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Consolidated List of Problems With The Renegade AOA Roll Out

Just got my AoA sets yesterday and played today. So just so I’m clear on this, the rounded plus-sign shape on top of the Laur walls is… nothing? I thought it was so they could stack, but they don’t fit so I’m confused why that’s there at all and not just a flat top. A top that would support a terrain hex would be even cooler. Just not sure I understand the intent of the wall designs.

(Many apologies if this has been discussed at length somewhere else, I haven’t been on these forums in like a decade.)
Just got my AoA sets yesterday and played today. So just so I’m clear on this, the rounded plus-sign shape on top of the Laur walls is… nothing? I thought it was so they could stack, but they don’t fit so I’m confused why that’s there at all and not just a flat top. A top that would support a terrain hex would be even cooler. Just not sure I understand the intent of the wall designs.

(Many apologies if this has been discussed at length somewhere else, I haven’t been on these forums in like a decade.)
The Avalon Hill-era walls were intended to stack, but Renegade's factory said the wall thickness across the underside interior slot was too narrow and would warp upon cooling. The pillars were also intended to stack... Keeping up with Renegade's Discord is a nightmare. I've seen no info on that... Perhaps they will be able to make adjustments for when the Laur Walls Terrain box comes out...?
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The Avalon Hill-era walls were intended to stack, but Renegade's factory said the wall thickness across the underside interior slot was too narrow and would warp upon cooling.

Having spent a ton of time looking at the AH renders, and now having the walls in hand (which I assume are essentially just made directly from the files AH had... only thing that explains the issues that have shown up), the wall thickness reasoning doesn't make any sense. It's not that it would be too thin, it's that the wall thickness would be nonexistent. The top of the walls are the same dimension as the bottom of the walls. The only way to make the walls stackable is to reduce the size of the tops of the walls. If they do make stackable parts in the future, the new pillars would be able to stack on the existing pillars, but there is no way they would manage stacking new walls on the existing walls.

Not that I'm an expert on the subject, but this is exactly what I have found with the walls I designed. The tops of the walls are smaller than the bottoms of the walls, and the pillars I made can slot onto the official pillars.
Just got my AoA sets yesterday and played today. So just so I’m clear on this, the rounded plus-sign shape on top of the Laur walls is… nothing? I thought it was so they could stack, but they don’t fit so I’m confused why that’s there at all and not just a flat top. A top that would support a terrain hex would be even cooler. Just not sure I understand the intent of the wall designs.

(Many apologies if this has been discussed at length somewhere else, I haven’t been on these forums in like a decade.)
Holy crap it's IMax!

Yes, that is a thing. My own guess is that it's a product of the handoff between one company and another, and the result of some kind of miscommunication.

Good to see you posting. I hope you like the new stuff.
Well that is just silly. But I may go after some of them with a knife and whittle those caps down a bit so I can build a huge wall.

I do love the new stuff. I had to dig out all my old stuff and litter my living room with maps and unit cards. Now I just have to paint all these new dudes!
I got mine prepainted, but I did go over them with some dry brushing, washes, and other touch ups, and I really enjoyed the time I spent playing around with paints again. The next thing I want to do for now is to go over the bases with Citadel's Elysian Green, and then scratch the dried paint with a utlitiy knife. @Dandelions demonstrated that that's a good way to get the base (on the prepainted minis, anyway) to look like the old ones, with the sticker.
I had previously been excited and planning on participating in the official events. I wanted the promo figures and to be on the national rankings. But I have no interest in playing with the new rules they came up with so at this point I'm not going to be playing in the official stuff.

Plus their new software looks stupid, with army point value having to end in an interval of 50 and the armies being described using MTG deck terms.
What are the changes? Is there a compendium of stuff? Since I do have interest in official events, want to know what I am walking into.
Well that is just silly. But I may go after some of them with a knife and whittle those caps down a bit so I can build a huge wall.

I do love the new stuff. I had to dig out all my old stuff and litter my living room with maps and unit cards. Now I just have to paint all these new dudes!

Jesus H Tap Dancing Christ! It looks like the Japanese LARPers have woken the Drake from his long slumber!
One more complaint:
The Master Set box CLEARLY states "20 Highly Detailed, fully assembled, unpainted miniatures".
In spite of this, Xenithrax was certainly not 'fully assembled'.
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In spite of this, Xenithrax was certainly not 'fully assembled'.
I was amused, from watching the unboxing videos and the problems getting Xenithrax's tail fitted, that the game instructions clearly state to insert the tail first, then the wings, not the other way around, as in the videos; I have to wonder whether the gap at the base of the wing piece is reduced if it's assembled in the correct order, or if the tab on the tail needs to be shaved a bit to give proper clearance for the wings tab.
My unpainted master set had a bunch (~ 13-14 or so) of figures with warped bases, both 2-hex units included.
It mostly affected the larger-base units, 4/5 of the bears, but even a few of the small pirates (like Dorim).
Ten seconds of holding the base in simmering water followed by holding them in place in ice water did the trick, and none of them wobble anymore.
Tongs were wholly unnecessary.
I am rather glad that I didn't have painted minis, as some YouTube people who did this reported the paint getting slightly lighter during this process.
I'd say all of them except Raelin ended up nice and flat all-around, and even she isn't wobbly anymore, so that's good enough for me.
It would have been nice if I hadn't had to do this at all.
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Have we added "Didn't make enough products to fill all the orders" to the list yet?

My FLGS got their shipments last week. The unpainted sets were through a normal distributor, probably Alliance, and was filled 100%.

