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Bigga Battle Chronicles


Usurper of Shenanigans (but only 10 points under)
Site Supporter
Welcome to my BBC!

I like to post battle reports for our monthly throw-downs, so I figured it was about time I started a thread for it and stopped clogging up other threads with my battle report spam. This thread is primarily for me to be able to keep track of my battle reports (I guess it's my form of scrapbooking), and to possibly provide some sort of entertainment for people with enough time on their hands to actually read them. If you do read some, please enjoy them!

Man, I'm Way Behind: - Utah Monthly - March - General Wars 555
No one's played Alistair at a Monthly yet, giving me an excuse to run Knights x4

I Actually Have Some of these Written Already: Utah Monthly - February - Teams 650
I team up with my li'l bro who hasn't played in years!

Somewhat Soon: Idaho Tourney - Bring 2 450

I Swear These Are Actually Coming Soon Now: Utah Monthly - January - Standard 500
In which we ask: Can I grok the Groks? The Sequel!

Idaho NHSD - 600 pt RTW
Take some shortcakes for your long-range rogue cakes, add a Special thunder cake, toss in a dash of anti-range flakes, and wrap in bacon.

Utah Monthly - October - Monster Mash
Orc Horde - Beast Mode!!!

Utah Monthly - September - Dungeon Defenders
I become the Dungeon Invader with my army of snakes! (and lizard)

Utah Monthly - August - Random Teams
Deathcommander Mark 3 has much better survivability than a Deathwalker, right?

Utah Monthly - June - Hordes (Unlimited Start Zones)
Horde-crushing with ... Taelord?

Utah Monthly - May - General Wars
The ants go marching six by four, hurrah, hurrah...
I also play my 100th tournament game!

Utah Monthly - April - Half Hero Armies
After thinking of all the cool, synergistic Hero armies I could play, I decide to instead troll everyone else.

Utah Monthly - March - Playtesting
Orc Horde!!!

Idaho Tournament - Standard 530
In which we ask: Can I grok the Groks?

Utah Monthly - January - Standard 500
I start off a new year of Monthlies with Runa. And Scaperedude beats me vicariously.

Jingle Bell Bash 2017 - Bring 2
Another frenzy of 7 games! Without Deathwalker, I surely must do better, right?

Idaho NHSD 2017 - Valhallan Wastelands
I fight Gladiatrons and Blastatrons twice. Can Valguard prevail?

Utah NHSD 2017 - Bigga Bigger Battles
I embrace my villainous side and become Eternal BiggaThanos! Zehahahaha!

Utah Monthly - August - Teams
True and I team up for glory. And embrace diversity in our army composition. Oh, and Scaperedude was there.

Utah Monthly - July - GenCon Prep (Reverse-the-Whip)
I get to run my favorite army - the same one I took to my first tournament.

Utah Monthly - June - Hordes (Unlimited StartZone space) (Scroll Down)
I again embrace my love of the Japanese by running Ninjas and a Giant Robot.

Idaho Tournament - Uncharted Wellsprings (Scroll Down)
I fire up not one, but two lawnmowers for this high-point tourney.

Utah Monthly - May - Wandering Monsters
My first time taking a Marvel Hero to a tournament. And I still get beaten by Scaperedude.

Utah Monthly - April - Themed Armies

Utah Monthly - March - Tag Teams
Tons of different allies and opponents. And Scaperedude beats me again.

Utah Monthly - January - First Monthly!
I pilot the ever-famous Steamroller. Bonus game at the end with one of my favorite 'Scaping moments ever.

Jingle Bell Bash 2016 - Bring 2/Quick Games
A tournament in which I pursue the question: In how many ways can Deathwalker die?

Idaho NHSD 2016 - Ruins of Valhalla
I take Dund to a tournament, but have to use Glads/Blasts to balance him out.

Utah NHSD 2016 - Reverse-the-Whip
I get epically slaughtered by Scaperedude for the first time.

