• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Br1an's Battlefields (New Map 9/27/22)

Re: Br1an's Battlefields (New Maps 8/31/22)

Thanks for the advice Artorius! I moved some terrain over to the right side to allow more figures to start on height 1 and get to the glyph on the right side quicker. Updated the download link to reflect the change!
Re: Br1an's Battlefields (New Map 9/5/22)

This is a wacky casual scenario map I made, with some superb theming if I do say so myself. Made this one a while back, and finally got around to uploading it!


The Bone Snake Bog - Casual - S
1 SotM
1 TJ
The Bone Snake (Wo-Sa-Ga)
The Bone Snake Alert (youtu.be/UeyJ81rjl1Q) - VOLUME WARNING!
Re: Br1an's Battlefields (New Map 9/24/22)

Just added my 3rd ever tournament map. Made this one for the ScapeCon III map contest, so it uses 2 Marvel sets. Really pleased with this one! Please try it out and let me know what you think!

Molten Grotto - Tournament
2x M:tCB
1x BftU
1x VW
Re: Br1an's Battlefields (New Map 9/25/22)

Just added a giant map, not at all designed to be played lol. Just wanted to make something that looks cool, Volcano Island!

Volcano Island - Casual
8 RotV
4 VW
4 TJ
Last edited:
Re: Br1an's Battlefields (New Map 9/25/22)

This is just pure map art here! I would love to see someone actually build this

EDIT: spoke too soon! That image is too epic
Re: Br1an's Battlefields (New Map 9/25/22)

Haha yeah, I realized the VS photo was not nearly as impressive as the actual thing! Had to shop up the background real quick!
New large map today! Wanted to make a highway cutting through a jungle. Tried to put glyphs in a place to discourage solely camping up top. Had a fun time playing on this one!

Jungle Highway - Casual
2 SotM
2 BftU
2 FotA
2 TJ
Great maps! I remember playing a game on one similar to your latest where a fortress wall cuts through the middle and lots of water around it.

Your volcano island looks great. Do you have the pieces to build that or was it more of a digital file/idea?
Great maps! I remember playing a game on one similar to your latest where a fortress wall cuts through the middle and lots of water around it.

Your volcano island looks great. Do you have the pieces to build that or was it more of a digital file/idea?

The picture of the Volcano Island is it built irl, by me!