• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Cartographers of Valhalla - An Index of Mapmakers

Bah! Sorry guys, this post had fallen off my radar. I got both of you added to the list.
@Dignan, I wouldn't worry too much about adding the individual contests myself @Tiranx, and @Sir Heroscape have done up as we are up to something that should cover that here shortly. I wouldn't be opposed to you linking our entire project here though.
Below is an updated list of map makers. The last update was in 2017, so I went back as far as that. 33 map makers were added in total, including the likes of Super Frog, Sir Heroscape and Ulysses. I also added distinctions for WoS inductees, and added some for BoV.

Cartographers of Valhalla

Welcome to the Atlas of Valhalla. This thread is to serve as your one stop shop for all compiled map threads in order of their author.

This thread should serve as a compendium of all mapmakers who have made compiled map threads. If I have overlooked anyone, please reply to this thread and I will add them. Please note, there are several "so-and-so's" Maps threads that only have one map or have missing content (and or dead links). These threads have been omitted from this list.

I will do my best to keep this thread up to date as new mapmakers post new compiled lists into this forum. However, if I have missed a new addition, and you wish to be added, please reply to this thread in the following manner:

Dignan's Maps

The link needs to direct the user to the first page of the map thread.

1111's Battlefields
#1Mustangscaper's Maps

A3n's Map Thread
Aeston's Maps
AgentX-127's Maps
AliasQTip's Exclusive Battlefields (and Resouces)
All Your Pie's Map Thread
AndreThaGiant's Maps
Angear's Maps
Annerio's Maps
antmarchinggroves Maps
Arcus' Maps
Ariealaviator's Maps
Maps of Arp12
Astroking122's Maps
Auralerogony's Maps

Bacchus Maps
Benji's Maps
BiggaBullfrog's Maps
Billtog's Gnarly Battlefields
Bixby Maps
Blodshogam's Maps
Bl00DDeMoN's Maps
Black Bishop's Maps
Black Charos Maps
The BlackHeadedLuckSucker's Wonderfully Wacky Maps
Blackrock's Maps
Bmon's Maps
Br1an's Maps
Braveheart101's Maps
Braxev's Maps
Braxev's Meta-Maps
Browncoat's Maps & Scenerios - BoV Cartographer
Buddy's Maps

Capsocrates Maps
Caravaggio's Maps
Cavalier's Maps
Cavemonster's Maps
Cavie's Maps/Scenarios
ch1can0's custom maps - for 1 MS - BoV Cartographer
ch1can0's custom maps - for 2 MS
ch1can0's custom maps - for 3+ MS
CH4071C's Maps
Chardar's maps.
Chief's Maps
Chris Perkins Maps
Maps By Cleon
cmgames Maps
corbell's Maps
CornPuff's Maps
CRC's Maps
Creationist's Customs: The Map District
Cupid's Maps

DarkDino's Maps
Maps by Darkmage7a
Darkomen57's Maps
Deadeye's custom Maps
Deadeye Dan42's Maps
Death and Taxis' Maps
Dignan's Maps - BoV, WoS Cartographer
Dignan's Multiplayer Maps
Dnutt99's Maps
dok's maps
Draconious' Maps
Dread Pirate Fooflesnort's Maps
Dr. Goomonkey's Maps
Dr. Weirdscaper's Maps
Dyzzle's Maps

Eclipse's Maps
elf326's Maps
Elf Archer's Maps
Elstree's Maps
Einar's Puppy's Maps
eveningdrive's Maps and Scenarios

Fallen Phoenix's Maps
Fallen Templar's Maps
Fedex Workers Maps
Fen_Hydra's Maps
Flash_19 Maps
Filthy's Maps
FishTako's Maps
Footlad's Maps
Fred the Bug's Maps
Free Maps

GameBear's (1MS) Maps - BoV, WoS Cartographer
Gatehop's Maps and Scenarios
GaryLasQ's Maps
Geekzap's Maps
General Rolando's Maps
Geosmore's Maps
Gib's Maps
Glitch's Maps
Goblin Guy's Maps
Gomolka's Maps
Maps by grizz
Grombloodboy's Maps
guns_lingers Maps

habs1009's Maps
Hahma's Maps
Harold's Maps
Hedge Knight's Maps
Hed the Huge's - 17x17 Hex Maps
Heroscaper2.0's Maps
Hero_X's Maps
Herofly's Maps
heroscaper2010's Maps
Hex_Enduction-Hour's Maps
Hivelord's Maps
HokoshilaTo's Maps
Homba's Maps & Scenarios - BoV Cartographer
HSFan123's Maps