Utah NHSD 2010 - First Tournament
All bright-eyed at never having seen so much 'Scape in one place, I do my best at the first of what has become many tournaments.
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August Monthly - Teams

True Bigga Battle Report

True’s a great player. He's grown so much this past year since he first started, and has gotten past the point where I ever need to give him advice while we’re playing, and in fact he often uses better tactics than me. However, after he went 0-4 during the NHSD prep tourney, he told me that he really wanted to play a really strong army. Preferably Nilfheim, as that was the main unit of the army he took to his first tournament, and he got second there, so he wanted them good times back. So we came up for a Nilf-centric army for him and something to complement for me.

Team Rainbow:
Nilfheim 185
Krav Maga Agents 100
Isamu 10
295 Points/5 Figures

Shieldsmiths of Granite Keep x3 80 (240)
Zetacron 60
300 Points/10 Figures

Our strategy overall was for True to be the firepower, using his range to his advantage and never letting the enemy get close, while I moved 5-Defense Dwarves out to hold the line and deal some damage when the opportunity arose. I also took Zetacron to help snipe opposing heroes if we ever needed to. It was a fun combination and we felt good going in.

Bonus Game
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Game 2
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Game 3
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@BiggaBullfrog shame on you for stealing that last hour of my life...... I had hopes and dreams of getting some homework done, but no. You had to post all those INCREDIBLE reports, and what am I supposed to do? Not read them? For crying out loud I had to read them all, and they were MAGNIFICENT and highly entertaining. I hope you're happy.

Also reading through that first tournament report.... wow. I was a young whippersnapper then, but wish I could've been there. But not to fear, let's make our own tournaments look like that! Anyways great reports!
@BiggaBullfrog shame on you for stealing that last hour of my life...... I had hopes and dreams of getting some homework done, but no. You had to post all those INCREDIBLE reports, and what am I supposed to do? Not read them? For crying out loud I had to read them all, and they were MAGNIFICENT and highly entertaining. I hope you're happy.
So... I win? :razz:
Also reading through that first tournament report.... wow. I was a young whippersnapper then, but wish I could've been there. But not to fear, let's make our own tournaments look like that! Anyways great reports!
Haha, yeah man, I was your age back then! Crazy to think how much time has passed. But I never thought back then that we would have such an active scene 7 years in the future, so I think we're doing a great job!
@BiggaBullfrog I love it can't wait to read it all!!
Thanks man! I've got to get to writing the Utah NHSD one so I can get our battle together up!
Hey @BiggaBullfrog when are the rest of the reports coming?

Soon! I'm almost done with them, but left my notes from the NHSD's in my apartment in Logan, so I want to get them in hand to double check some battles I'm a little hazy on (I waited wayyy too long to work on them). I head back tomorrow and plan on working on them the next few days, so either this weekend or early next week. Thanks for reminding me!
Utah NHSD 2017

First off, I waited way too long to write this one, so I was pretty hazy on some details, and couldn’t find my notes to double-check them, so forgive me if the quality/accuracy suffers.

Bigga Battle Report

True and I are nuts about My Hero Academia, and for a while (ever since Heracles was released) we’ve been wanting to do themed armies for it. True played the good guys with Knights, the Viking Champions, and Heracles as a stand-in for the all-mighty All Might (because he really feels like All Might when playing him). I, on the other hand, took a more villainous turn with my army (mostly to embrace the memes).

VillainBullfrog’s Army:
Thanos 360
Venoc Vipers x6 40 (240)
600 Points/19 Figures

Yahahahaha. Yes, it is time for I, Eternal BiggaThanos, to come out of the shadows and lead my minions to victory. I alone will surely be the most powerful being here, and will singlehandedly destroy the competition. And even if my opponents are able to overwhelm me, my minions will swarm over them in vengeance, taking multiple turns, and by so doing, I shall quickly be able to come back from death to re-enter the fray. With my powers, I shall always have the last (evil) laugh. None shall be able to stand in my way.

Game 1
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Game 2
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Game 3
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Game 4
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Game 5
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Idaho NHSD 2017 - Valhallan Wastelands

Bigga Battle Report

Unfortunately, nothing super interesting as far as army creation this time. I had a couple ideas of armies that I’ve been wanting to play that work out really well as 500 point General Wars armies, like Mariedians or Mok and Axegrinders, but in the end I went with another oldie-but-goodie army I’ve been meaning to use.

