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Search results

  1. TheAverageFan

    Fan Fic Contest - Are you the best writer?

    I'm fond of the very first prompt or the derelict craft one, should Dustwind not return. Of course none of this would've happened if TGRF had simply judged better! :lol: ~TAF
  2. TheAverageFan

    Let's create second editions for all of ROTV

    I like the idea, although you might be surprised just how much content you can milk out of Master Set 1 (there's so many armies in there!). I imagine most users' redesigns would just be trying to fix the more problematic MS1 units :lol: I like your Izumi redesign. Part of the charm of a lot of...
  3. TheAverageFan

    Lord Hierarch Snippit Corner

    I've complimented the use of photos to go with the story previously, but it still holds true here. It reminds me of the folks who get real creative with their actual game battle reports :lol: Nicely done :up: ~TAF
  4. TheAverageFan

    Comment by 'TheAverageFan' in 'Writing Update #14 - December'

    Looking forward to DoD sequel :) The most interesting thing a sequel might bring (to me) is what might occur and/or change over the time skip between entries. A lot can happen over a few years, and not getting to immediately see what occurred in that time span is an easy in for reader intrigue...
  5. TheAverageFan

    Fan Fic Contest - Are you the best writer?

    Thanks! I think...? :lol: ~TAF
  6. TheAverageFan

    Fan Fic Contest - Are you the best writer?

    The problem with this prompt is that it gave me too many ideas for premises, and it took too long to ultimately settle on one :lol: As the winner Dustwind, you must come up with the next prompt! Writing is easy, judging is hard! ~TAF
  7. TheAverageFan

    Fan Fic Contest - Are you the best writer?

    Let the wheel decide! ~TAF
  8. TheAverageFan

    TGRF's HeroScape AI Wallpapers

    Pretty cool. While AI is the bane of highly talented artists, for mediocre artists like me it can do a lot of heavy lifting. I've considered using it to create sketch-like pieces that match the style of the iconic pictures that appear in Thormun's Journals. ~TAF
  9. TheAverageFan

    Fan Fic Contest - Are you the best writer?

    OK! That took way too long for me to complete! I did a big chunk of work in the initial day of inspiration, then lost access to my laptop for seven days, then got stuck with writer's block regarding the ending, then got dissatisfied with what I'd written and rewrote the entire thing—not the...
  10. TheAverageFan

    Fan Fic Contest - Are you the best writer?

    I need a bit more time. Circumstances beyond my control contrived to deprive me of my writing laptop for several days, so I'm that many days behind. It threw off my groove too! ~TAF
  11. TheAverageFan

    Fan Fic Contest - Are you the best writer?

    Actually I lied I got an idea and am working on an entry. It'll need a bit more time in the oven to perfect but it ought to be ready by or before EL showing back up :lol: ~TAF
  12. TheAverageFan

    Fan Fic Contest - Are you the best writer?

    I fear I will not be participating. I've come up with a few ideas, just not any good ones. If inspiration strikes before all entries are officially in, then I'll throw my hat into the ring. But that is unlikely. :shrug: ~TAF
  13. TheAverageFan

    Consolidated List of Problems With The Renegade AOA Roll Out

    Heroscape has never really had powercreep, except for maybe the Fen Hydra or something? It does certainly have complexity creep—I think there's only one AoA unit we've gotten so far with only a single power. That's the sort of thing that's really hard to avoid as a game goes on for years ~TAF
  14. TheAverageFan

    Fan Fic Contest - Are you the best writer?

    The word limit is always a limit, so it can be anything under 5000 words (or even a little over if you can sweet-talk the judge into it :wink:) If you want any three characters I'd say a Marro Stinger, Guilty McCreech, and a Shaolin Monk :up: ~TAF
  15. TheAverageFan

    Fan Fic Contest - Are you the best writer?

    Welcome! No deadline at the moment, unless the judge decides to set one. If you have an idea there is time ~TAF
  16. TheAverageFan

    Fan Fic Contest - Are you the best writer?

    It's going great! I've almost started! :lol: ~TAF
  17. TheAverageFan

    The Book of Xiamara the Kyrie Warrior

    I unfortunately don't have Atlaga but in a casual game I really dig this Ullar Kyrie exclusive force. Finally an army where Saylind really feels useful to play rather than just being a one-trick pony for Syvarris or Dan or whoever needs to get up onto the castle :rofl: ~TAF
  18. TheAverageFan

    Comment by 'TheAverageFan' in 'Writing Update #12 - October'

    In lieu of a team to spitball ideas with, yeah I'd say it's a much-needed tool :D Outside perspectives (even a robot's) can be invaluable for covering one's blind spots ~TAF
  19. TheAverageFan

    Comment by 'TheAverageFan' in 'Writing Update #12 - October'

    I keep looking forward to those novels, and you keep slashing your progress and restarting :lol: But seriously I do want to read them and am eager to check out even a sample chapter. My own progress remains slow, as work and distractions keep me busy... ~TAF
  20. TheAverageFan

    Consolidated List of Problems With The Renegade AOA Roll Out

    Irene's too far in the opposite direction! What a mundane name—we just call her Mama Bear :rofl: that seems to fit better ~TAF