properly rotated and synced to the better audio. But you can watch the games from the stream video for now.)

Of the four armies left in the semifinals, fomox definitely had the weakest on paper. His was the army the other three of us (SonOfChompie, Infectedsloth, and myself) did not want to be handed. But alas. it fell to me. The one thing I had going for me, in my mind, was those Marro Warriors. I knew that if I thinned things out enough, they can do magic. Of course, Sudema or Isamu could also catch fire with a d20, but I put my faith in the fearsome four.

Early on, I led with an Armoc Rush. (Mike joked when he saw my OMs that “oh you’re doing the right thing; you’re not supposed to do that.” Like many good RTW armies, his build offers you lots of opportunities to play the wrong way.) I managed to sneak Mittens around the Roman screen and start pounding on Raelin, while the Armocs themselves picked off figures outside Raelin’s aura on the far side of the startzone.

Predictably, the Armocs dropped fairly quickly, but on their last OM (on a timely initiative win) Mittens killed Raelin, and then Mittens tied down several Romans for another full turn after that. All in all, the viper rush killed Raelin, Otonashi, the white wyrm, one red, one black, and two Romans, in addition to pinning down the remaining Romans finishing off Mittens while the Marro Warriors developed their position. Not quite “killing their points”, but more than I had hoped for, really.

The Marro Warriors, on the other hand, had no difficulty killing their points. The rest of the game was their show. They killed two Romans and a Black Wyrm, then took two hits, then cloned back both of those hits (one in water and one on land - this turn was when I thought “holy cow I think I’m winning now”). MBS picked off one of them, but that was the last Warrior to fall, as the remaining three took out everything else. Fomox only managed one attack (with MBS) for the rest of the game, as the Marro Warriors kited the Romans, then took out the three wyrmlings before OMs could shift when MBS died.

Nobody including myself had really expected it, but somehow my above-the-meta army had pulled off two reverse wins on day 2, and I was back to playing it for the finals.

Opponent: Infectedsloth (Brutes x2, Mezzos x1, Raelin (RotV), Kozuke, Tarns)
Maps: Zephyr (Valda)

I had just lost, rather badly, to this army two days earlier in the reverse draft event. However, the Romans with MBS are a much more effective front-line force than a single squad of Gladiatrons, and I had more wyrms backing them up. Also, the map was less favorable for IS’s end of the matchup than Remains of Clionesia had been the day before.

On the other hand, Nathan is the closest thing to a Heroscape nemesis I have. Coming into this game, my record against him was 2-7, including 1-5 at Gencon. There are very few people who are more than 1 game above .500 against me, and nobody else at +5.

Still, I was able to leverage my advantage in the matchup to maximum effect. After Raelin moved into a well-protected spot 4 spaces back from the center, MBS quickly claimed the move glyph and paralyzing stared a Kozuke, then backed out as the Romans formed a solid block in the center of the map on the glyph side. Infectedsloth placed his Raelin aggressively, even closer to the center, and engaged with Brutes and unique squads.

While Infectedsloth was able to grind through some Romans with 4v6 attacks, I was able to kill faster on the flip side, plus I had the option to snipe with black wyrms and bypass defense (and exoskeletons, and counterstrike). Even once my Romans were reduced enough to allow a window around to the wyrms, I was able to interpose a white wyrm to block the advance. I had MBS leave the aura to snipe from height, but aside from that I was fighting in the aura the entire time, with Raelin safe from assassination.

I gradually whittled each squad down to a single figure, then finished off the last Tarn, then Raelin, then the last Kozuke and Mezzo, to claim the win.

After 4 straight semifinal losses from 2013 through 2016, it felt good to reclaim the title. This makes seven final four appearances and three titles in eight total appearances in the main event for me. It felt funny to get the win in a year where I had done a poorer job estimating the meta than I had in almost any of the previous years, but this year, I won some key coin flips in key moments, which just hadn’t really happened for me in recent day 2s after the first round or so.