IAmTheWalrus's Maps
Icebear's Maps

JaesShurrig's Maps
JakeAndy's Maps
j-bird's Maps
Jexik's Maps
jodokast's Maps
Joecrazy3193's Maps
Jonathan's Maps - BoV Cartographer
Junge Roman's Battlefield Maps
Juniour's Maps
Just John's Maps
jwindjakal's Maps

Kahrma's Maps - BoV Cartographer
KaemonAwa'a Maps
Kaemon Awasome's Maps
Kaiser Cat's Kaiseriffic maps!
Kaltax's Maps
KCU Master's Maps
Khanbob42's Map gallery
killercactus' maps
Killer Lawnmower's Maps
Killometer's maps
King of the Marro's Maps
Kolakoski's Maps
kriegskeks' Maps

Lamaclown's Maps and Scenarios
Leaf_It's Maps
Legoboy's Maps
LeftOn4ya's Maps & Philosophy of Heroscape Cartography
llamaman's Maps
LoneWolf's Maps
LongHeroscaper's Maps - BoV, WoS Cartographer
Lord_Paul's Maps
Lotus' Maps

Mad_wookiee's maps - BoV, WoS Cartographer
majofa's Maps
Marduk's Maps
MarioFanaticXV's Maps
Marsman's Maps
Master4sword's Map Thread
Matty420's Maps
Medieval 2 Total War's Maps
Mega Maps By MegaSilver!
MegaSilver's Half-Map Thread
Menchy's Maps
Messenger's Maps
Mmirg's Moderately Marvelous Maps
Mooseman's Medium Maps
Mooseman's Tournament Maps - BoV Cartographer
motoko's Maps
MrBistro's Maps
MrKurtb's and jrkidb's Maps

Nadi's Overloaded Map Thread
Naps420's Maps
nbxfans's Maps
NecroBlade's Maps
NEMT's Maps
NerdyNinja's Maps
Nomad & Longy418 Maps
Nooblar's Maps
Noodles and Primals Maps
nyys' Maps

Obsidian's Maps
Ollie's Maps
Onacara's Maps
Oprime's Maps
Orbital's Maps
Ormus' Maps and Scenarios
Outforblood's Maps

Panopticon's Maps - BoV, WoS Cartographer
Paronychodon's Maps
Passive Assassin's Maps
pauldragon's Maps
peteparkerh's Battlefieds
Piherculis' Battlefields
Pikachu's Maps
PixiePieRy Maps
Pixlepix's Maps
PlasmaScaper's Maps
Proto's Maps
Pygon's Maps

Quozl's Maps

Rednax's Maps
Retlaw's Maps
RevDyer's Maps for Central Arkansas
Ricky's New Maps and Scenarios
Riptide's Maps
Robb's Custom Maps
Robber's maps - WoS Cartographer
Rogue Assassin's Maps
Runefang's Maps
RV's (Ronin Valentine) Amateur Cartography
Maps by Rÿchean - BoV Cartographer
Rym's Maps
Ryougabot's Maps

Sapper's Maps
sarboz's Small Battlefields
Satyr's Maps
Scape Srub's Maps
'Scaper94's Map Thread
SchismaticSounds Maps
Scottishlad5's Maps
SgtHulka's Maps
Shades Fan's Maps
Shakey's Maps and Scenarios
Sherman Davies' 1 MS Maps
Sherman Davies' 2 MS Maps
Shockma Ranyk's Maps
S1R_ART0R1US's Maps
sk8mage's Maps
skyknight's gigantic maps
skylord163's maps
Slikk's Maps
SM921's Maps
Snaitf's Maps
Sir Heroscape's Maps
Sirpongo's Maps
Soul Shackle's Maps
Sport351's Maps
Squiter the Spider's Maps
Srmalloy's Maps
Star's maps
Starocean980's Maps - BoV Cartographer
Stubobj's maps
Sujoah's Maps
SuperflyTNT's Maps and Scenarios
superfrog's Maps
Supergeek's Maps
Sup3rS0n1c's Maps
Super Kyrie's Maps
Swamper's Maps
Sydcomebak's Maps

Taelord's Maps
Tankyteemo's Maps
tannergx's Maps - BoV, WoS Cartographer
Teamski's Maps
Technomagus' Maps
The CEE's Maps
Timemaster4's Maps
Toddrew and Ninjo's Maps
Tog's small footprint - 1 MS - Maps
Tom's map thread
Trex's Maps
TWilkerson's Maps
Txedomask's Maps
TyG17's Maps
Tyguy94920's Maps & Scenarios
Typhon2222's Maps - BoV, WoS Cartographer

