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Bigga Battle Chronicles

Long time no update! I’ve been sitting on this June Monthly report for a while because, well, the games frankly weren’t super exciting and I didn’t have much motivation to write about them, except for one. I ran a campy army which resulted in pretty stale games, unfortunately, so there’s not much to say about most of them.

Utah Monthly - June 2018 - Hordes 500

I’ll be honest, I’m not a huge fan of horde games, especially in a tournament setting. Once in a while with friends is okay, but trying to kill so many figures four times in a day is more of a grind than I like (although, to be fair, less than half of the armies tend to be actual hordes). So, when thinking of an army to play, I decided to go for something that was a little less conventional and hopefully would help me kill hordes well enough, as well as be good against horde killer armies.

BiggaBullfrog’s Army:
Taelord 180
Microcorp Troopers x4 80 (320)
Total: 500 Points/16 Figures

Microcorp Troopers are really good, especially with Raelin, so I wanted to see if using Taelord would be comparably as good. I also really liked the image of just unleashing lead on a bunch of swarming enemies, which actually got me excited to take on some hordes. (Unfortunately, as I mentioned, it wasn’t as exciting as I wanted.)

Game 1
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Game 2
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Game 3
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Game 4
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Sorry for the less exciting games; they unfortunately weren't great for me or my opponents. I'm working on the next report now, though, which was random team wildness, so hopefully that will make up for it.
Don't you hate it when you write out a report for your games, then find out it somehow got deleted? Anyway, about that report I mentioned a month ago:

Utah Monthly - August 2018 - Rotating Teams 350

I had a really good time coming up with armies for this tourney. It was an odd point total/figure limit for a Utah Monthly, but I enjoyed the fresh challenge. I ended up with eight or so viable army options to decide from. I eventually was able to halve that number, then had the difficult task of deciding between those four. I really wanted to run them all, so for funzies, the runner ups were: Azurite Warlord, Armoc Vipers x3 (drop one) (also foreshadowing); Nilfheim, Greenscales x2, Patrick Ferguson; and J15, Hoplitrons x4, Tyrian. The overall strongest army I tested was by far the Hoplitron build (Hops are solid against a lot of stuff and immune to Braxas, and J15 would have plenty of large/huge targets in this format), the strongest variant being Airborne Elite instead of Tyrian, but I wasn’t convinced of how well it would work with other random teammates, since it requires a bit more patience to run with. In the end, I went with a midrange army I felt would work well with any other army:

BiggaBullfrog’s Army:
Deathcommander Mark 3 130
Warden 816 90
Zettian Infantry x2 65 (130)
Total: 350 Points/8 Figures

This army also tested really well for me in my pre-tourney games. Deathcommander’s Explosive Rounds SA works really well, and when fighting against two players it gets good mileage. The firepower of the Zettian Infantry isn’t great, but the range I felt would help with flexibility, giving me some map control and support in areas where my heroes weren’t.

Game 1
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Game 2
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Game 3
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Game 4
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Flash_19 really wanted that Warden, though, and while picking off my Infantry slowly made his way forward, encouraging the Mezzos to kill Infantry as well. After a couple of turns they had enough room to run forward and the Varks speared Warden, who also died in one attack. A couple more attacks on my Infantry and I was out of the game.

I really did want Warden. :)

I enjoy reading your reports! Thanks for putting all the effort in to write them up!
Flash_19 really wanted that Warden, though, and while picking off my Infantry slowly made his way forward, encouraging the Mezzos to kill Infantry as well. After a couple of turns they had enough room to run forward and the Varks speared Warden, who also died in one attack. A couple more attacks on my Infantry and I was out of the game.

I really did want Warden. :)

I enjoy reading your reports! Thanks for putting all the effort in to write them up!

Thanks so much, I really appreciate the kind words! I can't wait for you to make it to another Monthly so I get my chance at redemption! :)
Flash_19 really wanted that Warden, though, and while picking off my Infantry slowly made his way forward, encouraging the Mezzos to kill Infantry as well. After a couple of turns they had enough room to run forward and the Varks speared Warden, who also died in one attack. A couple more attacks on my Infantry and I was out of the game.