BONUS - CVN game

I had not gotten a chance to play CVN after my 2010 and 2011 wins; he wasn’t available either year. He played the champion a couple times in more recent years, and I had heard from Xorlof that there was a chance he would be around to play this time. He appeared shortly after the championship game was over. I had the second day of the Ashes championship coming up in a bit over an hour, so I very nearly begged off, but I decided that I would squeeze it in.

I didn’t want to play my army, though, as it forces a more defensive style and I wanted to just go all out against Craig. So I borrowed Xorlof’s army and played it instead.

Opponent: Craig Van Ness! (Raelin (RotV), Drake (RotV), Stingers x4)
My Army: TKN, nagrubs x3, Airborne Elite, Eldgrim
Maps: Zephyr (Valda)

The opening drop failed. I overextended Eldgrim onto Valda, then sent TKN streaming across the map at Raelin, who had moved onto a perch near the center of the map on the high side. The stingers started to move up near Raelin as TKN engaged.

At the start of the second round, the Airborne dropped. CVN stacked OMs on Drake and sent him forward. I had the Airborne simply ignore Drake and gun the stingers outside Raelin’s aura in the startzone. My dice were hot and in one round I had wiped out seven stingers with 4v3s. TKN healed, disengaged from Drake, took level ground on Raelin, and killed her.

In the next round, TKN out-slugged Drake, and I was chasing down the last couple stingers when CVN resigned. The game took about 15 minutes, so I had plenty of time to get ready for my next event :)
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Thanks, Filthy. Good to see you around here again.

Main event army note that may be only interesting to me - there's only one unit I've used more than twice in the main event. here's the breakdown:
Spoiler Alert!
Seems like I have a tendency to go off in a new direction in even years, then recycle previously-used stuff in odd years.
Unfortunately I am responsible for a couple of those, if not all three. :)
Oto was fun though and served me well in main tournament and General Wars.

Grats on another Championship,
I haven't posted in here in approximately forever, but I wanted to put down a record of the sequences of all my draft-ish games from Scapecon 4. (For all the non-draft games, you can see the armies and results on Heroscape.org.)

If you were in any of these games and you think my sequencing is wrong, let me know.

Three Headed Hydra

My team's armies:

Dok - Deathreavers x3,Isamu,Major Q9
OEAO - Exiles of the Sundered Sea,Johnny "Shotgun" Sullivan,Phantom Knights x4
Matthias - Heavy Gruts x4,Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider,Tornak

Game 1

Loki619 - 4th Massachusetts Line x4,Eldgrim the Viking Champion
SneakyNinjaMage - Marcu Esenwein,Microcorp Agents x2,Otonashi,Phantom Knights x3
patzymur - Axegrinders of Burning Forge x3,Dorim the Bulkhead Brawler,Nakita Agents

We win diceoff and choose to make pairings
They ban OEAO into 4th
We pair me into 4th, OEAO into Microcorp/PKs, Matthias into Axegrinders

3-0 sweep for our team

Game 2

Heroes of the Scape - Frost Giant of Morh x1,Marro Dividers x6
SleepingJulie - Microcorp Agents x5,Otonashi
Ryguy266 - Omnicron Snipers x3,Taelord the Kyrie Warrior,Tarn Viking Warriors

We win diceoff and choose to make pairings
They ban OEAO into Microcorp
We pair me into Microcorp, Matthias into Dividers, OEAO into Snipers

2-1 (OEAO loss)

Game 3

Samuelfrost4 - 4th Massachusetts Line x4,Eldgrim the Viking Champion
Caps - Phantom Knights x5,Samuel Brown
Dachshund - Axegrinders of Burning Forge x4,Dorim the Bulkhead Brawler,Isamu

We win diceoff and choose to make pairings
They ban Caps’s PKs into Matthias
We pair me into 4th, OEAO into PKs, Matthas into Axegrinders

2-1 (OEAO loss)

