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Clock’s Classic and VC Proxies


New member
Being a new player I don’t have a lot of classic or Valhalla Customs units or easy access to them, but I do have experience painting minis so I decided to make some proxies, so far I only have 3 units proxied.
First one is a single squad of Obsidian Guards
What’s fun about them is I printed them in clear red resin so when they are on my custom magma and lava tiles they will glow

Next is two squads of Tomb Skeleton Archers because I have a box of skeleton minis that I wasn’t using

And last is a Morsbane who is now a Dragon Priest because I can. I also made Dragon Priest masks to use as tokens for his negation markers
Thanks! I thought it would be a thematic thing to use for the markers, I’ve also been thinking of making a custom card for him with all the same effects and stats but reflavor the name, image, and hit location image to reflect the new sculpt
Thanks! I started with the dragon priest model and wanted to find an appropriate unit to proxy with it and once I read Morsbane’s card I knew it had to be him