I'm here for round two! I originally remade these when the Haslab failed, but now with Renegade finally releasing Age of Annihilation, I've gone back through and updated all of the cards to be in the classic Heroscape style. Feel free to download and print! If you have any requests or fixes to suggest, feel free to @Mirza on the Heroscapers discord! I can't seem to get any images to be posted after the Heroscapers update, so I'll just drop the google drive links here! I will keep updating waves as they come out, as long as people want them.
Ewashia Example
Comparison of Classic vs Mine vs Renegade
Full Print Pages:
Individual Card Pngs:
Ewashia Example
Comparison of Classic vs Mine vs Renegade
Full Print Pages:
Age of Annihilation Classic Cards - Google Drive

Individual Card Pngs:
Individual Pngs - Google Drive

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