Game 4

Boromir96 - Blastatrons x2,Gladiatrons x2,Raelin the Kyrie Warrior (RotV)
Vegie Dad - Greenscale Warriors x4,Xenithrax the Vineweaver
vegietarian18 - Fen Hydra x1,Phantom Knights x4

We lose diceoff, they choose to make pairings
We ban Ken into Gladblast
They pair me into PKs/Hydra, OEAO into Gladblast, Matthias into Vegie Dad

2-1 (dok loss)

VC Bring 2 Strike 1 Delta

1) Deltacron,Marrden Nagrubs x4,Tor-Kul-Na
2) B-11 Resistance Corps,Deathreavers x3,Fen Hydra x1,Otonashi

Game 1 - JandArvey

1) Fyorlag Spiders x4,Quahon
2) Isamu,Kon-Tar-Na,Marrden Nagrubs x4,Su-Bak-Na

I choose first pick
Opponent does not strike
I take Fyorlag Spiders x4,Quahon
Opponent takes Isamu,Kon-Tar-Na,Marrden Nagrubs x4,Su-Bak-Na

I win (Quahon OP. SBN does get 1 attack up on Quahon but aside from that I screen out major attacks)

Game 2 - Chris Perkins

1) Fyorlag Spiders x4,Quahon
2) Arktos,Kozuke Samurai,Varkaanan Greyspears,Varkaanan Swiftfangs

I defer and strike Quahon
Opponent takes Arktos,Kozuke Samurai,Varkaanan Greyspears,Varkaanan Swiftfangs
I take B-11 Resistance Corps,Deathreavers x3,Fen Hydra x1,Otonashi

I win (I had a pretty locked board state one OM into round 2 with rats engaging the wolves, a couple wolves dead, and my attacking figures in good positions. It’s probably at least a 75% win for me at that point but Chris had to resign because he was dealing with heroscape.org issues. It was really unfortunate; Chris was a class act as always.)

Game 3 - capsocrates

1) Honor Guard of the Blasted Lands x3,Warden 816,Zettian Guards,Zettian Infantry x2
2) Racheim,Shieldsmiths of Granite Keep x4

Opponent chooses to pick first
I do not strike
Opponent takes B-11 Resistance Corps,Deathreavers x3,Fen Hydra x1,Otonashi
I take Deltacron,Marrden Nagrubs x4,Tor-Kul-Na

I lose (Absolutely bonkers endgame. It takes 7 attacks of 6, in addition to a couple random attacks of 2, to kill the Hydra. At that point I have Deltacron, a 1 life TKN, and grubs on the glyphs against the last B-11 and a few rats. Deltacron kills a rat, and then I roll a 1 to betray (only possible betrayal because of Manig Lodin). Deltacron kills TKN, then takes 2 wounds on a 5v5 from an attack from the last B-11 that could only happen because of the betrayal. I get a 5v5 on that B-11 on the next turn (last turn of the round) which is blocked. I then lose initiative and the B-11 kills Deltacron.)

Game 4 - KnightofLight

1) Brave Arrow,Brute Gruts,Mohican River Tribe x3,Raelin the Kyrie Warrior (SotM)
2) Elite Onyx Vipers,Kon-Tar-Na,Krav Maga Agents,Marrden Nagrubs x3

Opponent chooses to pick first
I strike TKN
Opponent chooses Brave Arrow,Brute Gruts,Mohican River Tribe x3,Raelin the Kyrie Warrior (SotM)
I choose B-11 Resistance Corps,Deathreavers x3,Fen Hydra x1,Otonashi

I lose (tough game on this map. I just spend a lot of the game attacking up and can’t thin things out quickly enough. I had a chance in the endgame with Hydra but didn't get the init change I needed and the Brutes got the jump on the Hydra.)

