• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Search results

  1. Kaiser Cat

    The Defenders

    An indie game maker for Yoyogame.com made a game called The Defenders 2 several months ago. I've enjoyed the game immensely, and recently found out that the creator released the game for the Xbox360. It's a great game, costs only 240 Xbox units, and the game maker deserves your money...
  2. Kaiser Cat

    No need to wait, let's give out the award now.

    Propagandic Premise! Overdone Acting! (Might be script's fault) Ridiculous overreactions! Reasonable people treated as ignorant! Bad writing in general! Acting like the problems present are serious and terrible obstacles! The one... The only... Cyberbully- Worst movie 2011
  3. Kaiser Cat

    The Heroscapers Pokemon Tourney thread

    This is the thread for a HSers Black and White tourney. The event will (Probably) be held on May 7th. The rules will be Flat Battle, with each match being best out of 3. This means that all of your pokemon should be level 50 or higher. The prize is either a low level or egg form of _______...
  4. Kaiser Cat


    Is anyone here aware of the Cleverbot program? I had an interesting conversation with it just now. The program can be found Here.
  5. Kaiser Cat

    Yet another "Which Army?" Thread

    I'm trying to set up a small tournament in my area (Not yet confirmed, though) and I've narrowed my choice down to two armies. The Restriction is 520 points, 24 spaces. I know that Jack of Spades, Turret Rocks, and The Broken Skyline will be included if the whole thing works out, and Embattled...
  6. Kaiser Cat

    If you could only have one D3 Pack, which would you choose?

    It's about that time again... I thought it over, and I think that the best way to emphasize a minimal amount of packs without the packs becoming useless would be to say this: Imagine you were given the choice of getting only one type of Wave D3 pack. Assume you would get 2 copies of a common...
  7. Kaiser Cat

    The Custom Master Set Project-Terrain and Scenarios Thread

    This is the map thread for Flameslayer's Custome Master Set Project. I, like Flameslayer, have wanted to see a ClassicScape Master Set for a long time. This project's purpose is to make it happen! Voting/Rank Notes: Members of Project Master Set are ranked into four groups based on their...
  8. Kaiser Cat

    Kaiser Cat's Campaigns and Dungeon Crawls

    My first Dungeon Crawl is now done! Click here to download Tirade of Trials *Requires one D&D Master set and one Castle set PDF Version
  9. Kaiser Cat

    The Soundwarp Abilitizing Commision.

    Inspired by the C3G and Utgar's General, I have made this thread in honor of Soundwarp's 100th figure. I have permission from Soundwarp to make this thread. As I mentioned in the above text, Soundwarp has now reached the mark of 100 custom figures. However, if you look at his customs thread...
  10. Kaiser Cat

    If you could only have 1 D2 pack, which would you choose?

    Due to the popularity of my "If you only had one D1 Pack..." thread, and the interesting look at what people actually think about the units that I got from it, I have decided to post the same thread, except that, naturally, this thread deals with the upcoming wave D2. Since this was kind of...
  11. Kaiser Cat

    Kaiser Cat's Kaiseriffic maps!

    Maps that have been tested: Pasturized Pass [/spoiler] Division A Path Through the Cavern Titan's Tablet Starfish (Three Player Map) Garden Shrine Logic Error. [/spoiler] Untested Maps: Hive-in-a-Box Hellgyser Marvel Dungeonscape Spider Sacrifice Sky Garden Purification Plant...
  12. Kaiser Cat

    Why do you not like (Or like) the D&D units?

    A simple question. A lot of people dislike the direction the game is taking, including me, but what specifically do you dislike about it? Personally, I don't like how it kills the variety of the game. One of the things that makes the game interesting is how there are so many units which are...
  13. Kaiser Cat

    Using Beadsprites for figures

    I was looking through the internet a while ago, and I came across this: http://beadsprites.informe.com/bead-sprites-by-vintersphrost-dt688.html To put it simply, I am wondering if this will work for people with customs from games that will not have figures fit for HS. (For example, I made some...
  14. Kaiser Cat

    Atlaga Dungeon Question

    Quick question. On Atlaga's BotW, it says you can use it once per game. If I am using him in a dungeon crawl, can I use it once per room or once in the whole crawl? Thanks in advance.
  15. Kaiser Cat

    Kaiser Cat's Dungeon Reports!!

    Hey all. A lot of you probably know about the battle reports many members make. Well, I got an idea sort of like that. It's simple; I play through a dungeon crawl or campaign, and write a report on it. Not all that complicated. I don't know whether this idea will work or not, but I am going to...
  16. Kaiser Cat

    Three "Gain High Ground" ?'s

    I just got some Granite guardians 2 days ago, and have three questions. 1) I think the answer is yes, but just to be sure, can I move all of my Granite Guardians with GHG? It says to move each granite guardian you control. 2) When moving with GHG, do you take leaving engagement attacks? 3) The...
  17. Kaiser Cat

    Kaiser Cat's Megamanscape

    Me and some friends have been working on some custom units from the Megaman series. Most of them are still undergoing playtesting, but here are the satisfactory units thus far, although the only one I am 100% happy with is the Yellow Devil. The Yellow Devil: Megaman and Protoman: Metools...
  18. Kaiser Cat

    Can Large or Huge Figures ignore ladders?

    I was playing a game just now (Still in progress as I write this), and I have a raised area in my map, 4 levels tall. I put ladders in 3 places and battlements in all the other places. (It is a 3-way symmetrical map) My question is, since Large and Huge figures can't use ladders, can they...
  19. Kaiser Cat

    Is there a size limit for adventurers?

    Just a quick question, since I just finished designing a campaign: Is there a size limit on units in adventuring parties? Essentially, can you put Large or Huge figures into adventuring parties, or are you limited to small and medium?
  20. Kaiser Cat

    600 point 10th regiment army

    This is a semi-competitive 600 point army that I made to rocket the stats of my favorite units ever: The 10th Regiment of foot. Warning: contains Rat screens. 10TH REGIMENT OF FOOTx2-150 MARCUS DECIMUS GALLUS-250 RAELIN(RotV)-330 TAELORD-510 DEATHREAVERSx2-590 ISAMU-600 I have used this army...