Ugly-Caco's Maps
Ulysses Maps
uncle sean's Maps
Unseen Shadowz Maps
UPC's Maps revisited - BoV, WoS Cartographer

Velenne's Maps - BoV Cartographer
Viegon's and Family's Map Thread
vvildeyedjoker's Maps

Warlord Alpha's Maps and Scenarios
white_dragon_master's Maps
White Noise's Maps
WhiteStuff's Maps
Wind Lane's Maps
Winona Vampire's Maps

Xaq's Portfolio
xraine69's Battlefields

YagyuNinja's Maps - BoV Cartographer
Yodakings Maps

Zanter's Maps
Zorgophlat's Zelda Maps

Battlefields of Valhalla
Cartographers Choice - Mapmakers Personal Favorites
One Master Set and One of each expansion Maps
The Playgrounds of Valhalla
Team Tournament Maps
The Tournament-Worthy Asymmetric Map Workshop
Worlds of Heroscape
World of Weirdscaper: The Map Thread
Maps for Noobs
Raids of Valhalla display
1x BftU Challenge
Beast of the East map contest
Rÿchean's Map Making Challenge
'09 GenCon Map Contest
That IS a ton of work...many thanks! @Dignan since you control the OP...maybe you could update?

Also, not that it really matters (but it kinda does), but if we're going to call out specific map project cartographers in this list...our ARV contributors I'm sure would appreciate being included/listed as well.
That IS a ton of work...many thanks! @Dignan since you control the OP...maybe you could update?

Also, not that it really matters (but it kinda does), but if we're going to call out specific map project cartographers in this list...our ARV contributors I'm sure would appreciate being included/listed as well.

Hear hear!
That IS a ton of work...many thanks! @Dignan since you control the OP...maybe you could update?

Also, not that it really matters (but it kinda does), but if we're going to call out specific map project cartographers in this list...our ARV contributors I'm sure would appreciate being included/listed as well.

With everything that goes into the ARV, I fully agree!
Below is an updated OP. Can a Mod make the switch?

I added Dunedain, AStickInTheMud, RainyDays, Vydar_XLIII, Nomad, blast_shark, Dysole, and OEAO reimaginings, changed Sheep's name and added WoS Cartographer to Superfrog, Ulysses and Sheep.

Cartographers of Valhalla

Welcome to the Atlas of Valhalla. This thread is to serve as your one stop shop for all compiled map threads in order of their author.

This thread should serve as a compendium of all mapmakers who have made compiled map threads. If I have overlooked anyone, please reply to this thread and I will add them. Please note, there are several "so-and-so's" Maps threads that only have one map or have missing content (and or dead links). These threads have been omitted from this list.

I will do my best to keep this thread up to date as new mapmakers post new compiled lists into this forum. However, if I have missed a new addition, and you wish to be added, please reply to this thread in the following manner:

Dignan's Maps

The link needs to direct the user to the first page of the map thread.

Cartographers of Valhalla

Welcome to the Atlas of Valhalla. This thread is to serve as your one stop shop for all compiled map threads in order of their author.

This thread should serve as a compendium of all mapmakers who have made compiled map threads. If I have overlooked anyone, please reply to this thread and I will add them. Please note, there are several "so-and-so's" Maps threads that only have one map or have missing content (and or dead links). These threads have been omitted from this list.

I will do my best to keep this thread up to date as new mapmakers post new compiled lists into this forum. However, if I have missed a new addition, and you wish to be added, please reply to this thread in the following manner:

Dignan's Maps

The link needs to direct the user to the first page of the map thread.

1111's Battlefields
#1Mustangscaper's Maps

A3n's Map Thread
Aeston's Maps
AgentX-127's Maps
AliasQTip's Exclusive Battlefields (and Resouces)
All Your Pie's Map Thread
AndreThaGiant's Maps
Angear's Maps
Annerio's Maps
antmarchinggroves Maps - ARV Cartographer
Arcus' Maps
Ariealaviator's Maps
Arp12 Maps
AStickInTheMud's Maps
Astroking122's Maps
Auralerogony's Maps