Game 5 - Sir Heroscape

1) Kyntela Gwyn,Phantom Knights x3,Sir Dupuis,Syvarris
2) Agent Skahen,Command Courier x2,Laglor,Microcorp Troopers x2,Otonashi

Opponent chooses to pick first
I do not strike
Opponent chooses Kyntela Gwyn,Phantom Knights x3,Sir Dupuis,Syvarris
I choose Deltacron,Marrden Nagrubs x4,Tor-Kul-Na

I win (Deltacron kills Syvarris and 4 Phantoms in the opening. TKN cleans up the rest of the PKs fairly comfortably but whiffs at the very end against multiple attacks to create a Dupuis/Kyntela vs. ~8 grubs endgame. The grubs manage to clutch it out.)

Quad Pod

1) Kozuke Samurai,Phantom Knights x2
2) Brute Gruts,Exiles of the Sundered Sea,Otonashi,Rygarn
3) Dreadgul Raiders x3,Guilty McCreech,Isamu
4) Deathreavers x2,Krav Maga Agents,Louis "Mad Dog" Malone

Game 1 - KnightOfLight
1) Axegrinders of Burning Forge x2,Beorn Boltcutter,Gen. Simon Fraser
2) Marcu Esenwein,Warforged Soldiers x2,Zetacron
3) Isamu,Mogrimm Forgehammer,Otonashi,Roman Legionnaires x2
4) Marcus Decimus Gallus,Sacred Band x2,Theracus

Opponent defers
I take Brute Gruts,Exiles of the Sundered Sea,Otonashi,Rygarn
Opponent takes Kozuke Samurai,Phantom Knights x2 and Deathreavers x2,Krav Maga Agents,Louis "Mad Dog" Malone
I take Marcu Esenwein,Warforged Soldiers x2,Zetacron

I lose (Had a chance to snipe a Krav early but lose initiative and Zeta dies fast. After that Krav wreck my world)

Game 2 Bye

Game 3 - Dysole
1) Arrow Gruts x3,Krug
2) Bramcephys
3) Knights of Weston x2,Sir Denrick
4) Agent Nora,Buccaneers of Tortuga x2,Marcu Esenwein

Opponent wins dice-off and takes Brute Gruts,Exiles of the Sundered Sea,Otonashi,Rygarn
I take Kozuke Samurai,Phantom Knights x2 and Deathreavers x2,Krav Maga Agents,Louis "Mad Dog" Malone
Opponent takes Agent Nora,Buccaneers of Tortuga x2,Marcu Esenwein

I win (Rats and Krav do early work and PKs clean up pretty easily)

Game 4 - NecroBlade
1) Elite Onyx Vipers,Z'Thoth, Mouth of the Abyss
2) Kalagrith,Tarn Viking Warriors
3) Airborne Elite,Deathwalker 8000
4) Azazel the Kyrie Warrior,Sentinels of Grax

Opponent wins dice-off and takes Brute Gruts,Exiles of the Sundered Sea,Otonashi,Rygarn
I take Kozuke Samurai,Phantom Knights x2 and Deathreavers x2,Krav Maga Agents,Louis "Mad Dog" Malone
Opponent takes Azazel the Kyrie Warrior,Sentinels of Grax

I win

R16 v. Chris Perkins

I lose diceoff, Chris defers

AoA Rae
    Minions x2
DK x2
DK x1
Ashra x2 (sit 1)

I lose (early wyrmling play kills 2 Ashra but the wyrms are wiped out. Knaves don’t do much, Minions vs. DKs and bonding war of attrition kills off both. Time is called with a full squad of Ashra against Loviatak. Unfortunately both of my games with Chris this year felt incomplete.)
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I realized I had documented my NHSD drafts in discord, but not here. We ran the same draft pools from scapecon 4 for our top 8 championship.

R1: DK pool. I win dice-off and choose to pick first
dok        Roland

Raelin AoA
           Red Wyrm x2
Minions x2
           Air Elemental x2
Death Knights x2
           Templar Cav x2
Dumutef Guard x2
           White Wyrm
           Warriors of Ashra x2 (sit 1)
Minions mostly neutralize Air/Red Wyrm opening. Templars do some damage, highlighted by the last OM they get, where they get their only attack on Raelin, and go 6/6 skulls to my 0/4 shields to one-shot her. The DKs and Dumutefs come up juuuust clutch enough to finish out the remaining bits of the army and the 5 Ashra.

