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Dignan's Maps - New Map 08/17/24


BBQ-er of Beer Bathed Brats
Update 08/17/24

I've been working on this map for some time now. I was tired of seeing so many new maps released with absolute symmetry (dual small ruins, using three small rocks to mirror one 3 space rock, people leaving out or only placing the large tree in the center of the map, etc.). I've always felt that a map can be a little asymmetrical and still be fair to play on. As long as you are reasonable in your design, other factors will have a much larger impact on the outcome compared to a few minor differences in the two sides of a map.

So with this one, I wanted to try and push my design a little further. Make sure the large tree isn't just in the center, use both ruins differently, don't mirror the map. I think this came out ok, but I'm sure the community at large will think of several things I've overlooked. At the end, hopefully it is fun on the table and something interesting.

Map: Precarious
Date Uploaded: 08/17/24
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 RttFF, 1 VW


Map: Deja Vu
Date Uploaded: 01/30/24
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 FotA, 1 TJ

Map: Verdant
Date Uploaded: 10/19/23
Requires: 1 RotV, 2 RttFF

Map: Respite
Date Uploaded: 06/16/23
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 BftU, 1 RttFF

Map: Risky Outpost
Date Uploaded: 03/17/23
Requires: 1 SotM, 1 FotA, 1 VW, 1 TJ

Map: Cinder
Date Uploaded: 09/13/22
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 FotA, 1 VW

Map: Reminiscence
Date Uploaded: 09/03/22
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 FotA, 1 TT (normal snow and ice)

Map: Tranquil
Date Uploaded: 01/11/20
Requires: 1 RotV, 2 RttFF

Map: Attrition
Date Uploaded: 10/20/19
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 RttFF, 1 VW

Map: Crescendo
Date Uploaded: 3/3/2019
Requires: 6 RotV, 4 RttFF, 2 BftU

Map: Predator
Date Uploaded: 3/2/2019
Requires: 1 SotM, 1 TJ

Map: Fragment
Date Uploaded: 9/30/2018
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 TT, 1 RttFF
Normal snow, normal ice

Map: Deadlock
Date Uploaded: 9/20/2017
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 TT, 1 RttFF
Heavy snow, normal ice

Map: Stalwart
Date Uploaded: 9/7/2016
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 RttFF, 1 FotA

Map: Grutsbane Pass
Date Uploaded: 11/9/24
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 BftU, 1 RttFF

Map: Circuitous
Date Uploaded: 10/25/14
Requires: 1 SotM, 1 TJ, 1 RttFF

Map: Sear
Date Uploaded: 8/24/14
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 RttFF, 1 VW
The glyphs of Brandar are treasure glyphs.

Map: the Shattered Plains
Date Uploaded: 4/20/14
Requires: 6 RotV, 2 FotA

Map: Vestige
Date Uploaded: 3/25/14
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 TJ, 1 FotA

Map: Relic
Date Uploaded: 02/16/14
Requires: 1 RotV, 2 TJ

Map: Whisper
Date Uploaded: 12/8/13
Requires: 1 Rotv, 1 TT, 1 RttFF
normal snow, normal ice

Map: Morass
Date Uploaded: 10/05/13
Requires: 1 SotM, 1 TJ

Map: Blaze
Date Uploaded: 10/02/13
Requires: 1 RotV, 2 RttFF, 1 VW

Date Uploaded: 08/20/13
Requires: 1 RotV, 2 TT
normal snow, normal ice

Map: Shiver
Date Uploaded: 05/30/13
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 TT, 1 RttFF
normal snow, normal ice

Map: Spearmint
Date Uploaded: 05/30/13
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 TT, 1 RttFF
normal snow, normal ice

Map: Marshian Crossing
Date Uploaded: 04/11/13
Requires: 1 SotM, 1 BftU, 1 RttFF

Map: Sprawl
Date Uploaded: 3/26/13
Requires: 1 RotV, 3 RttFF

Map: Snowball Fight
Date Uploaded: 3/3/13
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 TT
Normal snow, normal ice

Map: Guerilla
Date Uploaded: 02/02/13
Requires: 1 SotM, 1 BftU, 1 TJ

Thy Kindness Freezes
Date Uploaded: 01/29/13
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 TT, 2 RttFF

Date Uploaded: 12/26/12
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 VW, 1 TJ

Date Uploaded: 12/02/12
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 RttFF, 1 FotA