I really did want Warden. :)

I enjoy reading your reports! Thanks for putting all the effort in to write them up!

Thanks so much, I really appreciate the kind words! I can't wait for you to make it to another Monthly so I get my chance at redemption! :)

For sure. :) So I was thinking, I don't think I've ever played a 1v1 game against you - it's always been teams, right?
Flash_19 really wanted that Warden, though, and while picking off my Infantry slowly made his way forward, encouraging the Mezzos to kill Infantry as well. After a couple of turns they had enough room to run forward and the Varks speared Warden, who also died in one attack. A couple more attacks on my Infantry and I was out of the game.

I really did want Warden. :)

I enjoy reading your reports! Thanks for putting all the effort in to write them up!

Thanks so much, I really appreciate the kind words! I can't wait for you to make it to another Monthly so I get my chance at redemption! :)

For sure. :) So I was thinking, I don't think I've ever played a 1v1 game against you - it's always been teams, right?

You know, I think you're right. And I think it's only been the two team games. That's actually really weird, you may be the regular at the monthlies I've played the least. That also would mean I've got a 100% loss rate to you, so maybe it's okay that we don't get matched up. ;)

Nah, I need to get stronger so I can beat those I usually lose to, so I guess that means you and Scaperedude are on the top of my list! Next time I'll come at you 100%!
Flash_19 really wanted that Warden, though, and while picking off my Infantry slowly made his way forward, encouraging the Mezzos to kill Infantry as well. After a couple of turns they had enough room to run forward and the Varks speared Warden, who also died in one attack. A couple more attacks on my Infantry and I was out of the game.

I really did want Warden. :)

I enjoy reading your reports! Thanks for putting all the effort in to write them up!

Thanks so much, I really appreciate the kind words! I can't wait for you to make it to another Monthly so I get my chance at redemption! :)

For sure. :) So I was thinking, I don't think I've ever played a 1v1 game against you - it's always been teams, right?

You know, I think you're right. And I think it's only been the two team games. That's actually really weird, you may be the regular at the monthlies I've played the least. That also would mean I've got a 100% loss rate to you, so maybe it's okay that we don't get matched up. ;)

Nah, I need to get stronger so I can beat those I usually lose to, so I guess that means you and Scaperedude are on the top of my list! Next time I'll come at you 100%!

Scaperedude may have just taught me his secrets before he left so that I could carry on in his stead.... I will neither confirm nor deny anything. ;)

Ha ha looking forward to it!
Utah Monthly - September 2018 - Dungeon Defenders 540

This format came from @TREX , who adapted the video game to Heroscape with some awesome 3D printed crystals. Each player had one of these crystals:

You won the game by destroying your opponent’s crystal, or by destroying all of their figures as usual. The format was super fun and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to spice up their games! (You can proxy crystals with anything — rock outcrops work well.)

Army building for this format was fun, and I had a few armies I kept bouncing between. Zombies x6 and Zombie Hulk x3 was a cool thematic one, and Knights of Blackgaard x3 and Vulcanmech Incendiborgs was another one I was really interested in (Knights of Blackgaard are one of my favorite C3V units). However, in a mini tournament that we did with TREX (who couldn’t make the game day) I realized both of those armies were way too defensive for the format, and while I would probably do well with them in a usual tourney, they didn’t do as well when it came to racing to kill a crystal. So I started thinking about Quahon, Sujoah, Spiders x4 and Mok, Axegrinders x4, Patrick Ferguson, but in the end I went with something even more offensive.

BiggaBullfrog’s Army:
Azurite Warlord 145
Zogross Hardscale 120
Armoc Vipers x4 65 (260)
Total: 525 Points/14 Figures

Azurite Warlord is boss at taking out specific targets, Armocs are great for board control, and with Zogross I felt I could play defense for a bit if needed before going in for the kill. I was a bit worried because my overall strategy would be a lot more aggressive than I usually play, but figured if other people were going for crystal-killing strategies then I’d at least be able to match them pretty well, and could be more careful in a defensive matchup if needed.

After a couple of games into the tourney I realized I had room for Isamu but didn’t include him. Oh well.