BiggaBullfrog’s Army:
Roman Legionnaires x3 50 (150)
Marcus Decimus Gallus 100
Valguard 110
Kaemon Awa 120
480 Points/15 Figures

I enjoy Romans, and have fun with Valguard, especially since I feel like a lot of my opponents underestimate him when I do get to field him. Kaemon Awa, of course, is just a good add-in for range and a special attack. I was 20 points under the limit, but I was okay with that, figuring that if a game did end up coming down to a 20-point difference I’d just kick myself in the foot then.

Game 1
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Game 2
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Game 3
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Awesome Bigga!!! Hey did we ever go toe to toe at the jingle bell bash?
Yeah, we did. That report should be finished soon. I just haven't had wifi available at my apartment the past while and so uploaded these last couple really quick while I was at a friend's.
Excellent reports! Fun, easy to follow and well worth the read.
Thanks so much for that big compliment! I'm glad you're enjoying them and hope I can keep improving!
Jingle Bell Bash

Bigga Battle Report

I had a ton of ideas for this format (Bring Two, 320 Points), but none of them were really sticking out to me as something I wanted to play. Eventually I decided that if I wanted to play better armies, I would do Warriors of Ashra x4 and Asterios as my first army, and Goblin Cutters x3 and Sgt Drake v2 as my second army, giving me a good option against both range and melee armies, and giving me two armies that could beat each other (I think). But they just weren’t seeming fun enough to me. Instead, I went with a couple armies more on the fun side of things:

Army 1
M-43 Resistance Fighters x3 65 (195)
Jarek Guy 100
Marcu Essenwein 20
315 Points / 10 Spaces

Army 2
Kantono Daishi 120
Moriko 110
Shiori 60
Kira Jax 30
320 Points / 4 Spaces

I enjoy playing the Mariedians, even if they’re not super strong competitively. They’re easily some of my favorite figures that Custom ’Scape has produced. I also really enjoy playing the Ninjas, and ran them in a tournament earlier this year, so I was hesitant to run them again, but they’re just really fun and that’s what I really wanted to go for this time.

Game 1
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Game 2
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Game 3
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Game 4
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Game 5
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Game 6
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Game 7
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Utah Monthly - January 2018 - Standard 500

A new year, a new season of Monthlies, and I was ready to start things off strong with some of the worst units out there: the Grok Riders! I was first thinking of running:

Roman Legionnaires x3
Raelin RotV
Grok Riders x1

I thought this one would be decent, using Romans to move up the Warlords while plodding forward in Raelin’s aura. NGS grabs a glyph, MBS shoots stuff, and Groks are ready to flank and strike at a key target when needed. But I also didn’t want to play so campy (and had plans for another Roman army I want to use later). So I decided on:

Grok Riders x2
Krav Maga Agents

Not something I was ecstatic about, but it looked fun, even if it didn’t feel like it would win anything. But then Sir Heroscape announced a tournament and looking at its maps and point total, I decided that Groks would work much better there. So we’ll table that battle report. For now, we have the runner up!

BiggaBullfrog’s Army:
Runa 120
Minions of Utgar x2 110 (220)
Airborne Elite 110
Marro Warriors 50
500 Points/15 Figures

I’ve been poking around the old Unit Strategy Reviews (an awesome resource if you haven’t read them - check them out!) and one that has always stuck out to me is Runa’s. The army that killercactus recommended for her came out to exactly 500 points (the one above), so I decided to give it a run. Simple as that. Note: this was my first time playing Runa probably ever. I may have played her once when I first got her, which would be about 10 years ago. But hey, I’d never played Thanos before I took him to NHSD, so what could go wrong?

Game 1
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Game 2
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Game 3
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Game 4
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I was pretty pleased with this little army in the end. None of my opponents were as afraid of Runa as I thought they would be, but that’s probably because they had never been exposed to her (I don’t think any of them knew what she did) and thus didn’t have any nightmare games where she decimated an army to refer to. But it was fun to use a figure I hadn’t for a long time, if at all (I really have no recollection if I’d played her before). It’s a nice, flexible army I’d recommend to anyone looking for a few fun games.
It’s been a while! I’ve been keeping notes for battle reports and have been putting them together here and there for a while, but I’ve finally found the time to actually start to finish them. It’s been a while since this first one happened, though, so forgive any hazy details!