The Premium painted sets were ordered directly through Renegade, and they only received about 20% of the order. I did not get the Premium Master Set and Battle Box I had pre-ordered. Renegade is not providing any additional information about when or if those orders will be filled. It is likely they ran out and are waiting on the second production run, which may not ship until 2025.

From the FLGS: "Renegade still has an outstanding order for more stock from us, but they haven't been able to provide us an ETA for that yet. Until we receive an update or they cancel our order, we are operating on the assumption it will fill eventually. I suspect, given the demand for this game, that they will do another production run and are holding our order for that."

This is 100% Renegade's fault and I am upset with them for taking more orders than they knew they were going to produce. What a horrible way to roll out a new product, especially the "Premium" version. Is there a "Worst Company Ever" award they are competing for or something?
3. The basic terrain hex tiles seem to have been produced properly, and are compatible with our old terrain. There are new terrain configurations being produced as well. Terrain only sets had been requested as far back as the original game's production, to no avail.
No, no it isn't, this new terrain just snapped one of my 5-hex road tile entirely because a new 24-hex is way to tight, and I tried to do it slowly and with great care.
I can slide my old pieces together with ease. And it isn't because the road tile is especially brittle either. I had it stored hooked up to an old 24-hex in a bin which it could slide on and off of like butter.
Renegade owes me a 5-hex road piece, and quite frankly, replacement parts for every hex in the AoA initial release that isn't 1 or 3-hex.
1s and 3s (including water tiles) seem to go together smooth just fine. 2, 7, and 24 are painful to slide together and I am convinced that attempting to use them with any old pieces will result in severe damage.
I am not ordering another set with hexes until this is resolved.
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Have we added "Didn't make enough products to fill all the orders" to the list yet?

My FLGS got their shipments last week. The unpainted sets were through a normal distributor, probably Alliance, and was filled 100%.

The Premium painted sets were ordered directly through Renegade, and they only received about 20% of the order. I did not get the Premium Master Set and Battle Box I had pre-ordered. Renegade is not providing any additional information about when or if those orders will be filled. It is likely they ran out and are waiting on the second production run, which may not ship until 2025.

From the FLGS: "Renegade still has an outstanding order for more stock from us, but they haven't been able to provide us an ETA for that yet. Until we receive an update or they cancel our order, we are operating on the assumption it will fill eventually. I suspect, given the demand for this game, that they will do another production run and are holding our order for that."

This is 100% Renegade's fault and I am upset with them for taking more orders than they knew they were going to produce. What a horrible way to roll out a new product, especially the "Premium" version. Is there a "Worst Company Ever" award they are competing for or something?
This is common with hot titles for demand to outstrip supply on first printing. The initial production run isn't set according to preorders, and was probably done months earlier. High demand leads to additional print runs. Terraforming Mars, Gloomhaven are two I can think of off the top of my head...
Using the same box for both versions was also a boneheaded move. I have been calling around trying to find a painted sets and most retailers can't tell the difference and assume they're all painted versions because of the pictures. I'm having to explain that they need to look for a sticker on the box or just ask how much it costs.
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Using the same box for both versions was also a boneheaded move. I have been calling around trying to find a painted sets and most retailers can't tell the difference and assume they're all painted versions because of the picutres. I'm having to explain that they need to look for a sticker on the box or just ask how much it costs.

That is really unfortunate! Hadn’t realized. Agree they needed to do something different with the box. Hope they do going forward.
This is common with hot titles for demand to outstrip supply on first printing. The initial production run isn't set according to preorders, and was probably done months earlier. High demand leads to additional print runs. Terraforming Mars, Gloomhaven are two I can think of off the top of my head...

How hard is it to limit preorders to the amount produced? This must just be a problem specific to gaming.

I pre-order over a hundred Hasbro products every year and this is the first time I've ever heard of pre-order shipments being shorted. I frequently see pre-orders sell out, because they don't allot more than they know they are going to get. In fact they limit pre-orders to a certain percentage of the manufacturing run so they will have stock available on the release date too. Its not just the manufacturer that is limiting the pre-orders they take, they also inform retailers so they don't oversell.
How hard is it to limit preorders to the amount produced? This must just be a problem specific to gaming.

I pre-order over a hundred Hasbro products every year and this is the first time I've ever heard of pre-order shipments being shorted. I frequently see pre-orders sell out, because they don't allot more than they know they are going to get. In fact they limit pre-orders to a certain percentage of the manufacturing run so they will have stock available on the release date too. It’s not just the manufacturer that is limiting the pre-orders they take, they also inform retailers so they don't oversell.
The store can put in an order for 20 units when preorders open at the distributor level. Renegade should make 100% sure to produce and deliver those twenty units, and would usually produce a good deal more because not all sales are pre-orders.

The store can then take thirty pre-orders from clients and up their order to thirty-six units. There is nothing Renegade can do to stop that, or even to find out it’s being done. From Renegade’s point of view, those ten additional sales aren’t pre-orders, they’re just people buying from the initial release.

Some stores will list pre-orders as sold-out, which makes everything crystal-clear to everyone, but keeping an item listed to sell upcoming stock (because you hope to receive more) on a first-come, first-served basis before release isn’t all that unreasonable. Appliances are sold that way all the time, and we saw how catastrophic shortages can get during COVID.

It’s not impossible that Renegade f’d up and guaranteed higher unit counts than it ended up producing, but I wouldn’t automatically pin this on them.
I have pre-ordered literally thousands of items, including very popular items that sell out pre-orders in under a minute, and this is the first time I have heard of a pre-order being oversold. Hasbro will tell retailers how many they are getting so they don't over-sell. Its very easy to control order numbers, its apparently something the board game industry is very behind on. Or Renagde F'd up.