Date Uploaded: 7/25/12
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 RttFF, 1 VW

Map: Shattered
Date Uploaded: 6/16/12
Requires: 2 BftU, 1 TT
Normal snow, normal ice

Map: Wanderlust
Date Uploaded: 6/9/12
Requires: 1 RotV, 2 RttFF

Map: Cage Match
Date Uploaded: 5/13/12
Requires: 1 SotM, 1 FotA

Map: Exposure
Date Uploaded: 05/05/12
Requires: 1 RotV, 2 RttFF, 1 TT
HEAVY SNOW, normal ice

Map: Meander
Date Uploaded: 04/29/12
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 RttFF

Map: Parched
Date Uploaded: 03/25/12
Requires: 3 RotV, 3 SotM, 1 TJ

Map: Penitence
Date Uploaded: 02/13/12
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 VW, 1 FotA

Map: Puddle Jumper
Date Uploaded: 01/21/12
Requires: 1 RotV, 2 RttFF

Map: Shards
Date Uploaded: 01/16/12
Requires: 1 BftU

Date Uploaded: 01/15/12
Requires: 1 RotV, 2 TT, 1 VW
normal snow, normal ice

Valor's Vale
Date Uploaded: 12/17/11
Requires: 3 RotV, 3 RttFF, 1 FotA

Map: Turn and Burn
Date Uploaded: 10/23/11
Requires: 1 BftU, 1 VW, 1 RttFF

Map: Umbrage
Date Uploaded: 9/4/11
Requires: 1 BftU, 2 RttFF

Map: Remnant
Date Uploaded: 8/20/11
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 SotM, 1 TJ

Date Uploaded: 7/30/11
Requires: 1 RotV, 2 TT (normal snow, normal ice)
The glyphs of brandar are treasure glyphs.

Smokey's Lament
Date Uploaded: 7/2/11
Requires: 1 RotV, 2 RttFF, 1 VW

Date Uploaded: 6/12/11
Requires: 1 SotM, 2 TJ, 1 FotA

Date Uploaded: 6/4/11
Requires: 1 SotM, 1 TJ, 1 FotA

Date Uploaded: 5/14/11
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 FotA

Date Uploaded: 5/7/11
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 FotA

Date Uploaded: 4/30/11
Requires: 2 BftU, 1 VWnote: the glyphs of brandar are treasure glyphs.

Date Uploaded: 4/23/11
Requires: 1 RotV, 2 TT
Normal snow, normal ice.

Map: Wintergreen
Date Uploaded: 4/16/11
Requires: 1 SotM, 1 TT, 2 RttFF
Normal snow Normal Ice
Note: the glyphs of Brandar are treasure glyphs.


Map: Trespasser
Date Uploaded: 4/2/11
Requires: 1 SotM, 1 TJ, 1 FotA, 1 VW
note: the glyphs of Brandar are treasure glyphs.

Map: Turnstile
Date Uploaded: 3/21/11
Requires: 1 RotV, 2 RttFF

Map: Divide and Conquer
Date Uploaded: 12/4/10
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 TT, 2 RttFF.
Normal snow, normal ice

Map: Lateral
Date Uploaded: 9/12/10
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 TJ, 2 RttFF (road hexes only)
note: the glyphs of Brandar are Treasure Glyphs.

Date Uploaded: 8/29/10
Requires: 1 RotV, 3 RttFF

Map: In the Shadow of the Hive
Date Uploaded: 8/22/10
Requires: 1 SotM, 1 BftU, 1 TJ

Map: Trailblazer
Date Uploaded: 8/15
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 RttFF, 1 VW.
:utgar::utgar:Did not attain BoV.

Map: Tipping point
Date Uploaded: 8/7/10
Requires: 1 RotV, 2 TT - normal snow, normal ice.

Map: Jagged Causeway
Date Uploaded: 6/19/10
Requires: 1 BftU, 1 TT, 1 FotA
Heavy Snow, normal ice

Map: When Paths Cross
Date Uploaded: 4/14/10
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 RttFF


Map: Jotun's Gap
Date Uploaded: 4/14/10
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 BftU
:jandar::jandar::jandar::utgar::utgar:Did not attain BoV.


