Thanks so much for the kind words! It's been cool to watch you and your brother journey into the game. I wish I had made this sooner; I'd been planning on creating it a few years ago, but better late than never.https://castersofvalhalla.wixsite.c...try-24-the-competitive-heroscape-buying-guide
I walk through how to get started playing competitive classic Scape, laying out the important figures every collection needs. I also compare the top 11 armies in terms of strength, affordability, and flexibility.
Great episode! I wish I had this a year and a half ago when my brother and I got back in to Heroscape. It was great to hear you list all the figures that should be priority buy regardless, then go through full armies that were more or less optimized for competitive play.
I was really pleased to hear you go down the list because I already own the figures, in the quantities that you suggested, without having this cast as a resource. The main reason I was so pleased was because when I decided to start collecting multiples of commons squads I used all of the COV’s previous casts as an outline on what I should buy first. I started with Heavies, then Knights, Romans, etc. all the way down to the most expensive Melee bonding units, The Dwarves. I was lucky enough to get a great deal on an authentic squad and have some really awesome 3D prints done by a fellow Scaper.
This cast has been an invaluable resource in my attempts to create more competitive armies as well as improving my overall skill as a Scaper. Thank you Mike, Ken and all the other great hosts! Keep up the excellent work!
Thank you, I’m honored to have you follow our progress in the game. We still have so much to learn and experience to gain but it’s been great to get feedback from seasoned Heroscape Veterans.
The casts have been a great help and I have my favorite ones saved to my phone so I can listen to them whenever I want. I listen mostly at work where the hours of Heroscape commentary the cast provides make the time at work go by a little faster and a lot more enjoyable. I can confidently say that I’m one of the Cast’s number one listeners. I’ve heard every cast at least once and I’ve listened to my favorites multiple times. I’ve listened to the Melee bonding casts upwards of 5 separate times already.
This upcoming battle between my brother and I should be of particular interest to you. We are playing on a WoS inducted map and I’m using all of my knowledge gained from the cast to pilot Heavies/Grimnak/Nerak/MW/Heirloom into Q-9/WoA/PK. Our parameters were 520pts 20 figs and I had to use MW in my build and my brother Alex had to use Q-9 in his build. Hope you can check it out Sunday and give us your extremely informed opinion.