Requires: 1 SotM, 1 BftU, 1 RttFF
Designed for 500-600 Point Armies.
Recommended Power Glyphs are Valda and Wannok. (Glyphs should be randomly placed symbol-side up, then flipped over after armies are placed.
Glyph of Brandar is a random Treasure Glyph.
Treasure Glyph Trap: "Whoops!"
On a roll of 1-5, the Hero trying to pick up the glyph trips. Roll 2 attack dice. The Hero takes one wound for each skull. If the Hero is Huge, one at a time, roll one attack die for each figure adjacent to it to see if it gets crushed. The figure takes one wound for each skull.
Designed for 500-600 Point Armies.
Recommended Power Glyphs are Valda and Wannok. (Glyphs should be randomly placed symbol-side up, then flipped over after armies are placed.
Glyph of Brandar is a random Treasure Glyph.
Treasure Glyph Trap: "Whoops!"
On a roll of 1-5, the Hero trying to pick up the glyph trips. Roll 2 attack dice. The Hero takes one wound for each skull. If the Hero is Huge, one at a time, roll one attack die for each figure adjacent to it to see if it gets crushed. The figure takes one wound for each skull.