Bacchus Maps
Benji's Maps
BiggaBullfrog's Maps - ARV Cartographer
Billtog's Gnarly Battlefields
Bixby Maps
Blodshogam's Maps
Bl00DDeMoN's Maps
Black Bishop's Maps
Black Charos Maps
The BlackHeadedLuckSucker's Wonderfully Wacky Maps
Blackrock's Maps
blast_shark Maps
Blubberguy22's Maps
Bmon's Maps
Br1an's Maps
Braveheart101's Maps
Braxev's Maps
Braxev's Meta-Maps
Browncoat's Maps & Scenerios - BoV Cartographer
Buddy's Maps

Capsocrates Maps
Caravaggio's Maps
Cavalier's Maps
Cavemonster's Maps
Cavie's Maps/Scenarios
ch1can0's custom maps - for 1 MS - BoV Cartographer
ch1can0's custom maps - for 2 MS
ch1can0's custom maps - for 3+ MS
CH4071C's Maps
Chardar's maps.
Chief's Maps
Chris Perkins Maps
Cleon's Maps
cmgames Maps
corbell's Maps
CornPuff's Maps
CRC's Maps
Creationist's Customs: The Map District
Cupid's Maps

DarkDino's Maps
Maps by Darkmage7a
Darkomen57's Maps
Deadeye's custom Maps
Deadeye Dan42's Maps
Death and Taxis' Maps
Dignan's Maps - BoV, WoS Cartographer
Dignan's Multiplayer Maps
Dnutt99's Maps
dok's maps
Draconious' Maps
Dread Pirate Fooflesnort's Maps
Dr. Goomonkey's Maps
Dr. Weirdscaper's Maps
Dunedain's Maps
Dysole's Maps
Dyzzle's Maps

Eclipse's Maps
elf326's Maps
Elf Archer's Maps
Elstree's Maps
Einar's Puppy's Maps
eveningdrive's Maps and Scenarios

Fallen Phoenix's Maps
Fallen Templar's Maps
Fedex Workers Maps
Fen_Hydra's Maps
Flash_19 Maps - ARV Cartographer
Filthy's Maps
FishTako's Maps
Footlad's Maps
Fred the Bug's Maps
Free Maps

GameBear's (1MS) Maps - BoV, WoS Cartographer
Gatehop's Maps and Scenarios
GaryLasQ's Maps
Geekzap's Maps
General Rolando's Maps
Geosmore's Maps
Gib's Maps
Glitch's Maps
Goblin Guy's Maps
Gomolka's Maps
Maps by grizz
Grombloodboy's Maps
guns_lingers Maps

habs1009's Maps
Hahma's Maps
Harold's Maps
Hedge Knight's Maps
Hed the Huge's - 17x17 Hex Maps
Heroscaper2.0's Maps
Hero_X's Maps
Herofly's Maps
Hex_Enduction-Hour's Maps
Hivelord's Maps
HokoshilaTo's Maps
Homba's Maps & Scenarios - BoV Cartographer
HSFan123's Maps

IAmTheWalrus's Maps
Icebear's Maps

JakeAndy's Maps
j-bird's Maps
Jexik's Maps
jodokast's Maps
Joecrazy3193's Maps
Jonathan's Maps - BoV Cartographer
Junge Roman's Battlefield Maps
Juniour's Maps
Just John's Maps
jwindjakal's Maps

Kahrma's Maps - BoV Cartographer
KaemonAwa'a Maps
Kaemon Awasome's Maps
Kaiser Cat's Kaiseriffic maps!
Kaltax's Maps
KCU Master's Maps
Khanbob42's Map gallery
killercactus' maps
Killer Lawnmower's Maps
Killometer's maps
King of the Marro's Maps
Kolakoski's Maps
kriegskeks' Maps

Lamaclown's Maps and Scenarios
Leaf_It's Maps - ARV Cartographer
Legoboy's Maps
LeftOn4ya's Maps & Philosophy of Heroscape Cartography
llamaman's Maps
LoneWolf's Maps
LongHeroscaper's Maps - BoV, WoS Cartographer
Lord_Paul's Maps
Lotus' Maps

Mad_wookiee's maps - BoV, WoS Cartographer
majofa's Maps
Marduk's Maps
MarioFanaticXV's Maps
Marsman's Maps
Master4sword's Map Thread
Matty420's Maps
Medieval 2 Total War's Maps
Mega Maps By MegaSilver!
MegaSilver's Half-Map Thread
Menchy's Maps
Messenger's Maps
Mmirg's Moderately Marvelous Maps
Mooseman's Medium Maps
Mooseman's Tournament Maps - BoV Cartographer
motoko's Maps
MrBistro's Maps
MrKurtb's and jrkidb's Maps