Map: Riposte
Date Uploaded: 4/14/10
Requires: 1 RotV


Map: Schwerpunkt
Date Uploaded: 4/14/10
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 TT (normal snow, normal ice)

Map: Boiling Point
Date Uploaded: 4/14/10
Requires: 1 SotM, 1 VW

Map: Warden
Date Uploaded: 2/12/10
Requires: 1RotV, 1 BftU, 1 RttFF

Map: Separation Anxiety
Date Uploaded: 11/1/09
Requires: 1 RotV, 2 TT
Rules: Heavy Snow, normal ice

Map: Breach
Date Uploaded: 9/19/09
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 RttFF, 1 TT
Normal Snow, Normal Ice

Map: Wendigo
Date Uploaded: 9/12/09
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 RttFF, and 1 TT
Normal snow and Normal ice.

Map: Overgrown
Date Uploaded: 9/12/09
Requires: 1 SotM, 1 TJ, 1 FotA Note: use the Hive base (without the Hive) for one of the six swamp water sections outside the start zone.

Map: Ignition
Date Uploade: 9/09/09
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 VW

Map: Fulcrum
Date Uploaded: 08/29/09
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 TJ
:jandar::jandar::jandar::jandar:This map is in the BoV.

Map: Sentinel
Date Uploaded: 6/27/09
Requires: 1 SotM, 1 RttFF


Map: Slash and Burn
Date Uploaded: 6/20/09
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 TJ
:jandar::utgar::utgar:Did not attain BoV.

Map: Fissure
Date Uploaded: 6/07/09
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 TT - Heavy Snow, Normal Ice


Map: A Heated Engagement
Date Uploaded: 5/20/09
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 VW


Map: Just Passing Through
Date Uploaded: 5/19/09
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 RttFF
Did not reach BoV review.

Map: Dramglade Crossroads
Date Uploaded: 4/18/09
Requires: 1 SotM, 1 FotA, and 1 TJ

Map: No Man's Land
Date Uploaded: 4/17/09
Requires: 3 RotV, 2 TJ

Map: A Chill in the Air
Date Uploaded: 3/3/09
Requirements: 1 RotV, 1 TT, 1 RttFF - Heavy Snow, normal ice.
:utgar::utgar:Did not attain BoV

Map: Ghosts of Thorgrim's Crossing
Date Uploaded: 11/15/08
Requirements: 1 RotV, 1 TT, 1 FotAK - Normal snow and normal ice


Map: Can't see the jungle...
Date Uploaded: 10/29/08
Requirements: 1 RotV, 2 TJ
:jandar::jandar::jandar::jandar: This map is in the BoV.

Map: Striking Distance
Date Uploaded: 10/29/08
Requirements: 1 RotV, 2 RttFF
:jandar::jandar::utgar::utgar:Did not attain BoV

Map: Cryto's Maw
Date Uploaded: 10/14/08
Requirements: 1 RotV, 2 TT


Map: Dolin's Switchback
Date Uploaded: 9/07/08
Requirements: 1 RotV, 1 TT, 1 RttFF


Map: If you can't take the heat...
Date Uploaded: 8/03/08
Requirements: 1 SotM, 1 TJ, 1 VW
:jandar::jandar::jandar::jandar:This map is in the BoV.


Map: Ticalla Outpost
Date Uploaded: 7/02/08
Requirements: 1 SotM, 1 FotA, 1 TJ


Map: In Cold Blood
Date Uploaded: 6/24/08
Requirements: 1 RotV, 2 TT

Map: Erosion
Date Uploaded: 5/3/08
Requirements: 3 SotM, 3RotV, FotA ladders, extra wave tiles


Map: Turnpikes and Burnpikes
Date Uploaded: 4/27/08
Requirements: 1 RotV, 1 VW, 2 FotA


Map: Flash Fire
Date Uploaded: 4/19/08
Requirements: 1 RotV, 2 RttFF
:utgar::jandar::jandar::jandar::jandar::jandar:This map is in the BoV.


Map: Molten Stronghold
Date Uploaded: 4/19/08
Requirements: 1 RotV, 1 FotA, 1 VW


Map: the Dam Ruins
Date Uploaded: 4/19/08
Requirements: 5 RotV, 2 FotA


Map: On Frozen Pond
Date Uploaded: 4/19/08
Requirements: 1 RotV, 2 TT


Map: Tripdien's Glade
Date Uploaded:3/31/08
Requirements: 1 RotV, 2 RttFF


Map: Hustle Up
Date Uploaded: 1/26/08
Requirements: 6 MS, 2 FotA
Notes: Do not put the doors on the castle gates. This map is intended to be played without the doors.

