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Base Sticker Pattern (version 2-15) 2012-02-19 04:57:17

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A new pattern for base stickers.

For best results, print out at 100% scale on glossy sticker paper. When specifying the type of paper for your printer settings, however, I recommend that you avoid anything like "glossy photo paper" or "super-glossy photo paper". Instead choose "premium presentation paper matte" (as it's called on my Epson) or any other paper setting corresponding to good/photo-quality matte paper.

Note: the JPG below is of lower resolution than the PDF. For best results, download and print the PDF, not the JPG. I include the JPG, though, in case any of you would like to tweak the colors/levels/saturations yourself. :p

For discussion, please check out the thread. Any feedback appreciated!
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