Idaho Tourney - Standard 530

I’ve been on a kick of wanting to try different units out. I’d already decided last month to use Grok Riders to see if I can grok them, but when the format and maps for this tournament were announced, I decided they would probably have a better showing here.

BiggaBullfrog’s Army:
Grok Riders x2 130 (260)
Ne-Gok-Sa 90
Me-Burq-Sa 50
Raelin RotV 80
Marro Warriors 50
530 Points/13 Figures

Basically, as I was getting ready for the tourney and I was thinking about the army, I could not see myself winning any battles unless something weird happened. Raelin makes everything better but Groks just cost so much per figure. But I was committed. I figured I could bring opponents in with Marro Warriors and MBS until I was ready to hit them hard with Groks still in Raelin’s aura. I hate campy tactics like that but that’s all I had with this army, so I was willing to try.

Best part, though, was when we played some practice games the night before at Sir Heroscape’s house. When I pulled out my army, the looks on @antmarchinggroves , @Flash_19 , and @Sir Heroscape ’s faces were priceless. The best “wut?” faces. It was worth it just for that.

Game 1
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Game 2
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Game 3
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Game 4
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It was indeed an epic game. My favorite one of the evening. Im glad you posted a play by play.
Utah Monthly - March 2018 - Playtesting 440

This Monthly was unique for two reasons, both having to do with playtesting. First off, we were playing on maps that had made the Top 10 in the most recent ARV map contest. Second, we were allowing units in the C3V’s Public Playtesting forum to be used. Now, I playtest a bunch, and I’m a fan, but since there were so many other players signing up for playtesting units, I decided to instead play an army good to playtest against, and good to get a feel for maps with.

BiggaBullfrog’s Army:
Tornak 100
Hrognak 65
Nerak 50
Blade Gruts x4 40 (160)
Brute Gruts 65
435 Points/23 Figures

Orcs! I’m a big fan of orcs, and Heavy Gruts are my second favorite squad. But I’ve played those guys in a tournament twice already, so I sacrificed their solid stats for mobility with Blade Gruts, which are really fun in their own right. Then I just piled on Champions and some Brute Gruts (who I play tested during their time and thus knew their high power level) for good measure, and I had a solid, mostly melee army that would make for some fun games. I knew I would have numbers and mobility on my side in most if not every game, which leads to good map control, and that’s how I usually like to win my games, so I was ready to rumble.

Game 1
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Game 2
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Game 3
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Game 4
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Huh. I didn't realize one of my maps had been used at the Idaho tournament. Cool!

(also I love reading your reports in general, so keep it up :up:)
It was indeed an epic game. My favorite one of the evening. Im glad you posted a play by play.
It was my favorite too! One of the swingiest and most fun games I've played!
Huh. I didn't realize one of my maps had been used at the Idaho tournament. Cool!

(also I love reading your reports in general, so keep it up :up:)
It was a fun map! I've got several more of yours on my list of maps to try out between ARV tests. And thanks for the compliment, it means a lot! :)
Utah Monthly - April 2018 - Half Heroes 500

This month gave me a good chance to try out the monks, a hero army (I like the challenge of hero armies) that I’d been looking forward to using. However, once I realized that everyone else would be guaranteed to have at least 250 points of unique heroes in their army, I decided to troll them all with one of my favorite figures instead.

BiggaBullfrog’s Army:
Werewolf Lord x2 140 (280)
Wolves of Badru x2 80 (160)
Samuel Brown 60
Total: 500 Points/9 Figures

The Werewolf Lord is just a fun figure. Why worry about making my own synergistic army when I can just focus on ruining everybody else’s? Monks, Ninjas, Elf Wizards, Bonding Armies, all ruined by Lycanthropy, and any strong heroes become secret agents I use to destroy their own armies. It’s not a very competitive army, but I just wanted to mess with my opponent’s armies a bunch, have fun, and that would be a win in my book.