Map: ...Keep Your Enemies Closer
Date Uploaded: 12/15/07
Requirements: 1 MS, 1 FotA, 2 RttFF


Map: Divided We Fall
Date Uploaded: 12/15/07
Requirements: 1 MS, 2 TT

Last edited:
Those are some cool maps! The first one is especially interesting with the armies separated by a wall; maybe I'll just have to give in and buy a FotA set (please go on clearance :x).
I love the Keep you enemies closer map...i have made several maps where the 2 sides start so close to each other but are divided by one large obstacle...good job
They both seem like very original maps, Keep Your Enemies Closer looks like it could make many epic battles. Nice job :up:
Excellent Dignan, I'm really diggin' Divided We Fall. The other's cool and creative too.
DrRansom said:
Do you ever make any 3 player maps?

Yeah, I've made a handful of them. Three players is one of the more frequent occurances of my gaming group. I will probably polish a few up and add them to this thread. I have a decent backlog of maps on my computer that need a few parts tweaked on them before I upload them.
Here's my latest Map that I created the other weekend. We played a few games on it and had a good time. It uses what I like to call a "tournament foundation". In other words, it takes up about the same amount of space as a typical tournament map, is designed for the same point sized armies, but uses well beyond the typical amount of terrain.

Map: Hustle Up
Date Uploaded: 1/26/08
Requirements: 6 MS, 2 FotA
Notes: Do not put the doors on the castle gates. This map is intended to be played without the doors.
This map is one that I have generated for the upcoming Richardson Open. With that it mind, it was created for tournament play. This map breaks out into two defined sections. One side favors melee with a road and lots of LOS blockers, while the other side has open terrain and choke points to create areas for ranged units to lay down fire.

Map: Tripdien's Glade
Date Uploaded:3/31/08
Requirements: 1 RotV, 2 RttFF

Dignan said:
This map is one that I have generated for the upcoming Richardson Open. With that it mind, it was created for tournament play. This map breaks out into two defined sections. One side favors melee with a road and lots of LOS blockers, while the other side has open terrain and choke points to create areas for ranged units to lay down fire.

Map:Tripdien's Glade
Date Uploaded:3/31/08
Requirements: 1 RotV, 2 RttFF


I had a very similar idea:
The map is called The Pine Tree Curtain, and it was submitted for Team tournament in Dallas. It was not chosen though, because they said it had a few choke points. I would remove the single tree between the Hive and the curtain to create a more open area there. :)

I like your maps so far. Keep Your Enemies Closer has a great idea, but the dragons would have lots of fun there :) .
LongHeroscaper said:
I like your maps so far. Keep Your Enemies Closer has a great idea, but the dragons would have lots of fun there :) .

Yeah, the simple fix for that is to stagger the wall heights. But, it looks a little wonky that way. That map is more of a "fun" map than a "fair" map. A few combinations of units can really "break" it.
Re: Dignan's Maps - New Map - Tripdien's Glade - 3/31

4/19/08: I have uploaded several new maps for an upcoming tournament I am hosting. Each picture speaks for itself. Hopefully you will enjoy this latest batch. We spent several weeks playtesting the maps to get "good" gameplay out of them. Enjoy.

: Flash Fire
Date Uploaded: 4/19/08
Requirements: 1 RotV, 2 RttFF


Molten Stronghold
Date Uploaded: 4/19/08
Requirements: 1 RotV, 1 FotA, 1 VW


the Dam Ruins
Date Uploaded: 4/19/08
Requirements: 5 RotV, 2 FotA


On Frozen Pond
Date Uploaded: 4/19/08
Requirements: 1 RotV, 2 TT

Re: Dignan's Maps - 4 new maps 4/19

All of your new maps look really good. I am never a fan of using Castle wall without the cap, so I will leave Molten Stronghold aside :) .
In terms of balanced and playable, I like Flash Fire the most. It looks similar to Ch1can0's Little Rampage and UPC's Highway or Dieway, but in a smaller footprint, which is excellent for tournament.
Melee units will have difficult time on Damp Ruins, I think. But the map looks great. So does On Frozen Pond.... I would replace several water tiles surrounding the central glyph by ice tiles (or snow tiles) to create a passage to cross the river more easily. I know you want the glyph to be hard to claim and hard to defense, but unless it is an important glyph, I think the area will see less play. Just my 2 cents :).