R2: soulborg pool. caps wins dice-off and chooses to pick first
caps        dok

           Blastatrons x2
Quasatch x2
           Gladiatrons x2
Heirloom just almost nothing (2 kills, I think). Zetacron doesn't do much more. But the Gladblast is too much. I have to be careful to play around the Repulsors a bit but their Overload rolls are bad and I only let myself get EMPed on OM 3s.

R3: Evasion pool. OG-blaha wins dice-off and chooses to pick second
dok        OG-Blaha

           Warforged x2
           Mohicans x2
           Brave Arrow
For the first 2.5 rounds everything went wrong; Drake missed his grabs and got out-punched by Mohicans, the Nakitas didn't do much and Brave Arrow took out two of them, and Warforged got a key switch on the Mezzos and went 3/3 to take the markers. But the Drake got a key block and took out a couple Warforged, and Isamu did Isamu things. The Izumi got a couple counterstrike kills on the end too. Won with 2 Izumis and an 8-vanish Isamu.
Continuing to try to document my drafts in draft events.

Local event in Colorado

My armies:

1) Deathreavers x2, Van Nessing
2) Omnicron Repulsors x3, Executioner 616
3) Rygarn, Exiles of the Sundered Sea, Tarn Viking Warriors

R1 v. dachshund

1) Frostclaw Paladins, Knight Irene
2) Mezzodemon Warmongers x3
3) Warriors of Ashra x3, Arkmer

dachshund wins diceoff and picks second, banning repulsors
I pick Rygarn/Exiles/Tarns
dachshund picks Frostclaws
I do not ban
dachshund picks Mezzodemons
I pick deathreavers+VN

Heroic Attack-boosted Rygarn and the squads and rats manage to neutralize the bear charge, then Van Nessing is the MVP against the Mezzos.

R2 v. Pat

1) Hoplitron x3, Major X17, White Wyrmling x2
2) Wo-Sa-Ga, Nottingham Brigand x3, Arthur of Sherwood
3) M-43 Resistance Fighters x3, Retiarius

Pat wins diceoff and picks second, banning rats
I pick Rygarn/Exiles/Tans
Pat picks M-43s
I do not ban
Pat picks Hoplitrons/X17/wyrms
I pick Repulsors & Executioner

Tarns gum things up a bit and Exiles and Repulsors manage to win the shooting war against the M-43s. I never hit an overload on the Hops and X17 but they do enough, including a OM1 EMP hit that basically ends the game.

R3 v. Bean

1) Frostclaw Paladins, Knight Irene
2) Cornelius Breech, The Derelict Prince, Fia Bonny the Void Siren, Knaves of the Silver Scimitar
3) Ewashia, Master of Tides, Izumi Samurai, Onshu the Welkineye, Kita the Springrunner

Bean wins diceoff and picks second, banning rats
I pick Frostclaws
bean picks Rygarn
I do not ban
bean picks Repulsors & Executioner
I pick Ewashia/beasts/Izumi

I manage to kill off the repulsors each time they move up so Executioner never gets to go kaboom. With most of them cleared out the Frostclaws move in and the Exiles and Tarns can't withstand them.

R4 v. caps

1) Frostclaw Paladins, Knight Irene
2) Varkaanan Greyspears, Manauvi
3) Ewashia, Master of Tides, Onshu the Welkineye, Otar, Kita the Springrunner

Caps wins diceoff and picks first
I do not ban
Caps picks Rygarn
I pick Frostclaws
Caps does not ban
I pick Ewashia & beasts
Caps picks Greyspears/Manauvi

Ewashia and the beasts take out two greyspears and a smattering of other squaddies before Maunavi charges in and Ewashia goes down fast. The bears quickly kill Maunavi and are able to clean up the incomplete squads and Rygarn in endgame.