Game 1
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Game 2
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Game 3
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Game 4
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Utah Monthly - May 2018 - General Wars 525

Both of the Ant squads that VC has put out have always intrigued me, so a couple months ago I went and bought a bag of the Xualtica Fire Ants from Amazon, landing a total of 192 ants (no idea why they couldn’t just go up to an even 200, but oh well). More than I needed for myself, of course, but I figured that I could keep six squads for myself and then have 42 squads left over to use as prizes at our Monthlies (4 or 5 squads at a time — I feel like it would be nice for players to be able to leave with half of a new army). So I picked 24 of the most unique Ants that connected with me personally, and created my Ant family (being Ringo, John, Paul, George, Antony, Bryant, Jordant, sAnta, Timothy, Edward, Dimitri, Wallace, Julianne, Heather, Shoshauna, Jill, Stephanie, Heather, Jackie, Sharon, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo). Then, when I saw the point limit for this format, I had to use them since the army fit perfectly:

BiggaBullfrog’s Army:
Xualtica Fire Ants x6 55 (330)
Quahon 190
Total: 520 Points/25 Figures (Drop one ant)

Boy oh boy was I ready for some stinging/swarming map control action. Although, in a game I played with the Ants before the tourney (against True’s Arrow Grut army), I tried stinging everything I could and felt that it wasn’t working well enough. So I did some research and looked up AliasQTip’s Dice Probability Chart. Turns out, often attacks of 2 are going to have as good or better odds of inflicting a wound on a figure (when that figure has 3 or 4 defense), so I printed off a copy to use during my games. Basically in gameplay that meant that I would usually make normal attacks with my Ants until I was engaged with at least 5, preferably 6 different enemy figures, at which I would start rolling for stinging damage. High defense figures changed things, of course, and Heroes I would almost always normally attack (especially with height) unless they were almost completely surrounded (as you’re more likely to get multiple sounds off of attacks than rolling a D20 where if you miss the first roll, you’re done for the turn).

Basically, there were a lot of decision points with this army, and I loved it.

Game 1
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Game 2
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Game 3
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Game 4
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Great fun tournament! Xualtica Fire Ants come highly recommended as a fun (and surprisingly powerful) army to run.

In other news, after updating my tournament lists (I keep track of the Utah meta, what units have been played, as well as my own tournament lists of units played and win/loss record) I realized that, with this tournament, I have played 100 tournament games (in 23 tournaments), which is pretty neat! (Or at least I think it is.) So, for those who want to indulge in myself with me, I’m posting here some snapshot statistics for funzies (and so I can come back and look at where I was).

Probably most interesting to people is my win/loss record, which is 69/31. That means I have a 69% win rate. I have a soft goal of bumping that up to 75%, as that’s where I’d ideally like to be, but 69% isn’t half bad (in fact, it’s only 31% bad). (EDIT - Forgot to mention probably the other most interesting thing here: I've played in 23 tournaments and won 3 of them, a significantly lower statistic than my overall win rate.)

This goal does take a back seat to my goal of seeing every unit in both Classic and VC played at a Utah Monthly, though, which may affect my win rate (Groks only do so well, but I enjoy the challenge of that goal more than the winning one). This year I have played at least one unplayed figure in each army, and still have some units from last year that I’m the only one to have played (Ashigaru/Kato probably being my favorites from last year). I’ll keep playing unplayed units until they’ve all seen play at a Monthly.

Speaking of units that I’ve played, I have a running list of those in addition to the one I keep for the Utah Monthlies as a whole. The numbers work like this: Number of armies/Unit/Total amount played (for commons/uncommons). So 3 Warforged (x8 ) means I’ve played Warforged in 3 armies, with 8 squads played total (in this case, two armies with three squads and one with two).
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Most of the individual army lists can be found in my battle reports, with the exceptions of Utah NHSD 2014 where I played Grimnak, Nerak, Heavies x3, Syvarris, and Eldgrim (going 2-2), and the Goblin Throw Down 2016 in Idaho where I ran Venoc Warlord, Venoc Vipers x5, and Q9 (going 2-1).

All in all, it’s been a gas, and I’m super lucky to live where Heroscape is played so much, and with such a variety of people (I regularly get to play against new players as well as experienced ones). Here’s looking forward to the next 100 games! (In a tournament. Including playtesting, I’d hit that pretty quickly … :))
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