Overall, I really like the look of your new patch. I think people in the tournament will have a lot of fun playing on these map. Good jobs, Dignan! :)
Re: Dignan's Maps - 4 new maps 4/19

Overall, I really like the look of your new patch. I think people in the tournament will have a lot of fun playing on these map. Good jobs, Dignan! :)

Agreed. I am definitely looking forward to this one. Good job, Dignan.

Now I haven't played on any of the maps yet so I expect a thorough trashing on 4/26.
Re: Dignan's Maps - 4 new maps 4/19

Thanks for commenting on my maps Long. I am honored that you took the time to look at each one of them and type up a great feedback post.

All of your new maps look really good. I am never a fan of using Castle wall without the cap, so I will leave Molten Stronghold aside :) .

Yeah, I'm generally not a fan of uncapped walls, but I wanted to restrict the amount of terrain I used for this map. Visually, I was going for the look of a ruined castle, which is the only reason why I even toyed with the idea of not putting caps on the walls. That said, I know that many players hate the look, so I knew I would hear about it.

In terms of balanced and playable, I like Flash Fire the most. It looks similar to Ch1can0's Little Rampage and UPC's Highway or Dieway, but in a smaller footprint, which is excellent for tournament.

Thanks. Once I finished building this map I couldn't wait to play on it. The small footprint combined with all the roads just made it look so fast and dangerous. Our playtesting has born witness to the fact that there are no safe spots on this map. I agree with you that this one is probably the most balanced and playable.

Melee units will have difficult time on Damp Ruins, I think. But the map looks great.

This map is the one that changed the most during our month or so of playtesting. It has difficulties for several unit types. I was surprised to see how hard is was to effectively use the ranged powerhouse 4th Mass on this map. A couple of units really shine on this map: Fliers, slitherers, and Sir Gilbert (just ask DrLivingston). It's probably the least "balanced" or "fair" of the bunch, but it really changes things up (for good or for worse) and will get players to really think about their movement (I hope).

So does On Frozen Pond.... I would replace several water tiles surrounding the central glyph by ice tiles (or snow tiles) to create a passage to cross the river more easily. I know you want the glyph to be hard to claim and hard to defense, but unless it is an important glyph, I think the area will see less play. Just my 2 cents :).

Thanks for the feedback. The middle glyph is one that ends up being dominated by range (for obvious reasons). When we made the glyph too important there, a ranged army just crushed melee armies. making it easier to get to with ice is a pretty good idea. I might have to make a revision to this one. As it stands now, it's been pretty interesting to see players dance around the middle. The side passages are actually pretty melee friendly. it's difficult to bring much to bear into that area without getting too close. That said, this map is the one in our rotation that is supposed to be "range friendly" and it is.:)

Overall, I really like the look of your new patch. I think people in the tournament will have a lot of fun playing on these map. Good jobs, Dignan! :)

Thanks very much. That's the most important goal of my tournament: to have fun. I hope that all the players enjoy themselves.
Re: Dignan's Maps - 4 new maps 4/19

Agreed. I am definitely looking forward to this one. Good job, Dignan.

Now I haven't played on any of the maps yet so I expect a thorough trashing on 4/26.

Glad to hear that you are looking forward to it (I can't wait). I'm pretty sure that your tournament experience and skill will keep you from getting trashed next week (I think you've played in more tournaments than the rest of the field combined :D).
Re: Dignan's Maps - 4 new maps 4/19

Nice looking maps! Can't believe I haven't poked around your map thread before. I came across Divided We Fall while looking for a Tundra map for our next HS tourney here in KC. If we use it I'll let you know how things pan out.
Re: Dignan's Maps - 4 new maps 4/19

I really like all these maps. Molten Stronghold looks really interesting to me, even if it doesn't have capped walls;) When I saw Divided We Fall, I swear I started to sing United we Stand. They all look great.:mrgreen:
Re: Dignan's Maps - 4 new maps 4/19

Nice looking maps! Can't believe I haven't poked around your map thread before. I came across Divided We Fall while looking for a Tundra map for our next HS tourney here in KC. If we use it I'll let you know how things pan out.

Thanks. Please keep me posted if you use Divided We Fall. We've played on it quite a bit on our game days at my place and we've always had fun on it.