Game 1
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Game 2
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Game 3
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Game 4
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One of @Sir Heroscape's latest videos showcased this scenario. It looks like a really interesting game format. We will definitely be trying it out. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the shout @BiggaBullfrog. I seen the video sir H did against his wife. @bmon, it is pretty fun. The 3d crystals are free stl files on thingiverse along with the hex tree bases. Biggas right though. You could proxy with whatever you wanted as long as each object is the same size and dimension as your opponent's.
One of @Sir Heroscape's latest videos showcased this scenario. It looks like a really interesting game format. We will definitely be trying it out. Thanks for sharing!
It's a good one! I'm sure you'll enjoy the new experience it provides!
Thanks for the shout @BiggaBullfrog. I seen the video sir H did against his wife. @bmon, it is pretty fun. The 3d crystals are free stl files on thingiverse along with the hex tree bases. Biggas right though. You could proxy with whatever you wanted as long as each object is the same size and dimension as your opponent's.

Hey man, we had a ton of people saying they enjoyed the different format, so thank you for coming up with it, and for letting us use the crystals you printed out. It was a great time.
Man, it’s been a good while since I’ve written these reports. I had two tournaments in quick succession (a monthly followed by the Idaho NHSD) and then had a busy December which resulted in just forgetting to get to this. As a result, the details of these next couple are fuzzy, and some of my memories may be over/under exaggerated, but here we go anyway!

Utah Monthly - October 2018 - Monster Mash 600

Thinking of the army for this one was easy. I just thought of a unit that bonds with a lot of Large/Huge figures:

BiggaBullfrog’s Army:
Grigor & Rogirg 175
Mimring 150
Swog Rider x4 25 (100)
Arrow Gruts x4 40 (160)

Grigor & Rogirg were in there instead of Krug because they hadn’t been played at a Monthly, and also because of the higher point total (for so many figures, Arrows and Swogs are cheap!). They fill a similar role, just with the high damage potential front-loaded instead of back-loaded, and with slightly better survivability. With Mimring and Arrow Gruts to pull armies in and the Ettin to bash them, I felt pretty comfortable with this army going in. (Arrow Grut builds are just good in the Utah meta in general.)

Game 1
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Game 2
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Game 3
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Game 4
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That was a great time bigga. Thanks for the play by play to put a smile on my face. Who knew some disengaging arrow gruts would be my undoing.
That was a great time bigga. Thanks for the play by play to put a smile on my face. Who knew some disengaging arrow gruts would be my undoing.

One of my favorite games, in no small part because of that superhero Deathreaver! :D I would have been very okay if it had survived and killed the rest of my army. I think our games are consistently some of the closest and wildest I have.
The longer it takes me to get to these reports the shorter they get… So this one will be pretty short in the battle section. Not terrible as I enjoy doing shorter reports occasionally.

Idaho NHSD - Reverse-the-Whip 600

I’m a big fan of Reverse-the-Whip, and I had a lot of fun army ideas for this one that would give those Idahoans headaches. :D Some of my favorites were:

Blade Gruts x3
Sgt. Drake 2.0
James Murphy
(I actually almost went with this one, but didn’t want to have to fight Sgt. Drake)

Venoc Warlord
Mohican River Tribe x3
Brave Arrow
Maltis Tez

Warden 816
Blastatrons x4

Sgt. Drake 2.0
Deathreavers x4
(Still really want to do a Rae/Tae/Rat army sometime)

But in the end, I went with a variant of an Axegrinder/Rogue army I had been playing a lot at the time (due to play testing Kha for SoV). I just added stuff to make it 600 points.

BiggaBullfrog’s Army:
Raelin RotV 80
Eltahale 140
Darrak Ambershard 60
Axegrinders of the Burning Forge x2 70 (140)
Nottingham Brigand x3 35 (105)
Phantom Knights x1 70
595 Points/16 Figures

The base was the Axegrinders, Darrak, Brigands, and Raelin. Having two squads to bond with Darrak is fun, especially for a RtW army. I figured my holes were a Special Attack and some anti-range, so I popped in Eltahale and a squad of PK’s and was ready to mash some potatoes!! (Because Idaho…)

Game 1
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Game 2
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Game 3
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Game 4
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Game 5
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