Nadi's Overloaded Map Thread
Naps420's Maps
nbxfans's Maps
NecroBlade's Maps
NEMT's Maps
NerdyNinja's Maps
Nomad's mini Maps
Nomad & Longy418 Maps - ARV Cartographer
Nooblar's Maps
Noodles and Primals Maps
nyys' Maps

Obsidian's Maps
OEAO's Maps
OEAO's Reimaginings
Ollie's Maps
Onacara's Maps
Oprime's Maps
Orbital's Maps
Ormus' Maps and Scenarios
Outforblood's Maps

Panopticon's Maps - BoV, WoS Cartographer
Paronychodon's Maps
Passive Assassin's Maps
pauldragon's Maps
peteparkerh's Battlefieds
Piherculis' Battlefields
Pikachu's Maps
PixiePieRy Maps
Pixlepix's Maps
PlasmaScaper's Maps
Proto's Maps
Pygon's Maps

Quozl's Maps

RainyDays Maps
Rednax's Maps - ARV Cartographer
Retlaw's Maps
RevDyer's Maps for Central Arkansas
Ricky's New Maps and Scenarios
Riptide's Maps
Robb's Custom Maps
Robber's maps - ARV, WoS Cartographer
Rogue Assassin's Maps
Runefang's Maps
RV's (Ronin Valentine) Amateur Cartography
Maps by Rÿchean - ARV, BoV Cartographer
Rym's Maps
Ryougabot's Maps

Sapper's Maps
sarboz's Small Battlefields
Satyr's Maps
Scape Srub's Maps
'Scaper94's Map Thread
SchismaticSounds Maps
Scottishlad5's Maps
SgtHulka's Maps
Shades Fan's Maps
Shakey's Maps and Scenarios
Sheep Maps - WoS, ARV Cartographer
Sherman Davies' 1 MS Maps
Sherman Davies' 2 MS Maps
Shockma Ranyk's Maps
Shurrig's Maps - ARV Cartographer
S1R_ART0R1US's Maps
sk8mage's Maps
skyknight's gigantic maps
skylord163's maps
Slikk's Maps
SM921's Maps
Snaitf's Maps
Sir Heroscape's Maps - ARV Cartographer
Sirpongo's Maps
Soul Shackle's Maps
Sport351's Maps
Squiter the Spider's Maps
Srmalloy's Maps
Star's maps
Starocean980's Maps - BoV Cartographer
Stubobj's maps
Sujoah's Maps
SuperflyTNT's Maps and Scenarios
superfrog's Maps - WoS, ARV Cartographer
Supergeek's Maps
Sup3rS0n1c's Maps
Super Kyrie's Maps
Swamper's Maps
Sydcomebak's Maps

Taelord's Maps
Tankyteemo's Maps
tannergx's Maps - BoV, WoS Cartographer
Teamski's Maps
Technomagus' Maps
The CEE's Maps
Timemaster4's Maps
Toddrew and Ninjo's Maps
Tog's small footprint - 1 MS - Maps
Tom's map thread
Trex's Maps
TWilkerson's Maps
Txedomask's Maps
TyG17's Maps
Tyguy94920's Maps & Scenarios
Typhon2222's Maps - BoV, WoS Cartographer

Ugly-Caco's Maps
Ulysses Maps - WoS, ARV Cartographer
uncle sean's Maps
Unseen Shadowz Maps
UPC's Maps revisited - BoV, WoS Cartographer

Velenne's Maps - BoV Cartographer
Viegon's and Family's Map Thread
vvildeyedjoker's Maps
Vydar_XLIII's Maps

Warlord Alpha's Maps and Scenarios
white_dragon_master's Maps
White Noise's Maps
WhiteStuff's Maps
Wind Lane's Maps
Winona Vampire's Maps

Xaq's Portfolio
xraine69's Battlefields

YagyuNinja's Maps - BoV Cartographer

Yodakings Maps - ARV Cartographer

Zanter's Maps
Zorgophlat's Zelda Maps

Battlefields of Valhalla
Cartographers Choice - Mapmakers Personal Favorites
One Master Set and One of each expansion Maps
The Playgrounds of Valhalla
Team Tournament Maps
The Tournament-Worthy Asymmetric Map Workshop
Worlds of Heroscape
World of Weirdscaper: The Map Thread
Maps for Noobs
Raids of Valhalla display
1x BftU Challenge
Beast of the East map contest
Rÿchean's Map Making Challenge
'09 GenCon Map Contest
Last edited by a moderator: